Recent content by steveo1218

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    Yeah everyday
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    Just a bit of an update for the last few weeks I've been taking 0.5 dutasteride and 1mg of finasteride both swallowed in the morning ..... Man my hair feels thicker and getting zero fall out in the shower - no sides at all .
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    Dr. John Cole Botched My Repair Surgeries: I Paid $36,000 with Zero Results.

    Looking at Pics it does look like he did a lot crafts - was a large area to cover. If they had taken up you'd look ok. Obviously something has gone wrong with them taking up , I'm not a doctor so don't know why ? Weird they took hair from your legs as chest hair is so thicker my leg hairs are...
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    From here , there's a tab at the top of this site saying 'get your products'
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    Hi Everyone , sorry I haven't been on in a long while . Someone asked a question about shampoo - I use nizoral mixed with regenpure. My hair has been up and down - due to me getting lazy with it . I've changed my regime recently I now only use minoxidil once a day 'foam' it's less hassle , been using...
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    Minoxidil can cause folliculitis? WTF?!?!

    Get on nizorol that will sort it out - nothing stopping you taking finasteride now
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    Hey guys just wanted to give another quick update as want you to do well with your regimes also. I mention a while back that I have a lazy left temple that is just not responding- I've been derma rolling this once a week with a 1.5 religiously for a while now and I have loads of fine - long...
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    Receding hairline at 16, Pictures

    Dude your hair looks fine ... It's just your natural hairline for sure ! Stop worrying !!! Adios amigo !
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    What's Next for Me?

    What sides were you getting on finasteride - 0.5 mg of finasteride is still very effective - so maybe try lowering the dose
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    Washing your hair too much

    When i washed my hair to much it was dry and brittle. Every 10 days with nizoral and my hair has never been so healthy lol ! Your washing all the natural oils out. I wouldn't say not wash your hair at all as your scalp pores would get clogged with grime . Anyway it works for me . Fcuk all wrong with...
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    It was gradual with the middle filling out then the temples following slowly - it's taken a year for big results but you'll see gradual small results every month . Someone asked me if I had a hair transplant the other day lol !
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    Washing your hair too much

    Lol - as far as I know my hair doesn't smell lol - it was an experiment to see how my hair growth responded and hair health - I have to say it is much better :/ just my 2 pence worth lol
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    Washing your hair too much

    Does washing your too often have a negative impact ? I have had great results with the big 3 but only wash my hair every 10 days - any more than that my hair feels so brittle and dry .
  14. S


    Nah it's not a norwood 1 - the fringe is long and covers the recession at the temples - but it looks like a norwood 1 so suppose that's the objective - - - Updated - - - I'm a definite norwood 2 bang on the money . Was a norwood 4a exactly . Just some good styling to make it look like a 1 - -...