Recent content by fodandahalf

  1. fodandahalf

    One area bald guys get unanimously praised...

    Bald/really close shave plus beard is the best look for badasses I reckon. Whoever complained about Max's hair needs shooting, action heroes aren't meant to be pretty boys. They recreated him as some gritty/ damaged tough guy which is tons better. Max Payne, Walter White, John McClain etc.
  2. fodandahalf


    I really do not believe alpecin is effective against hair loss. I used it for a year which was wasted time and money. Granted it's a good shampoo and will not hurt, but if you're serious about preventing hair loss, then stick to minoxidil/ finasteride. There's no use in wasting time experimenting.
  3. fodandahalf

    Lucid dreaming

    I have an odd condition called sleep paralysis which puts me in a state of sleep, except for the actual sleeping part. So basically I'm almost completely paralyzed (like in REM sleep) except I can blink and breathe, but I can see around me and also hallucinate and hear things. Whenever I manage...
  4. fodandahalf

    Bryan87's Story - (23 /need help)

    Your hair looks really good and your hairline is actually great too. I think the side profiles might be making it look a little more receded to you, but I really don't think you need to try and improve your hairline. It's definitely worth maintaining if you are losing hair though.
  5. fodandahalf

    nordicbald 17 years old

    The very front/ centre of my hairline has receded in an odd shape too, just as far back as the hairline corners. Easily the worst thing about my hairline; a good forelock is everything.
  6. fodandahalf

    I thought abot something positive in baldness.

    I actually think curved/ peaked hairlines look much better than straight hairlines when buzzed. Norwood 2 but with a good forelock and side profiles is the best.
  7. fodandahalf

    I thought abot something positive in baldness.

    Haha yeah, completely true though.
  8. fodandahalf

    Cats and Hair

  9. fodandahalf

    I thought abot something positive in baldness.

    People who pack themselves into gyms, hair or no hair, for the sole reason to get a 'perfect' body are not what 'real men' are anyway. But yeah this post is ridiculous...
  10. fodandahalf

    body hair transplant in UK or nearby countries?

    I very much doubt a decent surgeon would be happy to do this. I reckon a very small fue procedure would be concealable for a while and the results would be much better. Beard hair, chest hair and leg hair have blatantly different qualities than head hair and in my opinion, BHT is generally a bad...
  11. fodandahalf

    whats the worse thing you have done as a result of hair loss

    I actually became concerned about the way I looked. I was short and fat in high school and couldn't have been happier.
  12. fodandahalf

    Favorite bald compliments

    It's ridiculous to say who has it worse/ who has more of a right to complain. Some norwood 5-7s will be virtually unaffected by hair loss, whilst some other norwood 2/3 could be devastated. The actual amount of hair you've lost shouldn't be the only thing to dictate how bad you've got it.
  13. fodandahalf

    Favorite bald compliments

    It's ridiculous to say who has it worse/ who has more of a right to complain. Some norwood 5-7s will be virtually unaffected by hair loss, whilst some other norwood 2/3 could be devastated. The actual amount of hair you've lost shouldn't be the only thing to dictate how bad you've got it.
  14. fodandahalf

    Natural Remedy?

    Natural alternative medicines are generally a bad idea. Natural does not imply safer. If finasteride won't work for you, then it's very doubtful saw palmetto will either. See how good minoxidil works, or perhaps a lower dosage of finasteride? I don't wanna mess with either as I'm only 19 but they're the best two...
  15. fodandahalf

    Am I going bald?

    My guess would be no; your hair looks strong. The last 2 pics look that way because of the bright lighting but I can't see any signs of balding whatsoever. My 'guess' based on photos is nonconclusive though so if you want to know for sure; get to a dermatologist. Don't send yourself crazy...