Recent content by lovely711

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    For those who have tried an aromatase inhibitor ...

    Theoratically since you are taking propecia, you are fine.. tribestan increases free testosterones, and these are the ones that gets converted to DHT's.. Propecia blocks the hormone that converts free testosterones to DHT's.. Being an athelete and being on propecia for a long time, have u...
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    Just got my Arimidex ...

    Thnx a lot Rudiratlos.. Are these presrception drugs? Did u undergoe any propecia induced sexual side effects.. Also, from where did u order these drugs... Thnx again
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    Just got my Arimidex ...

    GoodLuck drinkrum.. My serum testosterones are normal and my free testosterones are in the HIGH range.. Still my erections sucks.. Today, I did a blood test for estrogen count.. If it comes up high I will also be joining u..
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    For those who have tried an aromatase inhibitor ...

    dinkrum once gain, Thnx for the info Say, if i have a good amount of estrogen content in my body and if I am not taking any drug.. Will the body get rid of it eventually? If so, how does it do that? Sorry for asking lot of questions.. Thnx dude
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    For those who have tried an aromatase inhibitor ...

    drinkrum I have lot of finaesteride users taking 0.25 mg on alternate days at hairsite.. My hair started falling after 3 months of stopping propecia.. When it started falling it was like a rain fall.. by 6 months i went back to where i was before.. Could u please tell me how armidex...
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    For those who have tried an aromatase inhibitor ...

    drinkrum I hear you.. It is a very difficult decision to stop taking propecia after you get all the results from it.. Looks like your estrogen levels got accumulated for a span of 3 full years.. Probably your body is well adjusted now, but may be those excess estrogens are still sitting out...
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    For those who have tried an aromatase inhibitor ...

    Are you still continuing taking Propecia 1mg? My finaesteride hair started falling 3 months after stopping it.. By 6 months my hair went back to where i was before.. After that I thought my hairloss is a kind of stabilsed.. but my current shedding started 3 weeks back I have read in several...
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    For those who have tried an aromatase inhibitor ...

    dinkrum I tested my serum and free testosterones, results came as normal.. i will ask for the exact count.. My idiot doctor opposed performing an estrogen test.. so I have'nt done that yet.. Talking a't hairloss, yess.. I am undergoing an accelerated loss now.. It can be due to any of the...
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    For those who have tried an aromatase inhibitor ...

    drinkrum I am not on an aromatase inhibitor, but I am taking tribestan.. it is supposed to normalise the estrogen contents.. It is 1 year that I am off from finaesteride, and still my erections are pretty weak... Today I am completing 2nd week on tribestan.. I noticed a increase in sex...
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    hiding donor and recipient scars after bad transplant

    hello danny sorry to hear a't ur situation.. i dont have a direct answer to ur question, but I have heard that a good surgeon can do a corrective surgery on bad hair transplant scars and make it look almost invisible.. also I have heard that some surgeons even do FUE on scars..
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    Scalp problems

    I had EXACTLY the same sitiation as you. Just like someone pricking with a needle and heavy itching on that area. I met lot of doctors, but none of them knew what was going wrong, and situation just worsened.. finally one derm discovered that I am having alopecia areata. I never had that in my...
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    Propecia stops further production of DHT. But the minoxidil grown hair follicles are already bound with DHT. Probably an anti andrigen like spironolactone may help here. It deattaches DHT from the receptor cells and have the hair grow. Just my thought, but could be wrong
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    6Months Final update, with pictures: Did the helmet worked ?

    koros why dont you try a smaller dosage of propecia
  14. L

    Can everyone post what they are on the Norwood scale here?

    Norwood 3. Propecia improved it to NW1.5, but had to discontinue it due to sexual side effects. Now back to Norwood 3 once again. 3 weeks back performed a 1500graft hair transplant from H&W. Waiting to see some results, I hope that would bring myself down to NW1.5