Any supliments to help reduce body fat?


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Is there such a thing that could aid in reduction of body fat? I see all kinds of commercials but I want to know if there is anything that really helps. I lift and do some aerobic activity but it is not enough. I am going on a diet also. I need to lose 2-3 pounds in the belly area if that.


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Albuterol, Clenbuterol, Yohimbe, CLA, Chromium Picolinate and a ton of other ones...

If you're super hardcore (or super stupid) there's always DMP. It's very dangerous if not used properly, but if used correctly, you can lose up to 1lb per day. That's right, 1lb/day. It speeds up your bodies metabolism (also raises body temperature) so much that it burns a hell of a lot of calories. Possible side effects are death (increase in body temperature can cook your internal organs if you take too much), holes in your brain and things like that.

Or...You could always just see if your diet+aerobic exercise does the trick.


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Let me clarify a bit. Are there any safe and proven fat burners that really work?

hair today gone tomorrow

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Harie said:
Albuterol, Clenbuterol, Yohimbe, CLA, Chromium Picolinate and a ton of other ones...

If you're super hardcore (or super stupid) there's always DMP. It's very dangerous if not used properly, but if used correctly, you can lose up to 1lb per day. That's right, 1lb/day. It speeds up your bodies metabolism (also raises body temperature) so much that it burns a hell of a lot of calories. Possible side effects are death (increase in body temperature can cook your internal organs if you take too much), holes in your brain and things like that.

Or...You could always just see if your diet+aerobic exercise does the trick.

damn...thanks for the info harie.

out of the ones you listed...which would u say are the most effective and least dangerous?


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Upping metabolism is easy. Getting a calorie deficit going is easy. My main question is how do you lose FAT without losing too much muscle? I don't mean burn both one day, then build the muscle back with weights later. I want to lose the fat, but lose less than 20% of the mass as muscle.


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That is one of many articles, some of which support CLA, and others that don't. I'm sure taking effedra lowers body fat too. But the article did not say if CLA preserved the muscle mass, or if some of that was burned off too. It also did not say how the experiment was done, or who funded it.


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What about hydroxycut... I saw it in mens health magazine with Jason Stratham on the cover. GO bald guys...


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I just attended a lecture on how to burn fat. Some PhD guy who had looked at many studies, citing mostly studies from 2006, and throwing out those with low subject numbers. He had charts with biochemical cycles and stuff. I missed the first part of the lecture, but in the re-cap he stated that caffine and all these other metabolism boosters just don't work. The way he said it, it seemed like everyone agreed and had already been given vivid proof earlier.

I just saw the later part on exercise. The lecture was at my gym, and I just walked in uninvited. He said that even if you have glycogen, you can still burn fat. The less glycogen you have, the more fat you burn to a point, around 40-50% glycogen supply. Below that point, your endurance suffers in the long run. And if you go further below that, you can't make enough of a carb biproduct that is needed to metabolise fat, and you hit a wall. In the morning, your glycogen is 70% depleted, and he suggested eating 70 grams of carbs and giving them 30 minutes before working out in the morning, but obviously you'd have to get more carbs if you want to workout more than 30 minutes.

At lower intensities, the ratio of fat burned to carbs burned increases, but the total fat burned decreases. You can burn fat from the very first minute even with lots of glycogen. The rule is to workout more to burn more fat, but build up to it gradually by getting into shape. He then gave a list of 7 different very good types of interval training and other workouts that can get you into great shape.

Finally, he said that unless you are very carb depleated, or fasting, you will not burn protein during a fat burn workout. He said average inshape guys who do marathons will burn 10% of their calories from protein, but that is an extreme example. He said I don't need to worry about that, and that i won't get any atrophy as long as I keep doing resistance exercise.

So I'm done researching this stuff, and now am just going to start getting in shape and getting results. :jump:


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I'll only use my HMB for post workout recovery. I think that is all it is good for,though I might take some of it before my resistance workout.


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Forskolin. And more benefit than just fat burning.

Consider that cyclic AMP is needed for hormone production (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, melatonin, thyroid, GH) and forskolin is foremost known to greatly increase this factor. Higher cAMP means lower insulin levels, and therefore theoretically increases lifespan. Higher levels of metabolized melatonin also means more serotonin. Less depression, sleeplessness, greater fertility and sex drive etc.... definitely worth investigating.

Otherwise, eat more proteins, and less carbs and sugars.


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good grief. insulin puts food into cells. If you want to lower insulin, eat less. If you lower insulin without eating less, your blood sugar will climb and you will get the same damage diabetics get. Quit trying to mess with your hormones. If you have low testosterone and resistance training does not fix that, then you may need testosterone gel before doing a big fat burn. Otherwise, just do diet and exercise.


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Good grief. You're not trying to elevate hormonal profiles, but better regulate them. Did you ever hear the phrase look before you leap? You probably believe that diabetes is a genetic predisposition then. Or that glial cells are simple things of relative unimportance falling between the cracks of the brain.

Insulin resistance is detrimental to human longevity, period. Cyclic AMP is diminished by elevated insulin. Deleterious changes in the cAMP pathway are induced by insulin flooding. Do you not understand the importance of cAMP? This is the most important cell regulating compound in the human body. Proper function of a cellular messenger controlling muscle, nerve, heart, brain rate and function and could have great implications for solving major disorders of these systems.

To get back on the subject, the burning of fat and its non-storage is regulated directly by cAMP. By stimulating thyroid hormone release it could also improve metabolism. Lots of other stuff if you care to look.


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people with low metabolism should make sure they get enough iodine. They also should try pacing around when they daydream, instead of just sitting down.

that Forskolin and cAMP sounds interesting. I doubt I need to take it though. I just need to lose maybe 5-10 pounds of fat to hit 8% body fat. I think I'd like to do that gradually, since i think body fat is muscle sparing at night, and should help me build faster.


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Topical forskolin can increase the growth of follicular kerantinocytes. It triggers not only cell generation and differentiation throughout the body, but in the scalp as well. This is through Keratinocyte growth factor-2 and protein kinase A, of which is initiated by cyclic AMP.

Although, TGFbeta can activate PKA without cAMP involvement, which demonstrates an interesting interaction between these three pathways. We already know the relationships between the inhibition of TGFbeta in respect to hair growth, and the catagen phase. Forskolin can promote the growth of epithelial cells due to a boost in procyanidins. Have you started to connect the dots yet?

Oh, by the way, topical forskolin can also increase melanocytes and induces a tanning process. Increased melanin in the eye might also mean greater UV protection from the sun.


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The recommended dose is 50mg, 3x per day, yet most capsules are about 400mg. At least the stuff is inexpensive, but dividing it up would be hard. I think I'd just put a capsule into my body wash for the melanin factor. Isn't there a link between karitin synthesis and parafollicular fibrosis?


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
out of the ones you listed...which would u say are the most effective and least dangerous?

I've heard such differeng opinions on Clen that it's hard to really say. Some say it causes fluid to build up around the heart when taken at high doses while others say that's BS.

Most effective is definitely DMP, but is also the most dangerous.
Clenbuterol has been the standard for cutting cycles for quite some time among the BBer crowd. You sould be ok as long as you don't go crazy on the stuff.
Depending on where you get your info from, Albuterol is either way better than Clen, or not as good.
Ephedra/Caffeine stack - again, depending on where you get the info from, it's either better or worse than Clen. As far as possible sides, this is probably your safest bet.

Least effective is most everything else out there. There are some that people like. Lean Extreme is one that comes to mind that I see used quite frequently.

Personally, I've used both Ephedra/Caffeine & Albuterol...And I like Albuterol much better. It's actually cheaper than EC if you know where to get it...And IMO, it works better. At 16mg/day, I felt super wired and actually had mild hand shakes every once in a while. (something I never felt on EC).

Albuterol combined with resistance exercise
J Strength Cond Res. 2005 Feb;19(1):102-7.

Oral albuterol dosing during the latter stages of a resistance exercise program.

Caruso JF, Hamill JL, De Garmo N.

Healthcare Research Associates Inc., Orlando, Florida 32819.

Caruso, J.F., J.L. Hamill, and N. De Garmo. Oral albuterol dosing during the latter stages of a resistance exercise program. J. Strength Cond. Res. 19(1):102-107. 2005.-Subjects performed isoload variable resistance exercise (REX) 3 days per week. After 10 weeks, they received a double-blind albuterol (n = 11) or placebo (n = 11) capsule assignment with no crossover and continued training. During the first week of capsule administration, dosages were increased from 4 mg to 16 mg daily and then maintained for 14 days. At weeks 0, 10, and 13, we measured upper arm and thigh cross-sectional area, knee and elbow extensor and flexor (KE, KF, EE, EF) strength at 3 angular velocities, and lean body mass. Data after 10 weeks showed insignificant between-group differences. From weeks 10-13, as subjects continued REX training, albuterol evoked higher (p < 0.05) KE-KF strength gains at multiple velocities versus placebo dosing. A higher lean body mass trend also occurred with albuterol from weeks 10-13. Results suggest that albuterol augments REX to provide greater strength gains from hypertrophic factors than an REX-placebo assignm


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do you think caffine allows you to burn fat while losing less muscle, or is caffine just for people who don't want to do as much cardio?


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how safe is allbuteral? What does it do exactly to your body to help lose fat? I am very interested...