Miniaturisation Question


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Yo. No pictures, hoorah. Just need some advice.

I'm a little confused on how miniaturisation works. I have straight blonde hair, that is non-balding. I hope. Typical to blonde hair, my hair is fine, but there is a lot of it so it appears to be thick. I get the impression that my hairline is around the Norwood 1.5 area, as there is no thinning, but it angles slightly into a slight 'V' shape. I'm 22 years old.

I have an irritated scalp, and my GP has prescribed me a few different medications to attempt to remedy the scalp issue. I've been given Cocois scalp ointment, generic Nizoral; ketopine, and I myself have tried Polytar. As of yet, nothing has worked, and I find myself scratching my head and finding scab-like flakes towards the crown and back of my head. Since I'm scratching a lot, I see hairs falling. I also see hairs on my hands when shampooing, and when applying hair product. I see maybe 5-10 when showering, 5-10 when applying product, and maybe 4-6 when I scratch my head, though this isn't each time. It might be the first timeI I scratch, but afterwards throughout the day it might only be a couple. I know you can lose up to 150 hairs a day, but am wondering whether this seems like an excessive amount?

Anyway, onto my miniaturisation question. Recently, I've started examining the hairs I find and seeing if any appear thinner than normal. Occasionally I find white, wavy hair strands that are very thin, but I don't know whether these are synthetic, or even dog hairs (from my Shih-Tzu) as my hair isn't wavy at all. I also can find short, thick dark hairs, which again don't fit into my hair texture/colour. Do these sound like miniaturising hairs? My hair doesn't appear to be thinning or anything, but these hairs I am seeing are making me concerned. Again.

Sorry for such a long question.
