Recent content by Boomer01

  1. Boomer01

    Growth Factor Responsible for Triggering Hair Follicle Generation During Wound Healin
  2. Boomer01

    Post Accutane hair loss, propecia and rogaine?

    Hair loss is a side effect of accutane. It doesn't happen to everyone though. The normal length of accutane treatment is 4-6 months or possibly longer depending on the severity. The shedding from the accutane should taper off as it exits your system.
  3. Boomer01

    Pictures of Thinning Hair Buzzed/Shaved

    Is there any place to see before and after pictures of people with thinning hair who buzzed it down or shaved it off? If not, maybe we should begin one to give people ideas of what they would look like if they did it. I know many people are on the fence and scared to make the jump.
  4. Boomer01

    Quitting Finasteride after first dose HELP

    Heh. He's probably right. People that stress that much will think that any little thing is caused from finasteride. Your brain even makes you feel symptoms that you don't really have. Yes people do get side effects from taking it, but it's a small number. You will be fine and have no side effects from...
  5. Boomer01

    Normal amount of hairs to lose in the shower + combing afterwards?

    People shed an average of 100 hairs per day, so don't panic.
  6. Boomer01

    Proscar and muscles

    I don't think it will affect muscle mass. I have been on it over a year and within the last 6 months (started back working out) I have gained quite a bit of muscle. There was also another poster on here who shed fat and gained serious muscle while on finasteride. You'll be okay.
  7. Boomer01

    Any Results with Lipogaine as a Hair Loss Treatment?

    You are supposed to leave it on for a while (at least 4 hours, I think) just like any other minoxidil. That gives it enough time to absorb into your scalp.
  8. Boomer01

    Is Finasteride (Propecia) Thinning My Hair?

    Well it has been 14 months since starting finasteride (proscar) and I have yet to see any real results. I initially had a large shedding phase, which slowed back to normal, but I never did see a real decrease in shedding. I also didn't see any regrowth during the time. I think I am going to stop taking...
  9. Boomer01

    Minoxidil application once a day or two?

    I too went to once a day (at night) a few months back and my hair got quite a bit thinner. After a month of trying once a day I switched back to twice a day, but have yet to get to the point I was before going to once a day. It seems like most people are loosing ground if they switch to minoxidil...
  10. Boomer01

    Dairy products

    I drink milk all of the time and am not going to stop based on some studies. The milk we buy is also hormone free.
  11. Boomer01

    Which applicator?

    I've always used a dropper. Sprays seem to be less accurate and get on the hair instead of scalp.
  12. Boomer01

    Has azelaic acid changed the game on minoxidil vs. finasteride

    People on here will say that there is not scientific proof that azelaic acid helps to prevent hair loss. I'm not 100% sold that it doesn't help.
  13. Boomer01

    Changing time of day to take Finasteride?

    After reading that alcohol may affect the effectiveness of finasteride, I decided to change from nights to mornings. I began by taking the pill a few hours early for a couple days.
  14. Boomer01

    Working out = hair loss?

    There could be many things attributing to thinning hair. Don't skip out on physical exercise just based on a hunch. People need to stop letting hair loss control their lives.
  15. Boomer01

    proscar vs propecia and price

    The doctor should have no problem prescribing proscar. It only costs me $10/month.