avodart ruined my life


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Guys I am new and confused by this :-x .

I went on finasteride for 3 months and noticed my hair got worse at the front (I know everyone tell me you gotta give it a year) so I quit.
Now because dutasteride blocks both type-I and type-II enzymes I wanna give it a shot but a few people from a few forums say that its f@#ked their hair.
They claim (and whether its true or not) that a low number of people have sensitive follicles, normally at the front, that are more prone to damage by Testosterone alone.
Now if dutasteride or finasteride up your testosterone levels this makes sense that a small percentage actually get negative results?

Not trying to influence people as we all know DHT is the main culprit but would any experienced posters care to disprove this?


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if i were admin i would ban you

this is the third thread like this, i think they are even copy pasted

you've been reassured about this problem by many people many times, stop whoring for attention on the board.

if you want real support and not just attention, why not post some pics.
f*****g idiot.


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Says the guy who quotes a post of 14 years ago
Didn’t realize it was that old. Regardless, they are an idiot for claiming something false. And you’re an idiot for trying to turn it back on me. f*** off.


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Didn’t realize it was that old. Regardless, they are an idiot for claiming something false. And you’re an idiot for trying to turn it back on me. f*** off.

You must be on your period.


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My Regimen
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I opened this thread and was wondering where all these accounts came from because I never saw them here. Checked if I was on a different forum and I finally see the time stamps.