31 months on Big 3(Sep 09 update) (pics)


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Re: 7 months on Big 3 (pics)

Dogs3 said:
Sdunford said:


The big three are the most proven treatments for hair loss and usually every success story involves at least the use of 1 or 2 of them.

They are:
1 Proprecia 1x daily

2 Rogaine 2x daily

3 Nizoral AD shampoo 1 or 2x per week

Thats my current regime.


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Re: 7 months on Big 3 (pics)

Awesome man! Keep up the great work!


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Re: 7 months on Big 3 (pics)

Hi everybody!

Its been quite a while since I updated this thread...close to about 2 yrs actually! But its not because I'm one of those ppl who experienced a little bit of success and decided to leave this site behind!! Nope...Its because of quite some changes in my circumstances....i.e. I graduated from college, got a job, and moved out from my parents place by Nov 07...things were very different..I could not get much free time bcos of the job and I was living with room mates...and I was not able to visit the site frequently enough!!

Well, enough with my rambling...Lets move to the updates!!!

I started with the BIG 3 by the end of Dec 2007 and I got great results (I really mean GREAT results!!) within the first 7-9 months...The pics from the first 7 months are posted on the 1st page of this thread...The rest of the pics till now are given below.

All the pics that I have taken are directly under lights..so in real its not as bad as it seems in the pics...take a look below for pics taken on the same day under diff lighting:

Apr 2008 The first pic is taken under natural lighting. The next one is taken directly under lights just like the rest of the pics.


The best results that i've got till now happened in Sep 2007(9 months into treatment)


Aug 2008

Dec 2008

Apr 2009(diffuse thinning very visible..more thinning on the crown)

Sep 2009 (sporting a buzz cut..and pics from sides as well)




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As you can see from the above pics, the state of my hair now is slightly better off than what I had started of with towards the end of dec 2006. Consider the fact that I lost that much hair(in dec 2006) from a norwood zero (or no hairloss) in just a span of about 3-3.5 yrs. After I started the BIG 3, I've been able to maintain what I have and even managed to improve alot(check my sep 2007 pics) for a certain period.

Now you might be wondering why I lost lot of hair after my great results for the 1st 7-9 months?? Well, that was because I got carried away with my success and did not maintain my regimen very well for 2-3 months from about oct 07. That was the biggest mistake I did and one thing that I deeply regret. One advice that I would give to guys over here using the big 3 is to stick with your regimen religiously (especially if you are seeing signs of success!!)

Even though I learned the lesson the hard way, I haven't been able to maintain my regimen as well as I used to do initially...But since the last couple of months, I've really been following my regimen and hope to continue to do so...and keeping my fingers crossed to see some great results!!


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My Regimen
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so your saying you results went away because you did not stick to your treatments for 2-3 months ? or do you mean after you saw success you just did not follow you treatments like they shoudl be followed and then you picked back up on it a couple of months ago ?

Please do explain how you differed you treatments in terms of when you slacked off after you saw success


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Hi liltoolate. So I was wondering what your thoughts were on your progress. It seems like you came to a peak after a few months but the results dwindled and stayed at a plateau for a while (still seems youre better off than baseline though). As for myself, I saw some good results 3-4 months in, but now, in my 8th month, I've noticed that I'm thinning again.


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@??? After I got success, i basically screwed up my regimen ...like taking the finasteride tablet and applying minoxidil only 2-3 times per week and stuff like that.. this was mainly bcos I had just got in my new job and things were a bit hectic for me...and also bcos my hairloss levels were very very low..even after that I havnt been able to strictly stick with my initial regimen...

@jonsie150 ..I think what you are experiencing at 8 months is pretty much normal and expected...I had experienced the same...i would recommend that you stick with your regimen and you'll see very good results for a long time...!


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try dutas for awesome result...still you are having shine head or a sebum head after 2 years on a big 3...


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Hey buddy,
thanks on the update and congrats. I still think it looks great and you are ahead of your baseline, if it keeps like this or maybe even gets a bit better when you can fully do your regime again then you should be happy.

You have a good attitude to it, in not letting it ruin your life. Your job, friends and life are more important so I can understand you not as well applying the minoxidil and stuff like that, it becomes a real hassle.
There is probably a few things you can try to improve your results if you are desperate, like dutasteride (it is pretty dangerous), but you sound like you are okay with it and life isn't bad at the moment.

Keep it up and keep us updated.


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@raj47 - I did read up some stuff about dutasteride....weighing all the pros and cons, i decided not to have it in my regimen.. Still don't feel like adding it to my regimen..

@Tyler_Durden - thanks! ..moving to a new city really helped..i purposely decided to lose my caps..and decided to just go with it..earlier, i just used to worry about ppl that i know asking me about my hairloss..but in a new city, nobody bothers..atleast theres nobody who knows how u used to look with hair..

So, with time I sort of accepted the hairloss and baldness. Now I'm lot more relaxed and not as depressed and obsessed about hairloss as I used to be.

Talking about my hairloss state as of now, I think that my hairline has receded further in the last one yr...but its still all gud.. :)


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Hows the hair doing now that you are getting back on the Big 3 regimine consistently? Just courious as its been a year or so now. I have been on Big 3 for 2.5 months now and been very consistent but have missed 2 or 3 minoxidil applications due to getting drunk. But yes the regimine does get tiring esp applying minoxidil 2X a day. Anyway good luck


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@skelll .. I don't check the forums as frequently and so this is quite a delayed response..sorry about that..Hoping to be a more frequent visitor here.. Anyways...a lengthy update about things over the course of the last year for me..

It has been an eventful year..both my elder bros got married..had to meet up with a lot of people who I haven't seen for a while (a scenario I used to horrified about!!), a new relationship, etc etc....

First, about my hair, I'm still managing to maintain very well. Hair loss has not been alarming for me for quite a while and that is a big relief. It helps me to not really worry about hair loss, which is a good thing. I did get comments from a couple of colleagues a few months back telling me "your hair looks better..are you taking any medicines for hair loss??" ..which is always a very encouraging sign. I was trying out growing my hair a little bit at that point of time compared to my usual buzzed look. Although, I do feel that my hairline has receded slightly over the course of the last year.. :( This has made me alter my regimen a little..

I've tried sticking with my regimen more strictly over the recent past and though I haven't been entirely successful in that, it is better than it used to be. Over the last 4-5 months, I've altered my regimen slightly too and am experimenting a bit. Earlier, I used to do 5% minoxidil once daily. Now I'm doing minoxidil twice daily..5% in the mornings and 10% at night. Its a difficult regimen to maintain and about 2-3 days a week I end up doing minoxidil only once per day due to my laziness or some other reason..

Overall, I would say I'm sort of OK with how things are going with the BIG 3.. Nothing major over the course of the last year like disastrous shedding or significant improvements. I still take pics every 2 months or so to track progress. Don't have any recent pics with me now to update. Will post some soon.