Recent content by kolaios

  1. kolaios

    Foam not for receding??

    Waht is Spectra DMC???? I have never heard of it!!!! please tell me abou it/
  2. kolaios

    Foam not for receding??

    Me too... At first I did shed a bit in the hairline and I did freaked out!!!! But now I am growing a lot!!!! I am very exited about the FOAM!!!! Works much better!!! smels great and it acually works as a mose... for styling.
  3. kolaios

    Why MSM & Biotin???

    Hello, I am looking into getting MSM but I saw that it is for joints... what??? is this correct? DO you guys recomend it? Also I am looking into taking Biotin... do you guys recomend it too? Thanks kol
  4. kolaios

    Hair transplant without incision

    Hi all, i once saw a new technique used to do transplants without the incision in the back. has anyone here done it??? or can some one tell me where they do it,,,??? i saw that it was somewhere in NYC... but i can not find the web site. htnaks all..\ kol
  5. kolaios

    What is the best regrower for the crown? POLL

    Ok... Let's see what people on this forum think about shedding on the crown. What is the BEST regrower for the crown for MEN?
  6. kolaios


    Yes i think i am using way too much minoxidil... I always use more than the recommended amount cause i feel like i can't put it all over the head and I want all my temples and all my crown wet with it. Might be that. :freaked2:
  7. kolaios


    Do you guys used minoxidil??? Cause some people here are telling me that minoxidil makes your face big. Is this true? thanks for all the info
  8. kolaios

    Does minoxidil makes your face fat?

    It is NOT in the list of side effects. AND THAT SUCKS.... What if I change to the 15% Zandrox? WOuld i be super FAT FACED????? lol
  9. kolaios


    I have a good body... but my face seems to be fatty.... Any suggestions? I workout 3 to 4 times a week.
  10. kolaios

    Does minoxidil makes your face fat?

    What about cardio? lots of Cardio???
  11. kolaios

    Does minoxidil makes your face fat?

    Yes... water retention... Ok i have a bad case of IT.... What can i do to fix it?????? :oops:
  12. kolaios

    Does minoxidil makes your face fat?

    Hello.... I have a question... Does minoxidil 5% and higher makes the face look fat? And if so, what can I do about it? Please post your experience. Thanks a lot!!!!
  13. kolaios

    I need help choosing Shampoos for crazy itching.

    T-sal Tgel? best and less harsh?
  14. kolaios

    I need help choosing Shampoos for crazy itching.

    THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP!!!!! :hairy: :freaked: :freaked: :freaked: MY SCALP IS ITCHY!!!!! tooo much.... GOD i am going crazy... is it because of male pattern baldness?
  15. kolaios

    I need help choosing Shampoos for crazy itching.

    Thanks you... I have used T-gel but i feel like is such a harsh shampoo. Do you feel the same way? can I use it every day?