Recent content by oliver

  1. O

    DarklyCharming's Surgery Website

    This is madness - 3000 grafts on you!!! Armani is unethical in my opinion. .Armani and his marketing... gets em everytime!
  2. O

    Recommend a UK hair transplant doctor doing FUE?

    i had a consult with Cole in London, didn't like the guy. Very arogant and not interested in what i wanted to achieve but what he was going to do.
  3. O

    Recommend a UK hair transplant doctor doing FUE?

    I just saw specs pics over on another board. he has shaved down to a 5 after 900 fue by Feller, pictures look great feller is well worth looking into for fue specs is a showcase in the u.k i met him a couple of months back, very impressed good luck
  4. O

    Dr. Arvind in New Dehli

    chosing to go with a cheap hair transplant isn't always the best option - a great deal of Dr A's photos are incomplete and as of yet not convinced
  5. O

    Dr Rogers UK - Would 250 grafts (FUE) be enough for me? pics

    tom - i hear you but in the reseach i've done - a hair transplant is for life, an investment - don't opt for the cheaper option when persuing something like a hair transplant - you might end up paying for it big time in more ways then one. If you see Rogers let us know how it goes.
  6. O

    Dr Rogers UK - Would 250 grafts (FUE) be enough for me? pics

    Theres nothing like seeing a hair transplant in person to assess its authentisity. I've not seen any Rogers patients in person or seen any pics either. Defo ask to see a patient of his before you commit! i belive he is a good ethical surgeon but realtively inexperienced when it comes to FUE compared to the...
  7. O

    Who? & Why?

    after seeing his patient in person i would recommend Dr Feller. His hairlines are totally natrual and authentic. he also provides FUE as well as strip and is not agressive in his design like other Doctor's. if your interested in a hair transplant and your in the u.k you should honestly meet with specs. he's...
  8. O

    The Hunting Clinic (in the UK)

    Jai - if your interested in a hair transplant and your in the u.k you should honestly meet with specs. he's a hair transplant vet and very experienced and his results are astounding. I met him in London a few months back and he couldn't have been more informative. Hes had work done by a number of surgeons and had...
  9. O

    Best Hair Transplant Doctors In Athens Greece Area?

    don't limit yourself to the u.k - for the sake of a quick flight you can see the best of the best in the U.S. A hair transplant isn't something you do on the cheap and you don't want to limit yourself to a dr because of their location or yours. FUE is proving to be just as successful as strip damien -...
  10. O

    hair transplant questions

    totally normal dude - your grafts are safe after day 3/4! !!!
  11. O

    finally hair

    finally hair = SPAM
  12. O

    finally hair

    strange how Finally hair has gone so quiet after bombarding every hairloss board around ----- ermmmmm cat is out the bag i think maintanence1 - unfortunately i don't know of any in chicargo - but Cole is good - Alanta and also Feller in NYC.
  13. O

    a question for people who've had hair transplants.

    this DJ guy is 100% misleading!!! can't stress this enough. an absolute cr@ppy post GHO IS A FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. O

    finally hair

    finally hair - your results are good but not worth bombarding evry board with the same post - you obviously work for Armani so i think you should really disclose this fact or stop asking everyone for their opinion on evry board around. you are obviously happy with your results as you have told...
  15. O

    Is 21 too young for a transplant?

    finally hair - your results are good but not worth bombarding evry board with the same post - you obviously work for Armani so i think you should really disclose this fact or stop asking everyone for their opinion on evry board around. you are obviously happy with your results as you have told...