Wow..ganna try 2 stop bitching after seeing this


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My friend had pretty solid hair in highschool but a bit of a elevated hairline. I tend to b**ch about having my diffuse hair and having transparent hair but an otherwise solid Norwood 1.5....but im really ganna try 2 limit my bitching after seeing this...its both a scary relevation to how fast balding can occur...and how people can have it much worse..this is my friend @ age 20.



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Poor guy, is he aware of/on meds?


I'm sure your friend would love it if he found out you posted a pic of his hair on a hairloss forum :lol: .


s.a.f said:
Poor guy, is he aware of/on meds?

Probably not, otherwise he wouldn´t look like this I suppose. Jesus, why are some people so ignorant about their hair......


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Yea im not super tight with him so I havent asked about the meds..but I know before this he used to shave it to the bone...before he started to go bald though. He doesnt care though and he gets a lotta women.


I know what you mean about trying to stop bitching though... if one of my friends would be balding like that (and I'm almost 25, not 20), I'd feel much better about my situation. Of course all my friends are thick NW1's and I have no one to relate to.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
I'm sure your friend would love it if he found out you posted a pic of his hair on a hairloss forum :lol: .


A guy who works with me is in a similar boat, he is a month older than me and I met him when I was 17, at the time, he had about the same amount of recession as me.

Now we are 33 and he is a NW6, he looks a lot older than me and he was curious about my hair transplant, but he doesn't seem to be bothered about doing anything about it.

Here's a pic taken 18 months ago and since then he has diffused rapidly to a point where all he has is a tuft at the front, I say to him just buzz it all but he won't, I dont think he is an ideal hair transplant candidate as his sides are thin and I really feel sorry for him as occasionally he will wear a cap to go out, and I know why



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With meds or not with meds things that change dramatically for better or for worse.

So better not to talk 'poor guy that didnt know about the meds, went to NW2 to NW6 in few years'. It can happen to us even with Rogaine And Propecia!

Hairloss is still a mistery even though we know the common causes!


Lucky_UK said:
A guy who works with me is in a similar boat, he is a month older than me and I met him when I was 17, at the time, he had about the same amount of recession as me.

Now we are 33 and he is a NW6, he looks a lot older than me and he was curious about my hair transplant, but he doesn't seem to be bothered about doing anything about it.

Here's a pic taken 18 months ago and since then he has diffused rapidly to a point where all he has is a tuft at the front, I say to him just buzz it all but he won't, I dont think he is an ideal hair transplant candidate as his sides are thin and I really feel sorry for him as occasionally he will wear a cap to go out, and I know why ... bin2-1.jpg

Don't know why a man at 33 should feel THAT bad about hairloss? There are many balding guys in their early 20's (me included). He should buzz it though.

Just took a look at your pics... you probably got the best hair transplant results I've ever seen... but what if (when) the recession continues, you'll have to have more operations right?


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GrowHairGrow! said:
Don't know why a man at 33 should feel THAT bad about hairloss? There are many balding guys in their early 20's (me included).

There are guys on here who are nw2 in their 40's and stressing about it, It does get easier to accept hairloss when you're older but it still sucks when you see that most other guys dont have this problem. No one wants to lose their hair whatever age they are. This guys high degree of hairloss at 33 is probably just as (if not more) upsetting as your moderate hairloss is at 25.

Wash n' Gone

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s.a.f said:
[quote="GrowHairGrow!":d1349]Don't know why a man at 33 should feel THAT bad about hairloss? There are many balding guys in their early 20's (me included).

There are guys on here who are nw2 in their 40's and stressing about it, It does get easier to accept hairloss when you're older but it still sucks when you see that most other guys dont have this problem. No one wants to lose their hair whatever age they are. This guys high degree of hairloss at 33 is probably just as (if not more) upsetting as your moderate hairloss is at 25.[/quote:d1349]
I can second that as a 33 year old fighting hairloss. I am bothered and mine isn't anywhere near as bad as his.


s.a.f said:
[quote="GrowHairGrow!":99631]Don't know why a man at 33 should feel THAT bad about hairloss? There are many balding guys in their early 20's (me included).

There are guys on here who are nw2 in their 40's and stressing about it, It does get easier to accept hairloss when you're older but it still sucks when you see that most other guys dont have this problem. No one wants to lose their hair whatever age they are. This guys high degree of hairloss at 33 is probably just as (if not more) upsetting as your moderate hairloss is at 25.[/quote:99631]

You call my hairloss moderate :lol: ? What a joker. I'm telling you, if the meds won't start working pretty soon I'm as good as bald. Lots of thinning and going worse all the time. Anyway, I wouldn't say that most guys in their 40s have full head of hair.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
Don't know why a man at 33 should feel THAT bad about hairloss? There are many balding guys in their early 20's (me included). He should buzz it though.

Just took a look at your pics... you probably got the best hair transplant results I've ever seen... but what if (when) the recession continues, you'll have to have more operations right?

Cheers GHG,
I have been bothered about my hairloss since I was in my teens and have never accepted it hence the hair transplant, I have thought about further hairloss and my money is on the proscar until something better comes along, my hairloss seems to be stable for now but I know this can change so yes there may be further ops in the future, hopefully when HM is availible.


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you guys gotta stop talking about HM man, its not gonna be accessed to public for anytime soon.


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male pattern baldness happend to my brother fast. NW2 to 5 in 6 months.


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RaginDemon said:
you guys gotta stop talking about HM man, its not gonna be accessed to public for anytime soon.

we live in hope ragin, even if nothing ever happens with HM then maybe someone will stumble across a 100% cure

Hey CCS, is your bro taking any meds? I have read your post's about him but can't remember, that is seriously rapid male pattern baldness, how does he take this?