28,crown thinning badly and receding hairline help!(pics attached)


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Hi everyone.

ive been to the docs and obviously theyve said i have male pattern baldness.ive tried a year of minoxidil,various shampoo's etc.problem seems to be getting worse.cant see any improvement.

considering a buzz cut because im fed up of it but dont know if it will suit me.im worried about cost/side effects of propecia too as i cant really afford a long term treatment.

any help advice would be gratefully received!thankyou



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Same boat as you, it took me a while to hop on finasteride. I would at least give it a try for a couple of month. There is a chance of getting sides but if you don't try it you will never find out. Think of all the people before finasteride was discovered. Give it a try if you expierince adverse effects stop it. To the money / cost problem you can cut proscar pills into 1/4 this is very cheap


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I just want to say I LOVE finasteride! Amazing drug! I'm so happy we have it as an option. Feel sorry for the poor folks 15-20+ years ago who didn't have it as an option. It won't work miracles, but it's very good at what it does...

Wolf Pack

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I love Propecia too. It will forever hold a place in my heart, even more than my gf :laugh: The beauty lies in its simplicity, a little easy pill to swallow that obliterates DHT, nothing complex :band:

People only had minoxidil before, a crappy accidental discovery, stone age liquid which costs like £100 a month in the 80s and requires time to dry and massaging it in forever. Great, with limited efficacy. I think I would prefer having doll hair in that scenario.


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Hey don't knock minoxidil man, it works great with finasteride too, it can make a huge difference to some of us...

Wolf Pack

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^ I am aware of how well it works for regrowth, I've never used it as a receder. Just dislike it generally.


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thanks all.knowing how individual the drug is maybe hard to answer but,am i likely to get any good regrowth on my crown and receding hairline?the crown is quite bad particuarly when the light hits it/when im walking around.guess im just trying to gauge whether its going to be worth it.i dont feel ready to lose my hair yet and feel its a matter of time before the receded bits join to the balding crown!


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^ I am aware of how well it works for regrowth, I've never used it as a receder. Just dislike it generally.

I can understand that. Minoxidil is a bit of a pain to apply and be consistent with. Some people do get insane regrowth with it though.


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Don't forget the folks that Propeica ****ed their lives. I'm not saying it can't help people. It's too individual. But there is always the other side of the coin.
P.S: I consider trying finasteride myself.

Yes of course. There is a very small onset of Men who are claiming that Finasterde gave them a condition they call "post finasteride syndrome". Its about persistent see effects even after stopping the medication. Some are saying they are experiencing this condition since more than 10 years. Doctors are helpless regarding this problem. As far as i know a lot of them have problems with persistent sexual side effects like erectile disfunction. Some are saying they have neurological problems etc. Its looks like its a wide rage of different symptoms. A lot of doctors are saying this is internet hysteria of anecdotal stories people are telling online some say its a real condition. There is right now no real scientific proof that this condition is caused by the use of Finasteride. But we also can't deny that this might be a real problem finasteride can cause. Couple of Dermatologist who i personally talked to told me that they have prescribed this medication to several thousand of men through out the years and they had not one single of them who was dealing with persistent side effects after stopping the Medication. One of them told me they are discussion this topic on annual doctors meetings and nobody had ever had a patient with persistent side effect. I don't know i think the truth is somewhere in between. You should definitely talk to your doctor about this he can give you a better answer about the safety profile of finasteride than me! My advise is just don't freak to much about negative effects. Try it, if it is causing side effects just stop it.

thanks all.knowing how individual the drug is maybe hard to answer but,am i likely to get any good regrowth on my crown and receding hairline?the crown is quite bad particuarly when the light hits it/when im walking around.guess im just trying to gauge whether its going to be worth it.i dont feel ready to lose my hair yet and feel its a matter of time before the receded bits join to the balding crown!

Studies showed that the chances are good to regrow hair specially in the crown area. Also people say its hard to regrow Hair in the temple area but Minoxidil should be good for that. If you feel very uncomfortable with your crown area you should look for topikk. I have seen videos on youtube about this product it looks really good. People say it does wonders to the optical appearance.


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i have used nanogen before and it is great for covering.im just conscious about trying to repair rather than cover up!

what stage is my male pattern baldness at?

there's a lot of different brand names,proscar,propecia,finestaride,aindeem all widely ranging in price..which is the best/most effective to try?

many thanks


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i have used nanogen before and it is great for covering.im just conscious about trying to repair rather than cover up!

what stage is my male pattern baldness at?

there's a lot of different brand names,proscar,propecia,finestaride,aindeem all widely ranging in price..which is the best/most effective to try?

many thanks

They are all the same medication, just at various dosages