anyone here contemplate suicide over hair loss?


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Exodus2011 said:
i did for about 6 months, but that was during the time I alternated between crying and screaming and laying in bed feeling totally f**cking numb.

I think that is very stupid. Sorry, but even dudemon who is confirming that his look is 2/10 would not think about suicide.

I thik that is rude couse there are many pople with VITILIGO, DEFORMED LEGS, DEFECT SIGHT ETC, ETC.


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I take that option into accaunt. I won't lie about it. Boy, do I wish I never had to deal with this crap in my life.


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dudemon said:
male pattern baldness and hairloss sucks no doubt.

Breaking news! But seriously, dudemon, I've been browsing this forum for quite a while, so I am familiar with story of your life loosely based on your posts. You`re a very strong guy compared to me in the subject of hair loss. And I think you deserve a full head of hair. I am just 20 year old right now, and I hope I still have a chance to save myself from a grim future of premature baldness. There is nothing more depressing than losing your hair in your 20's. If someone told me 2 years ago that such thing is even possible I wouldn't belive that.


Yeah, hairloss sucks VERY much, but contemplating suicide is just plain stupid.

Lloyd Braun

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The only other problem in my life that made me want to die is when I was fat as a teenager. I lived for about a year between losing like 60 lbs. and then discovering my baldness. If I never lost the weight I would not have been able to go to college or do anything and I really don't want to think about what would have happened if I wasn't allowed to go off the medication that was causing the problem.

My fatness was actually more disabling even though it was something that could be and ultimately was reversed. But the two define eras of my life. Any memory I have, I can tell you if it was when I was fat, when I was not fat and not balding or when I was not fat and balding. Not because I can pinpoint a date but because it is an integral part of any memory I have since the way I think is defined by that. It's just hard to explain.


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dudemon said:
Islander said:
I take that option into accaunt. I won't lie about it. Boy, do I wish I never had to deal with this crap in my life.

Whem I was young, I had hair like yours in your avatar. And then male pattern baldness crept in, and by the time I was 22, I was already at NW4. My ex was totally into my hair, and when it went, I became just a "roomate" to her, who dumped me a few years later. Her reason: she wasn't attracted to me anymore due to my hairloss.

In an effort to try to prove to myself that I still "had it," I went out into the dating scene and tried to meet new women, as well as tried to hook up with women I already knew (some of which were my ex's girlfriends), and after a couple years of getting nothing but rejection, I became seriously depressed, almost to the point of committing suicide. Oh well, shallow b*tch!

I drifted aimlessly for a decade, became an alchololic, started using all kinds of drugs, and began to lose job after job, and get evicted from apartment after apartment. I really hit rock bottom.

Then I went on a quest to try to change my life for the better. However, because I was already a NW5, getting a hair transplant was a bad idea. Little did I know it at the time, but the hair transplant sureon who butchered me on my first hair transplant, was only telling me what I wanted to hear to get me in the chair. Of course, within a few months after my hair transplant, I began to realize that I was disfigured and deformed looking, and that the hair transplant he did on me not only didn't work, but it looked horrible. It made me look like a complete freak! I stopped wanting to go outside ... to the point of not going to work. Then, I stopped eating and stopped getting out of bed. This went on for several months, and then, of course, I got evicted from yet another apartment. I was homeless, no money, and no job, and I looked like a complete freakazoid. It was at that point that I reached the most absolute lowest point I have ever been. This truly was the closest I have ever been to contemplating suicide. It was a miracle that I survived through it.

Anyways, both hairloss and hair transplants have literally RUINED every aspect of my life, even to this day, and I am now 42. Even after I pulled myself back together and had 2 more hair transplants with a world-class hair transplant surgeon, my hair still looks a bit "odd."

And now, after getting an accounting degree from a university, graduating with highest honors (summa c*m laude) I cannot get hired anywhere. I have asked several career counselors, and YES, they said the reason is because of my hair looking "unprofessional."

male pattern baldness and hairloss sucks no doubt.

Damn, man. :(


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dudemon said:
Islander said:
I take that option into accaunt. I won't lie about it. Boy, do I wish I never had to deal with this crap in my life.

Whem I was young, I had hair like yours in your avatar. And then male pattern baldness crept in, and by the time I was 22, I was already at NW4. My ex was totally into my hair, and when it went, I became just a "roomate" to her, who dumped me a few years later. Her reason: she wasn't attracted to me anymore due to my hairloss.

In an effort to try to prove to myself that I still "had it," I went out into the dating scene and tried to meet new women, as well as tried to hook up with women I already knew (some of which were my ex's girlfriends), and after a couple years of getting nothing but rejection, I became seriously depressed, almost to the point of committing suicide. Oh well, shallow b*tch!

I drifted aimlessly for a decade, became an alchololic, started using all kinds of drugs, and began to lose job after job, and get evicted from apartment after apartment. I really hit rock bottom.

Then I went on a quest to try to change my life for the better. However, because I was already a NW5, getting a hair transplant was a bad idea. Little did I know it at the time, but the hair transplant sureon who butchered me on my first hair transplant, was only telling me what I wanted to hear to get me in the chair. Of course, within a few months after my hair transplant, I began to realize that I was disfigured and deformed looking, and that the hair transplant he did on me not only didn't work, but it looked horrible. It made me look like a complete freak! I stopped wanting to go outside ... to the point of not going to work. Then, I stopped eating and stopped getting out of bed. This went on for several months, and then, of course, I got evicted from yet another apartment. I was homeless, no money, and no job, and I looked like a complete freakazoid. It was at that point that I reached the most absolute lowest point I have ever been. This truly was the closest I have ever been to contemplating suicide. It was a miracle that I survived through it.

Anyways, both hairloss and hair transplants have literally RUINED every aspect of my life, even to this day, and I am now 42. Even after I pulled myself back together and had 2 more hair transplants with a world-class hair transplant surgeon, my hair still looks a bit "odd."

And now, after getting an accounting degree from a university, graduating with highest honors (summa c*m laude) I cannot get hired anywhere. I have asked several career counselors, and YES, they said the reason is because of my hair looking "unprofessional."

male pattern baldness and hairloss sucks no doubt.

do you think things would have been different if you lost it in this day and age and adopted a shaved look?


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The shaved look doesn't work,it just creates another set of issues too deal with.


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i disagree, david draimen from disturbed is doing just fine with a shaved look.


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i meant societies reaction to him, must people arn't really caring.


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He is a famous musican,thus people are largely only interested in his music,not whether he has hair on his head.Take it from me,a sly man(for 10years) that a shaved/bald(whatever the f**k you what too define it as) head is not a "look" that sits well with society.


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People need too get with reality and realise that BOTH the horseshoe and sly look is s**t(and ugly),BUT this is the best we can do.


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i dunno man.

i remember seeing a few sly guys before i showed signs of hairloss, i thought they looked alright

and i thought the singer from smashing pumpkins was fully bald as a stage show, it didnt accur to me that he was balding, mainly due to his age

so if billy corgan turned up with hair, i would just think he grew it, and got bored with the sly look or something.

i didnt think he was trapped in that look genetically.


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I was diagnosed with male pattern baldness when I was 18, though I knew that I was beginning to lose my hair at 17. From 18 to 21 I became a recluse, because of my hairloss, while at university which is supposed to be one of the best times of one's life. And yes in those years I did consider suicide as a solution to my depression. But gradually that feeling passed. This was 1980-1983. There were no websites like this around obviously. Would I have felt any better knowing that other people felt the same way and were supportive of what I was going through? I'm not sure.


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exodus2011 i really feel sorry for u... at school that musta been fuckin' torment! Cant get away with wearin a hat in school.. and kids are so mean in school.... damn man u must be scarred after that experience....


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I feel horrible for some of you guys. It sucks that people have to go through this and even more so that people judge and make fun of people with hair loss problems.

No matter what you go through, don't consider suicide. It takes time, but those bad thoughts will change. Just stay strong and positive.


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Islander said:
I take that option into accaunt. I won't lie about it. Boy, do I wish I never had to deal with this crap in my life.

Ya, same. I was actually a pretty smart kid, and I noticed that some family members around me were bald, so I did think "hey, maybe I will be like that when I'm old." Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever even conceived to possible to go bald in your 20's. Just thought it was something that happened to people as they got old. I'm 19 now, somewhere between NW1 and NW2. Hoping its just a mature hairling. If it progresses, I hope I can stop it. Just hoping that I can hold onto a NW2 head of hair until my late 30s.


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sylent said:
Islander said:
I take that option into accaunt. I won't lie about it. Boy, do I wish I never had to deal with this crap in my life.

Ya, same. I was actually a pretty smart kid, and I noticed that some family members around me were bald, so I did think "hey, maybe I will be like that when I'm old." Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever even conceived to possible to go bald in your 20's. Just thought it was something that happened to people as they got old. I'm 19 now, somewhere between NW1 and NW2. Hoping its just a mature hairling. If it progresses, I hope I can stop it. Just hoping that I can hold onto a NW2 head of hair until my late 30s.

Exactly, man - I considered that I might go bald a couple times as a teenager, as my hair was dirty blond and fine, but didn't think it'd start til I was in my 40s, so it didn't scare me. At that point I was still growing a Beatlesesque mop lol.

I never considered suicide (I've never been through anything as bad as some of the guys on here), but I did worry I was a freakish case, that people might remark 'oh my god you're going bald in your 20's???'etc. Once I started noticing my friends and other guys my age's hair (which I never did before), I realized I was far from the only guy showing signs, which helped a lot. A couple of websites have helped, too.

My mindset now is that if I can keep my hair on treatments at least until I'm settled - decent job, some money in the bank, in better shape, steady girlfriend or even a wife - then I'll be much less afraid of losing it. The more confident and comfortable I am, the less hair loss should affect me.