Recent content by Kamill

  1. K

    Hair system - what about your girlfriends/wifes?

    Thank you guys for your comments. This is very helpful. Actually I don't know if my hairloss is problem for her, maybe it is but she has never mentioned it. I think that this is matter of time, because my hairloss is more visible from week to week. How do you feel with your hair system...
  2. K

    Hair system - what about your girlfriends/wifes?

    Hi, My names' Kamil, 26 years old, nearly NW4. I am going bald drastically fast, since one year I take Propecia 1mg everyday, but my hair is much much worse than before taking it. I don't know if there is any hope I gave up a few months ago because I believed that hair system would be a great...
  3. K

    Stopping Propecia? 1 - year shedding

    Hi, I am 26 years old, nearly NW3a. My horrible shedding started a year ago, I started taking minoxidil for 6 months (no results, horrible itching) and I take Propecia 1mg since June 2014 - no results, crazy shedding, I have sebum overproduction so I have to wash my hair everyday - I lose...
  4. K

    Hair system in Europe

    Thank you for your help. 1. Is the ukhairsystem only online supplier? They have no clinic where they can make a template? 2. Do you know good clinics in UK where I can go to make a template and the price is ok? 3. How much do you pay for your lace pieces? 4. Can you expose your hairline? I...
  5. K

    Hair system in Europe

    It's really bad to wait 4-5 months. However Hairlab is the best known clinic in Poland, a lot of celebrities visit this place. I have to pay 1800 dollars for this hairpiece, I already paid 900 and I don't know if I should wait till May when this hairpiece is ready or I should order some...
  6. K

    Hair system in Europe

    It's custom piece. I ordered it in Hairlab in Warsaw. They are making lace for me, I visited the clinic in the beginning of January and I have to wait till May. The problem is, my temples are thinning extremely fast. My hairline and crown are thinning rapidly. Clinic's owner made a template...
  7. K

    Hair system in Europe

    Hi, I'm interested in ordering a hair system. I live in Poland and I've already ordered one, but I'm afraid it will look bad. Can you recommend any clinics in Germany or in UK? Is it necessary to go at first to the clinic and let the specialists make template?
  8. K

    Shedding propecia 7 months, no results, semen leakage, increased sex drive

    Hi, I'm from Poland, age 26. Hairloss since 2009, since April 2014 started a real nightmare. I'm bad looking guy, so hair is the very last thing I want to lose. I can't imagine myself being bald, my head doesn't have a good shape to have even buzz-cut. I think I started my regimen too late...
  9. K

    ViviComb - does it work?

    Hello. My name is Kamill. I am from Poland and I am sitting right now at home in Cracow, Poland. Sorry for my English, by the way. I started becoming bald in the age of 20. Now I am 25. According to Norwood-Hamilton scale of baldness, I have Class III. I have been using different methods...