hair transplant questions


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I had my first hair transplant 11 days ago. Most of the scubs have gone away, however today I've noticed that if I rub my hair (NOT scratch them or pull them!!) some scubs fall out with one or two hairs :cry: Is it normal or should I be worried?
Also, how much time should I wait till I have my hair cut or comb them regularly? I have avoided combing my transplanted hair so far. Right now I feel that my whole head is sensitive...


Established Member
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I can't help you on your questions, sorry. I would like to know some information about your hair transplant though, like how old are you, how much was it, where did you get it done, what kind of hair transplant was it (FUE, strip, etc.) what part of your scalp was the transplant for and how long after the surgery could you viseably tell you had a hair transplant? Thanks and good luck.


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The above statement is correct. My Doctor told me the grafts are pretty much in there by day 3.

nevertheless, I was told to wait two weeks before combing normally. After that, wash and scrub like before. Most of your grafted hairs are gonna fall out. This is normal. The roots are still OK.