Recent content by Kev123

  1. Kev123

    Why there will NEVER be a cure for baldness

    Nothing has a cure, not even a simple cold. Hair loss is no exception. Cancers, Aids, etc, no cure. Humans give themselves too much credit when it comes to cures. No, they are likely not hiding or preventing a hair loss cure. We literally just don’t know how to cure anything. Humans try, but the...
  2. Kev123

    Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless

    You may not want to read this, and sorry if you tried it already, but what about adding finasteride or dutasteride orally?
  3. Kev123

    It seems like there's people everywhere doing hair cloning now.

    This would violate the laws of hair physics. There can’t ever be any male pattern baldness treatment better than hair transplant/finasteride/dutasteride/minoxidil. All treatments and procedures that work in theory, are 5-10 years away. At all times. No exceptions. Then you have to apply Mice Law. Everything works on mice, nothing works on...
  4. Kev123

    Did bodily Hypertrichosis indicate that Minoxidil was effective with your scalp hair?

    That’s not a good poll at all. Like others said. I would also add, hair regrowth and no bodily hypertrichosis. You are eliminating a bunch of would be voters by not adding some hypertrichosis and no scalp hair regrowth. If this poll becomes popular and stumbled on by some poor young soul...
  5. Kev123

    Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless

    It was a small hair transplant, maybe 2000. The surgeon warned me that because of my alopecia areata, it’s going to be risky and transplanted hairs are susceptible to alopecia areata. He is right, look at my donor area, that bald spot there is from AA. A lot of my grafts were affected by AA. I went ahead...
  6. Kev123

    Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless

    Also today: You can see it’s thickening. The quality of it is changing too, back to normal. It’s creeping back. I could not get results like these, in the quickness I am getting it, on the big 3. Without dermapen, in the past, i’d be lucky to get these results in 6 months. 7 weeks is...
  7. Kev123

    Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless

    Okay, I found another one from before. This one is from August 17, 2021. Despite my hair being messy in the before pic, you can still see that pattern I have, got thicker and darker. You can see in the after pic that there is now clearly hair where there appeared to be none. This was me not...
  8. Kev123

    Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless

    I don't mean to hijack the thread but this post is relevant to the thread and I am not ready for a "success story" thread yet. It has been 7 weeks since I started and I know I said in this thread, a a bunch of pages back, that I would share results at the 6 month mark but I just wanted to share...
  9. Kev123

    HairClone will be available in some UK Clinics in "early 2022" - Paul Kemp, HairClone CEO

    He has to make that big retirement money somehow. If people will "try" it, why not?
  10. Kev123

    Baldness cure may be coming after discovery of protein that fuels hair growth

    It surprised me because I was very young and didn’t know that dermatologist were so clueless about male pattern baldness.
  11. Kev123

    Baldness cure may be coming after discovery of protein that fuels hair growth

    Pathetic victim card? If anyone looks stupid and pathetic it’s you with your silly and provocative assumptions. You sound like an ***. I didn’t think would still be attracting asshats to sign up here. You should refrain from accusing someone of using the victim card on MBP if you do not...
  12. Kev123

    Baldness cure may be coming after discovery of protein that fuels hair growth

    What ever the case may be, dermatologists don’t care about hair loss. That was my point, the label of “cosmetics” goes to show how low of a priority it is. No one cares about us baldies. We are subhuman. Psychological and social issues that male pattern baldness gives us is not enough for them. Hair loss would...
  13. Kev123

    The functional cure is already here (pics)

    That looks unnatural. If that is a functional cure, we are in trouble. And this is coming from someone who had an FUE, and I am not “broke”. Not only does it look unnatural, his hairline is way back, giving him a permanent, dreadful, big forehead. His temples also look weirdly shaped. Might...
  14. Kev123

    Baldness cure may be coming after discovery of protein that fuels hair growth

    Dermatologists usually know nothing about hair loss, unless they specialize in it specifically, and make a career out of it. And that is a small amount of med school students who pursue research on hairloss. I remember the moment I realized dermatologists don’t care about male pattern baldness. From my...
  15. Kev123

    Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless

    PS: I can’t believe it’s 2021 and people are still either largely misinformed about minoxidil, or their being people who still spread around that minoxidil doesn’t work or that it loses it’s efficacy. Just because that was what they experienced. I think so many people are in denial that some of...