Amazing (unexpected) Success With All Natural Product


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I was doing ok on Zix and taking zinc orally for a while. I think I basically stabilized for a stint but it’s back now and seemingly more aggressive so I’m looking into other things such as SETI. It’s definitly an ongoing battle, keep trying things though. You never know what may work.
Any updates yolo?


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Chaga mushrooms, the sclerotium of Inonotus obliquus, have been used in Mongolia as a traditional hair shampoo to maintain healthy hair. Bioassay-guided fractionations of the extract of Chaga mushrooms using a proliferation assay on human follicle dermal papilla cells (HFDPCs) gave five lanostane-type triterpenes (1-5), whose structures were identified by spectroscopic evidence. Among these, lanosterol (1), inotodiol (3), lanost-8,24-diene-3β,21-diol (4), and trametenolic acid (5) demonstrated proproliferative effects on HFDPCs more potent than minoxidil, an anti-alopecia agent, used as the positive control. The lanostane-type triterpenes (1, 3, 4, and 5) appeared to be potential candidates of new agents possibly used for hair-care with a stimulative effect on hair growth.

Might not be complete bullshit...


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I’ve been taking high doses of potent chaga for the last 6 months for my health (not hair specifically). My hair has worsened in this time. But it’s a great herb and may help some people.