Recent content by jonnykino

  1. J

    Hair thinning? Can't tell

    Yeah, that's what I can't work out myself. Especially since it's been like this for 2/3 years - the length of time I've been checking my hair. So I don't know. And I can't tell if it's worse or exactly the same. Plus, last derm I went to just told me it was fine and gave me nizoral for my scalp...
  2. J

    Hair thinning? Can't tell

    Hey been a while since I posted, but a bit bothered by something. Just had my hair cut, got it cut a lot shorter than usual - not intentionally but whatever. So, decided to get home and have a check at the part that bothers me. I got this: Went to a derm last...
  3. J

    Finding Fault with my hair

    I know I've posted many pics of my hair on here before, and I know many of you have told me my hair is fine - and doctors have said my hair is fine - but I keep going through phases where I feel my hair is perfect, then a month or so later, I find fault with it. At the moment, I'm really...
  4. J

    Miniaturisation Question

    Hmm? Sorry, I don't get what you mean, sorry.
  5. J

    Miniaturisation Question

    Yo. No pictures, hoorah. Just need some advice. I'm a little confused on how miniaturisation works. I have straight blonde hair, that is non-balding. I hope. Typical to blonde hair, my hair is fine, but there is a lot of it so it appears to be thick. I get the impression that my hairline is...
  6. J

    Scalp issue/crown

    Cheers for the reply IrishFella. selenium sulphide 2.5% ? Never heard of it? Is it an ointment or shampoo? Either way I'll have a gander and see if it helps. Thanks man. :)
  7. J

    Scalp issue/crown anyone know why my scalp is so... red? i've tried loads of stuff, but nothing works. my scalp is scabby at the back and the top, and whatever my GP prescribed just doesn't work. also, while i'm here... how's my crown/top of hair looking? CHEERS.
  8. J

    what makes this preteen's hair look strange?

    looks like a combination of harsh flash, light hair, and hair that's brushed forward.
  9. J

    what does early diffuse look like?

    yeah. that's it. what does early diffuse look like? this isn't about my hair.
  10. J

    scabby red head

    sorry, should have mentioned that. i've used that as well, before ketopine. it's been scabby, and itchy when am hot, for a while. two distinct memories i have of each is when i was in year 6, so about 10, my head was scabby and i felt it, and in year 8 or so, when i was about 12, my head was...
  11. J

    scabby red head

    NO PICS ANYMORE. NO QUESTIONS REGARDING MY PARANOIA, JUST A QUESTION ABOUT MY SCABBY HEAD. my scalp is bright red. i'm fair, so it could be that it's sunburned slightly as well, but i'm in england and there's no sun. anyway, towards my crown and the back of my head it's scabby. sometimes if i...
  12. J

    Gels to use to style without looking Thinner?

    ^ yeah, anything matte.
  13. J

    Good Thickening Shampoo's

    only from what i've read online, i've seen people mention nioxin. i don't know what it's like so another member would be best to answer, but that's a supposed hair thickening shampoo.
  14. J

    Am I receding or just mature hairline?

    cuz you're pathetic and rude. op, post pics in natural light. from experience that gives the best evidence. .. and by experience, i mean that's what people have told me.