Recent content by wrightk

  1. W

    28,crown thinning badly and receding hairline help!(pics attached)

    i have used nanogen before and it is great for just conscious about trying to repair rather than cover up! what stage is my male pattern baldness at? there's a lot of different brand names,proscar,propecia,finestaride,aindeem all widely ranging in price..which is the best/most effective to try...
  2. W

    28,crown thinning badly and receding hairline help!(pics attached)

    thanks all.knowing how individual the drug is maybe hard to answer but,am i likely to get any good regrowth on my crown and receding hairline?the crown is quite bad particuarly when the light hits it/when im walking around.guess im just trying to gauge whether its going to be worth it.i dont...
  3. W

    28,crown thinning badly and receding hairline help!(pics attached)

    Hi everyone. ive been to the docs and obviously theyve said i have male pattern baldness.ive tried a year of minoxidil,various shampoo's etc.problem seems to be getting worse.cant see any improvement. considering a buzz cut because im fed up of it but dont know if it will suit worried about cost/side...
  4. W

    Anyone ever solved keeping fibres on your head - not pillow after sleeping (crown)

    ive tried nanogen,ended up with a black pillow every morning :(
  5. W

    BUZZ CUT concealer

    anyone used nanogen?
  6. W

    do women even like buzzcuts?

    considering a buzzcut myself :S will post up reasons soon.fed up of feeling like an old man!
  7. W

    27 years old, what can I do?

    similar story here too....hope theres a solution