200mg Oral Spironolactone, Dutasteride, Propecia, Nizoral, Rogaine For Months


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Here's my newest update. I guess it's been about 9 or 10 months at this point. I took these pics yesterday. I have had quite a bit of progress in the front area, which I hope you can see. I can also see that in the next month it is going to thicken up even more. It might be back to the way it was when I was 18 within a month. Additionally, my skin is like plastic. It is ridiculously smooth. I look even younger. I feel more padding around my cheek area. I get a zit about once every two weeks, whereas before, I had about 30 a day.

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Thanx for the positive update ATA. Clearly something is working for you. I forgot are you still taking dutasteride.? I wish you continued success.


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Thats aggressive regiment. You might want to be careful, except if you're going for sex change.. No offense..


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I apologize if my confusion about your regimen caused you offense. In the future I will try to be better informed and considerate of yours and every poster's profile/regimen ( in general)before I again haphazardly send messages that pose the risks of being misconstrued as ill-intentioned. I hope you resume posting if and when ever you feel the time is right. All the best.
I glanced at some of the responses. I will no longer post here or visit this sute anymore.


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Sorry to see your offense at some of the posts. Your hair looks great I agree with the above, so it would be good to see how you are getting only you decide to come back.


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1)Minoxidil- It's a lifelong commitment of applying it. you can only increase about never decrease the dosage(tolerance), if you even just wanna maintain what you've gained, which is why I stopped using any topicals cos i knew I will never be able to commit myself to the hassle of using them.
2)spironolactone- don't ever stop it abruptly cos it's a steroid- you will become bald 'overnight'.
3)Nizoral- It does indeed thickens(or should i say- 'feels') up the hair- especially for the 1st few hours after using it. But too much of it itches the scalp and atually causes the hair to become brittle.
4)dutasteride stops working on its own, as in if using it as a monotherapy, after awhile(4 years for my case)

Your regimen has to be among the most extreme I have ever seen. You're experiencing no side-effects?

- - - Updated - - -

Here's my newest update. I guess it's been about 9 or 10 months at this point. I took these pics yesterday. I have had quite a bit of progress in the front area, which I hope you can see. I can also see that in the next month it is going to thicken up even more. It might be back to the way it was when I was 18 within a month. Additionally, my skin is like plastic. It is ridiculously smooth. I look even younger. I feel more padding around my cheek area. I get a zit about once every two weeks, whereas before, I had about 30 a day.

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Thank you for posting. I have been thinking about oral spironolactone as well. But I'm to scared to take it. Like you I have been battling the same fight for years and years.
I hope you come back to give us updates. If not then I wish you the best of luck on your regimen.


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Not only did this guy find a way to regrow his hair, but reverse the aging process its a miracle!!!!

Really impressive also very crazy with the amount of stuff hes taking.


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turn into a chick for hair? no thanks
He looks like he has developed breasts...his facial features do look a lot more feminine...becoming a female may be the only way to reverse baldness currently but no thanks


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His hair looks great though..

I found this study:


It's not about hairloss but acne, but it's interesting because of the percentage of side effects in men. They discontinued spironolactone in the male group, because 3 out of 23 men developed gyno from 200mg oral spironolactone.

So.. grow rockstar hair, but 13% chance of growing bitchtits lol

g.i joey

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finasteride did wonders for my acne, i could imagine the benefits spironolactone offers for acne.

Norwood One

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Speaking of spironolactone. Its doing wonders for me. S5 daycream though, no way would I ingest this stuff. 1x a day 15 min after minoxidil..I'm growing dark terminal hairs down on my hairline I haven't had since I was 17. They're only individual ones but hopefully over time. Could be the spironolactone minoxidil ...could also be the use of d.....( word that we're not allowed to say on the forum). Either way. The kitchen sink approach definitely yeilds results.


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If you are a man and intend to stay that way, don't even think about putting this stuff in your body. Topical spironolactone is alright as there is no systemic absorption according to multiple studies but oral spironolactone can screw you up for good.


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I'm quite tempted to give this a try at some stage...

Stay away from spironolactone unless you are transgender, please. If you're cis you're going to hate having low testosterone. Plus all the negative health effects of not having a sex hormone in your body... It's just not worth it unless you're trans.