Recent content by LocoRoco

  1. LocoRoco

    Is This A Normal Cowlick Or A Bald Spot?

    Take another shot, under sunlight or good lighting from an angle viable enough to give us a 'better' view... Rn I can't tell much, soz bro...
  2. LocoRoco

    Painful / burning scalp around crown area. Thinning?

    Seek professional consultance with the likes of someone who has experience in scalp related problems and Hair loss. Possibily, a hair transplant specialist Idk... Depending on if you care about your hair or not I guess.
  3. LocoRoco

    Is This The Beginning Of male pattern baldness? I Think My Temples Are Receding

    Your crown looks a little thin, or maybe its just the lighting... Don't opt for minoxidil. You get a little too lazy and you horrendously lose all your sides, just try finasteride and if you don't like it. Give up is essentially what I'd say, unless your fine with tedious application seek minoxidil.
  4. LocoRoco

    Is This The Beginning Of male pattern baldness? I Think My Temples Are Receding

    PS. the only thing premature balding (before 40-35) and its correlation with DHT is linked to is with this "VERY ESSENTIAL" 80% increased chance of prostate cancer *trait* that you speak of. I don't think you should have any authority to claim its presence as essential considering not 100% of...
  5. LocoRoco

    Is This The Beginning Of male pattern baldness? I Think My Temples Are Receding

    Don't give me pseudo bro science dude. You won't have more sides just because your more male/ masculine. How the hell do you even scale masculinity; is this based on our physiques, T levels or what. Its all a matter of sensitivity to different hormones, basic human biology. Any numbskull would...
  6. LocoRoco

    My Hair- Do I Have Male Pattern Baldness?

    No, there is thinning going in your hairline... You are losing hair (maybe slowly). I can tell that you are, its called miniaturization.
  7. LocoRoco

    Is This The Beginning Of male pattern baldness? I Think My Temples Are Receding

    Yea, I see the recession taking place at the corners of your temples. You can still maintain great hair tbh, if you seek medication that is. If you get on finasteride now you won't have to worry about any more problems at least for many years to come. PS. don't let the pussies fool you, finasteride might have...
  8. LocoRoco

    My Hair- Do I Have Male Pattern Baldness?

    Yep, I had another look and there is definitely thinning...
  9. LocoRoco

    The Role Of Estrogen In The Preservation And Regrowth Of Frontotemporal Hairline

    I mean it is viable, we would just have to risk being feminine for a 'bit'. It can f*** things up tho.... I would still risk it. Knowing basic human biology, it is feasible to take hormonal treatments as the primary means of combating male pattern baldness and after the results are gained. Going off estrogen and...
  10. LocoRoco

    My Hair- Do I Have Male Pattern Baldness?

    Yes, you do. Don't listen to Oscar... Unless you gotta shitty haircut where the barber shaved ur hairline to make it more symmetrical. bUT I think there is thinning
  11. LocoRoco

    19 Years Old With A Bad Hairline Looking For Some Help

    You have reached the point of no return... In the case you'd want to have reasonably 'good' looking hair, you will never achieve it now :(
  12. LocoRoco

    Balding? What Norwood Is This? Just Paranoid?

    Possibily an early onset of diffused thinning. I would say its feasible after having a look at genetic heriditability of male pattern baldness.