0.25 mg Finasteride


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There is definately alot of people out there who take 0.25mg and have had results. hell just google it mate.

any finasteride is better then none at all.
I even read a post where a guy states hes using 0.05mg every few days and seeing results.
1mg is suggested only becasue it gives the best results apparantly.


New Member
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I´m planning to try the 0,25mg Propecia twice per day.

EDIT.Or I might first try 0,25mg once per day... :)
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I went straight for Avodart. 3 weeks in and no sides. I would rather not take chances with my hair.

- - - Updated - - -

I read somewhere that 0.25 mg is the lowest dose that works on Propecia. Almost as well as 1 mg.


Senior Member
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Keep us updated please:)! I am 6 weeks into finasteride and got weaker erections. Will continue on the same dose for 6 weeks and then take a break if there are no changes.


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I saw some advice somewhere to take 1.25mg in every 3 days.
Instead of 1mg avery day.

Anyone have any info on that?


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I will, if can find this thread after ~6-10moths, when I should see the possible benefits of Propecia :) No, I write more often. But it takes longer time to reach the benefits since the dose I take is so low, but if it doesn´t work, I start taking 0,25mg twice per day.

Ordered some L-lysine since I red that it should enhance the effects of finasteride. I don´t know does that it really, but... Last night I got this "morning wood" first time since I started the Propecia a couple of weeks ago, a sign that lowering the dose helped on that area. Thankfully my shedding has been very slow, so I have more time to try to find the dose that has an effect on maintaining/growing my hair, without too severe side effects.


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Can someone help me with ordering Propecia? Can someone suggest me legit online pharmacies that ship internationally..


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I stopped taking propecia. I had these sexual problems even when took 0,25mg a couple times per weer. No I use only Nizoral, argon oil volumizing mousse and revivogen shampoo. I stopped minoxidil also. My scalp is much better and the flakes are gone. I have always had dandruff but not anymore, I believe it will help maintain the hai longer. Thankfully my hair loss has been very slow, if any noticeable.


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Starting to take 0.5 finasteride everyday for the first time, shall let you know how I get on.