Recent content by luckycharms22842005

  1. L

    Help w/ EMU oil please

    I've heard many good things about EMU oil (sounds like a miracle product). Has anyone ever tried it? I want to buy some, but I don't know which to buy because there are so many different types of emu oil................. Is "pure" emu oil okay?... or should I get a sort of emu oil for hair...
  2. L

    some shampoo advice please

    Thanks for responding everyone. I have researched some about Nizoral 1 and 2% and also researched on EMU oil. They both sound very interesting and seem to work for many. Would it be okay to use "both" products??? Your opinion is appreciated. Thanks.
  3. L

    some shampoo advice please

    I'm currently using Rogaine 5%. I want to add a shampoo treatment and i want to know what works best. Can any of you more experienced guys tell me the different types of shampoo you've used, and tell me about your successes or failures with them? Thanks.
  4. L

    I have a question

    Has anyone heard of Provillus pills? I've done some research online and I hear Provillus pills are VERYsuccessful. Research also say that Procerin pills are VERY successful. Does anyone have anything to say about the pills? I do not know which one to buy. Also, has anyone heard about this...
  5. L

    Trying out Rogaine

    Hello. I'm starting to thin a lot lately so I'm planning to use Rogaine. I hear there's a 5% solution and a 15% solution...... I've never used any products before, so should I start with the 5%, or move right on to the 15%???
  6. L

    Thinning 21 yr old needs some advice

    Hello. I'm 21 yrs. old. I still have hair, but I notice it is thinning out. At this point, it is thinning out more than I'm comfortable with. I want to take care of this before it becomes a serious problem. I thought about using the common rogaine; however, the rogaine box suggests I should not...