Recent content by Reciprocity

  1. R

    Oral minoxidil 0.625, Does it work?

    If think this does has been reported to show results in females. Not so sure about males though.
  2. R

    Is it hazardous to do cardio a lot if on oral minoxidil?

    Raising your blood pressure? Minoxidil does the exact opposite.
  3. R

    Taking the plunge. Advice appreciated - Oral minoxidil

    From what I understand minoxidil is the only vasodilator that does this so better blood supply probably isn't the answer.
  4. R

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    Yes I do. Currently on the stuff right now.
  5. R

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    Anything past 10mg a day of CPA is pointless. It's a diminishing returns kind of thing. Same as with, say, finasteride really.
  6. R

    Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

    Janey was constantly treating this forum as if it was about transitioning, rather than about saving your hair, no wonder he got banned.
  7. R

    Success oral dutasteride and oral min

    Minoxidil has been show to inhibit collagen production. In mice. Who were put on something like 100 times the dose any human would ever be.
  8. R

    How are their men over 25 and still use social media?

    If you have the looks for it I don't see anything wrong. Don't forget that Dan Bilzerian is the guy with the most followers on instagram.
  9. R

    Question for oral minoxidil users . . .

    I think the dark eye circles seem credible since Minoxidil is a blood lowering medication after all and to appear sleepy or sad is common with low blood pressure because the skin under your eyes is thinner than elsewhere so any less bloodflow will, more or less, depending on where you're coming...
  10. R

    Balding teen? Input wanted please.

    Your sides are immune to androgenetic hairloss meaning what density you have there is your actual natural one. What I'm talking about here is this. This is rather glaring. This shouldn't be see-through when the rest of your hair isn't.
  11. R

    Balding teen? Input wanted please.

    A very pronounced widows peak and some very shady thinning right behind the frontal hairline (not in the back though meaning meaning that what you have in the front doesn't just so happen to be thin naturally)? I think I'll have to go with a "Yes" on this one.
  12. R

    Balding Is Worse Than Being Ugly For Online Dating.

    You're saying "balding" and "ugly" like they aren't closely intertwined.
  13. R

    How Dutasteride utterly destroyed my hair and why you shouldn't take it

    But have you actually lost 60% of your hair? Obviously your hair will look less dense when you get a buzz cut, regardless of actual density. Grow it out again and then report back. That only proves that simply some people do not respond to certain drugs and that's something you can observe with...