Alternative To Doing A Template? (seven Words)


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So, I've just spent four or so hours trying to do a template again, and I'm done with it. It's ridiculous and impossible. I don't even understand how a template is supposed to give an accurate mold of your head, as it's covered in seventeen layers of tape anyway? :confused:

So, alternatives. Could anyone be so kind as to tell me if simply providing a measurement or getting a stock base a viable alternative? By stock base I mean a custom piece with a base that isn't cut to size, I believe that's a thing? Is the latter hard to cut to fit your head? How do you measure for the base size? Thanks.


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I always give a template for each order. I tend to use two layers of tape (so its still flexible) before marking and sealing with another 1 -2 layers. It gives me an accurate finished product more so than just measurements would.


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You must have the patience of a saint, buddy. When it comes to attempting a template I had a more enjoyable time having my wisdom tooth removed. Thanks for the reply.


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Why not just go to a salon? The place I go to will do it for a fee .

Honestly it's a good route if you're impatient like I am and want a good result.


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Making a template is no big deal.

You have to be joking, pal. It's a pain getting the cling film tight to your head. It's a pain drawing your balding area, especially if you're someone that has a shaved head to begin with and you pretty much have to make the outline up. And it's an utter nightmare getting the tape on. And after all that, there's no guarantee the piece will even be the correct size. It's ludicrous and stressful and has me chanting the entire time ''this isn't worth it.'' I take my hat off to anyone that does it without a problem.

Matt, I did go to a salon. I went to my guy that has done previous cut ins. I wasn't sure he was going to charge me, so I felt bad the entire time he was doing it, as even with someone doing it for you, it's a massive faff about, as he said himself, an internationally renowned stylist. As a result of my guilt, I didn't stop him when he clearly wasn't doing it correctly or mention anything when he charged me £30 for doing it. I probably would have said something if my self-worth wasn't at rock bottom because of this hair loss crap.


Anybody else? Thanks.


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You have to be joking, pal. It's a pain getting the cling film tight to your head. It's a pain drawing your balding area, especially if you're someone that has a shaved head to begin with and you pretty much have to make the outline up. And it's an utter nightmare getting the tape on. And after all that, there's no guarantee the piece will even be the correct size. It's ludicrous and stressful and has me chanting the entire time ''this isn't worth it.'' I take my hat off to anyone that does it without a problem.

Matt, I did go to a salon. I went to my guy that has done previous cut ins. I wasn't sure he was going to charge me, so I felt bad the entire time he was doing it, as even with someone doing it for you, it's a massive faff about, as he said himself, an internationally renowned stylist. As a result of my guilt, I didn't stop him when he clearly wasn't doing it correctly or mention anything when he charged me £30 for doing it. I probably would have said something if my self-worth wasn't at rock bottom because of this hair loss crap.


Anybody else? Thanks.
How are you doing your templates? I managed to do one with a bunch of hair on my head, I basically had to memorize my balding pattern. On a bald head I can't imagine it's that hard.

Just in case you're doing it wrong. Take a long piece of plastic wrap, pull it over your head and make sure it's tight on your balding area. Almost pulling forward and making two "braids" out of the edges (I hope this makes sense), then tie it under your chin. Use clear tape, start going sideways for one layer and go front to back with another layer. At this point I would use the marker since you should be able to see thru it pretty well still. When done, do another 1-2 layers.


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Thanks, man.

I know how to do it, it's just a huge pain, and I've had enough of spending several hours messing it about with this. Doesn't help that the first piece I got didn't fit at all, inspite of me doing a template for that. When I did the template yesterday, when I was about to put the finishing layer of packing tape on, for some reason, the whole thing had shrunk. That was the point I threw the template at the wall and quit, feeling sh*t the rest of the day.


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Dude you sound stressed to breaking point. Where are you located? Are you already wearing?


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England, and nope. I'm all right now. Just needed a good twenty four hours template free :) I'm gonna try it again tomorrow.


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England, and nope. I'm all right now. Just needed a good twenty four hours template free :) I'm gonna try it again tomorrow.

Are you doing this yourself??? You should at least try and get someone to do it with you. I tried doing it solo. It was... crap!


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Yeah. I mentioned it a bit earlier in the thread, already tried to have someone help me. £30 down and still no template :D

Good to know I'm not the only one that finds it difficult. Everybody else seems to liken it to a stroll through Candy Land.


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A template is essential for getting a custom piece done or ordering a stock piece and cutting it using the template as a guide. Alternatives would be exact measurements at numerous section of the head. I have seen this done by an online tool called "gather " by hair direct..go on their site, but you have to order with them...

I get someone to help me as the drawing part on slippery plastic and using mirror is impossible. Why is it that mirror throws us off so much lol..


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Totally agree with Jc426. Have some patience, mate and talk to your supplier about the issue.
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OK, I re-read the original post. Maybe you need to find someone who has a good reputation, not based on what comes out of their own mouth! You may actually need to travel. So make a holiday out of it, could be fun.


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OK, I re-read the original post. Maybe you need to find someone who has a good reputation, not based on what comes out of their own mouth! You may actually need to travel. So make a holiday out of it, could be fun.

I agree. It's not something you want to rush or waste money on as they are expensive especially when dealing with a salon. If it doesn't fit you well then you're not going to be satisfied or confident with the end result .


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Thanks, all.

Done with attempting mission impossible doing it myself. Tried about a dozen times over the course of the week. Probably gonna have to travel an hour to pay someone to wrap cling film around my head and tape it down. I must be insane.


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Thanks, all.

Done with attempting mission impossible doing it myself. Tried about a dozen times over the course of the week. Probably gonna have to travel an hour to pay someone to wrap cling film around my head and tape it down. I must be insane.
I don't think its as big a deal as you think it is. Its a stressful time I was there man. It gets easier. On the bright side you can keep that template for a while unless you lose further hair. Just cross the bridge when you get there.


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I'd settle for just getting the first one done, Matt. I tried again today. I don't understand how they can use it to get an exact shape of your head, when there are tape ripples, for one thing. It's such a ridiculous way of measuring, and I think the hair piece companies are fortunate they're in an industry where their customers have an unparalleled amount of desperation and are willing to do this crap.