Are all Hair Systems easily detectable when touched?


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Hey guys!

I've been a lurker in this forum for some time and wanted to ask you this question. I'm thinking about wearing a fringe once I get a system so I don't worry too much about the visual aspect of it. However, when getting intimate with someone in a casual way would you think another person could easily notice?

Thank you for your answers!


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Yes. I think a lot of people here will say otherwise in their effort to self-delude themselves, but the answer is resoundingly yes.

You may be able to get away with it a few times, but these claims of dating women who never detect are ludicrous. Ludicrous.

Regardless of base type, toupees are highly detectable. I look way better with hair than with a shaved head so I wear one, but I never fail to disclose it to a chick once mutual attraction is established. I have not lost one on account of it.


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I'm one of the people who is deluding himself in that case :). Because my experience over a number of years (and a number of women) is that intimate partners will not necessarily "easily notice".

It is certainly true that there is more work involved in getting a system to be undetectable to feel. It has to be either lace or thinskin, with no thick poly horseshoes or other bumps in the base. It has to be a snug fit (harder now that custom units are so difficult to come by), and it has to be carefully and precisely attached, with no overlaps or gaps, and no loose edges. The hairline attachment probably has to be glue rather than tape. It probably also depends on where the back of your system ends and your biohair starts. If you are very bald, and your system comes well down the back of your head, I think that would be harder to disguise. Women tend to like rubbing their hands up the back of your neck, so they would likely bump into the edge. My back edge is around where my crown is, so that is less of a problem.

But subject to that last point, and provided you are willing to put the work in to get it perfect, you can make it functionally undetectable to intimate partners. I think there are a few guys on this forum who would agree, and seriously I don't think it's just self-delusion - you pretty much know when someone has spotted that you are wearing a system. Most people are just not that subtle or that good at acting.

I would agree with Cottonreville in this though: the girls I have told have invariably been fine with me wearing a system. Despite what you might glean from the media, it's not a deal-breaker for modern women.



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I tell my clients over and over again we design this to make it LOOK real it won't necessarily FEEL that way, all the time in all situations.


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...and if they were behind you and gently pulled on your hair? erm, asking for a friend.

ha ha

I assume it will cause damage but I just wanted to gauge how I should react to a light hair pulling. Will it pull some hairs out or cause a lot of damage and rip the unit. Just unsure how sturdy they are and wanted to know whether I should gently remove his hand or forcefully stop him immediately lol.

Though i'll probably just tell him in advance never to touch my weave or i'll cut his hands off lol. But you know, sometimes these things happen in the moment without people thinking. So am just unsure how to react in that moment (stop versus STOP, kinda thing lol).

My partner and friends have all already been told im getting a unit once my local salon gets my colour in stock so im not fussed about anyone knowing im wearing one, just wary of potential sources of damage.


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I agree with @Noah insofar as when everything is done perfectly, detection - at least by eye - is difficult. I'm not phenomenal at attaching these things.

I think lace is most definitely least detectable overall as you can really go far when it comes to customization, even if you're the one doing it. You need a graduated & uneven hairline, you need to do some plucking to add realism, & you need to bleach the knots. Not having "body wave" hair is also key as it looks so much more authentic & hides more of the deficits.

I just have no qualms about wearing a unit. I don't like the nuissance of dealing with them, but I'm not embarassed to be wearing one; and I think that's my saving grace.


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...and if they were behind you and gently pulled on your hair? erm, asking for a friend.

ha ha

I assume it will cause damage but I just wanted to gauge how I should react to a light hair pulling. Will it pull some hairs out or cause a lot of damage and rip the unit. Just unsure how sturdy they are and wanted to know whether I should gently remove his hand or forcefully stop him immediately lol.

Though i'll probably just tell him in advance never to touch my weave or i'll cut his hands off lol. But you know, sometimes these things happen in the moment without people thinking. So am just unsure how to react in that moment (stop versus STOP, kinda thing lol).

My partner and friends have all already been told im getting a unit once my local salon gets my colour in stock so im not fussed about anyone knowing im wearing one, just wary of potential sources of damage.
It depends on where on the system, type of base, how the hair is attached, how many hairs are grabbed, what angle the hair is pulled in... etc.

So the answer is NO... don't let someonea touch your hair. Black and Jewish women know that they are talking about "don't touch the hair".


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So that's interesting, thank you for all your answers so far! I find the subject of hair systems very intriguing because they're the closest thing to a cure in my opinion!
If I provided a little more information about me, could you recommend me a type of hairsystem that matches those needs?
One of the main reasons for a hair system is that I'm still in my 20s and I feel like my confidence/looks have always been a little limited by a lackluster hairline (was born with Norwood 2.5 now Norwood 3). Dating is literally the only thing that bothers me about my hair loss (especially online).. so I could move to the city of my dreams rocking a nice hair piece and enjoy casual dating intensively for 1-2 years and close that chapter afterwards :). I've been quite successfull when it comes to dating despite being short in a tall people country etc. so I really don't really agree with the whole looks obsession that much. Most people who spend their time complaining about looks and women on online forums don't have good personalities anyway. So I think I would approach the whole hair system thing quite playfully and might even tell casual encounters about it :) However, it not being detectable would still be on top of my list because I want to feel like I choose to tell people instead of being forced to.
Also, I'm quite active! Let's say the cost is not that much of an issue.
What would you reccomend me?


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No. But it seems some are having problem with it. You have to buy Swiss lace. Maybe it's the fact that I use liquid adhesive all over the area as well and have medium length hair. All they feel is just hair all over the place.
The only place as with sight that I am worried about is the hairline. When someone puts their hand on my forehead and moves up into the hair or tries to change my hairstyle somehow from that direction. Haven't noticed that they notice though. Has happened many times. Maybe even if they feel a bit of stickiness they think it's gel or something? I guess they just don't feel it, because they're usually doing it quickly. With a fringe they don't usually do it, so when I get into bed with someone I often lose the pompadour or whatever hairstyle and move the hair forward.
So in a casual relationship, no way to detect. But when married with someone I guess they could get so comfortable with touching you that they could want to be deep in the hair with their fingertips a lot. As my bond last 4 weeks there can be some strange spots in the end of this period, I think they could get some questions. If your bond is fresh and spotless all the time though by changing it every 1-2 weeks, maybe that's not a problem either.

Though, still I am a bit insecure and at one point when their touching is getting too intense and frequent I move away. If they repeat I tell them I don't like my hair to be touched. After that they may still touch, but do it more softly and less often.
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Women tend to like rubbing their hands up the back of your neck, so they would likely bump into the edge. My back edge is around where my crown is, so that is less of a problem.
Yes. As like 2/3 of my hair is still growing most of the time they don't even land on the system area.


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...and if they were behind you and gently pulled on your hair? erm, asking for a friend.

ha ha

I assume it will cause damage but I just wanted to gauge how I should react to a light hair pulling. Will it pull some hairs out or cause a lot of damage and rip the unit. Just unsure how sturdy they are and wanted to know whether I should gently remove his hand or forcefully stop him immediately lol.

Though i'll probably just tell him in advance never to touch my weave or i'll cut his hands off lol. But you know, sometimes these things happen in the moment without people thinking. So am just unsure how to react in that moment (stop versus STOP, kinda thing lol).

My partner and friends have all already been told im getting a unit once my local salon gets my colour in stock so im not fussed about anyone knowing im wearing one, just wary of potential sources of damage.
I just had it pulled hard by a sexually naughty drunk woman who we were flirting with at a public party/restaurant in front of many people. Nothing happened, everything felt and looked natural. Even my neck bent back. Though atleast half of the hair she was pulling was growing hair. You use adhesive to attach the hair to your scalp. I'm having a problem removing it with even 99% propanol after 4 weeks of one attachment.


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I just had it pulled hard by a sexually naughty drunk woman who we were flirting with at a public party/restaurant in front of many people. Nothing happened, everything felt and looked natural. Even my neck bent back. Though atleast half of the hair she was pulling was growing hair. You use adhesive to attach the hair to your scalp. I'm having a problem removing it with even 99% propanol after 4 weeks of one attachment.
What are using to attach, rubber cement?


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It depends on where on the system, type of base, how the hair is attached, how many hairs are grabbed, what angle the hair is pulled in... etc.

So the answer is NO... don't let someonea touch your hair. Black and Jewish women know that they are talking about "don't touch the hair".
I didn't jews were sensitive about their hair being touched. What's the reason?


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Tough situation because if you let a girl know too early you might mess up the date, but you do gotta let her know eventually.


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It depends what you mean by 'touch'. I have a long hair system with is reasonably thick (but not ridiculously thick). If by 'touch' you mean someone just puts their hand on it and casually touches the hair, then in my view I VERY much doubt they could detect any kind of hair system on my current one. Mine just feels like normal hair, and when I touch it myself I can't even feel the base as it's so thin and featherlight (Swiss lace).

However, if by 'touch' you mean vigorously running their fingers though your hair then I cannot guarantee they wouldn't notice SOMETHING, perhaps an edge etc. Whether they'd know it's a hair system I don't know. Most people don't know about hair systems anyway.

This is one advantage of thicker or longer hair systems in my opinion - they are less likely to be detected, especially to touch because there is more hair to cover the edges, and more hair covering the base. For example, if I tie my hair back as opposed to letting it down, then edges kind of 'lock' the hair system in place, so the edges can't be seen or felt at all. As long as a thicker hair system doesn't LOOK ridiculously obvious, then there are many advantages to them I think. You can do more with them in terms of how you style them, and they also last longer because there's more hair in the system so even with some shedding it won't matter as much as it would with a thinner density system.
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It depends what you mean by 'touch'. I have a long hair system with is reasonable thick (but not ridiculously thick). If by 'touch' you mean someone just puts their hand on it and casually touches the hair, then in my view I VERY much doubt they could detect any kind of hair system on my current one. Mine just feels like normal hair, and when I touch it myself I can't even feel the base as it's so thin and featherlight (Swiss lace).

However, if by 'touch' you mean vigorously running their fingers though your hair then I cannot guarantee they wouldn't notice SOMETHING, perhaps an edge etc. Whether they'd know it's a hair system I don't know. Most people don't know about hair systems anyway.

This is one advantage of thicker or longer hair systems in my opinion - they are less likely to be detected, especially to touch because there is more hair to cover the edges, and more hair covering the base. For example, if I tie my hair back as opposed to letting it down, then edges kind of 'lock' the hair system in place, so the edges can't be seen or felt at all. As long as a thicker hair system doesn't LOOK ridiculously obvious, then there are many advantages to them I think. You can do more with them in terms of how you style them, and they also last longer because there's more hair in the system so even with some shedding it won't matter as much as it would with a thinner density system.
You might discuss this further with others. I think you are probably right about this and it is why rock star systems seem so much less detectable. I think Rod Stewart wears one. I got a systems brochure in the mail and it implied that many rock stars have amazing hair so music must grow hair? It was irony.


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I didn't jews were sensitive about their hair being touched. What's the reason?

Some Orthodox Jewish women shave their heads completely bald and wear a wig called a scheitel. I'm not sure exactly why - something to do with modesty. Maybe that's what the poster was referring to?

There was a big furore a few years ago when it emerged that the Orthodox Jewish women's wigs were being made with hair which started life as sacrificial offerings to Lord Shiva.


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I didn't jews were sensitive about their hair being touched. What's the reason?

Some Orthodox Jewish women shave their heads completely bald and wear a wig called a scheitel. I'm not sure exactly why - something to do with modesty. Maybe that's what the poster was referring to?

There was a big furore a few years ago when it emerged that the Orthodox Jewish women's wigs were being made with hair which started life as sacrificial offerings to Lord Shiva.

1. It's from a comedy sketch from Sunda Croonquist.

2. It's their idea that only their husbands can see their hair, and it's the ULTRA- Orthodox that do it, NOT mainstream.

3. Most of the Sheitels come from virgin, European hair.

4. "Temple" hair is what MOST of our hair systems are made from.


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Someone ruffled the back of my hair last night. I’m convinced they noticed nothing. I think a playful grab is going to be fine, but steer clear of head massages …