Recent content by Wash n' Gone

  1. Wash n' Gone

    David Letterman

    I am thinning out in my early thirties and it bothers me. It will bother me in my fourties. I think I will probably just live with it in my fifties, but then again maybe not :lol: Roll on HM.
  2. Wash n' Gone

    The TRUTH about % of finasteride side effects?

    That is for Finasteride and doesn't mention dosage. I would imagine it is talking about the 5mg version taken by much older men as doxazosin is an alpha blocker used to treat BPH. It doesn't contradict the clinical studies at all. Surely this should be in the side effects forum any way?
  3. Wash n' Gone

    A few questions after thinking about.............Celebrities

    It is easy to forget that effective hair meds haven't been around very long. It came to late for some people who already had extensive hairloss (such as Donald Trump).
  4. Wash n' Gone

    Does Propecia work?

    The 5 year study was 9/10. I would say 9/10 people being the same or improved after 5 years is pretty impressive as far as clinical results go :)
  5. Wash n' Gone

    Propecia side effects = success?

    DHT is inhibited in everyone who takes finasteride. The side effects have nothing to do with whether you are successful or not and is a function of how your body deals with changes in your hormone levels. The success or otherwise of finasteride is entirely dependant on how sensitive your hair is...
  6. Wash n' Gone

    crown pic

    It isn't about not liking your posts. Just about giving you honest opinions. I still think it looks fine where you have circled. The hair is slightly more parted on a swirl on your natural parting. You have no diffuse loss at the back and no receeded hairline as far as I can see. Catching it...
  7. Wash n' Gone

    Which one is the real me?

    I can't believe a two year old thread gets bumped! I find the lack of perspective depressing. You guys need to get a handle on the relative importance of this. I hate seeing my hair thinning in the mirror and knowing it will never be like it was five years ago but it isn't the end of the world...
  8. Wash n' Gone

    crown pic

    Your hair is fine. You are not going bald or thinning. Stop obsessing and find something constructive to do instead. You are wasting your time worrying about something that just isn't there.
  9. Wash n' Gone

    Age and finasteride

    I am 33 and about three and a half months in. Hair seems a little better - especially on top and crown. Front is still annoyingly fly away, but definately no worse. If you have male pattern baldness caused by DHT sensitivity, finasteride will help no matter what your age. Good luck :thumbs_up:
  10. Wash n' Gone

    The Top 10 Worst Heredity Conditions

    Half of those conditions are not even that bad. I don't like going bald, but it doesn't begin to compare to genetic predisposition to certain cancers or mental illness which were not even mentioned. Same goes for Lactose intollerant, colour blindness and having twins.
  11. Wash n' Gone

    Does propecia make you tired?

    I don't get tiredness with finasteride. However, I am now getting very bad tiredness if I also take an Antihistamine for hay fever. I didn't get this at all before I started on Propecia. finasteride on its own doesn't make me tired at all though. Very odd.
  12. Wash n' Gone

    delete please

    OK. You can get Propecia from a doctor on private prescription. Just make an appointment and ask for it. Boots also has a hair retention programme which prescribes propecia for £30 a month (about the same price as you would pay on a private prescription from a GP). Nizoral is available over the...
  13. Wash n' Gone

    propecia and regrowth

    Most people get maintenance and a little thickening and perhaps even some minor regrowth. In the long run you will have a lot thicker hair by taking Finasteride than not because you will not continue to deteriorate and hairloss will be stalled or dramatically slowed down. What isn't likely is a...
  14. Wash n' Gone

    Finger lengh and hair-loss?

    Yeah, have read this before. My ring finger is marginally longer than my index finger which I think is normal for a man. I have doubts about the extent of its usefulness as a marker for anything though. People are more than the sum of their genetics and hormonal balance. An aggressive guy pumped...