Recent content by Ivebrussel

  1. I

    Massive Sides On Bimatoprost/difloenac/nizoral Cream - Help

    I'll try to describe my sides better - I feel totally fine when laying down, though the moment I lift my head up slightly I get dizzy, like the sensation that I'm on a boat and i lose balance, as if my neck doesn't hold my head. But the moment I look up i begin to float, and when I went to the...
  2. I

    Massive Sides On Bimatoprost/difloenac/nizoral Cream - Help

    Hi everyone, So a little bit of background and timelines - 28, healthy male, Athlete, diffused thinning Norwood 2 5% Minoxidil 2014-2019 (Dropped it 2 months ago, experienced no shedding or loss) Finastride 1mg/day 2018-present Dermaneedling 2016-present (approx once a week), scalp massages daily 2...
  3. I

    Whey Protein Connected To Hair Loss?

    As male pattern baldness/acne prone i'd avoid any diary unless it's kefir or proper yogurt (kefir gets rid of 99% of the lactose-lactic acid). and make sure to never take criatine
  4. I

    My Biospy Results From My Biopsy Came In.

    you never know how it's going to progress for you, but if it's important to you then you should get a derminator machine and use it weekly to encourage growth without skin tearing, see how it works for you for few months, if you see no progress then look into finastride. minoxidil can cause more...
  5. I

    Do You Think Justin Bieber Is Balding? (pics)

    He seems to be losing hair quality overall and thin around hairline