Proscar and muscles


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Hey im a 20 year old already losing my hair. My dad had the same issue still has hair but has a recedeed hairline and loss of hair at the vertex. I was prescribed proscar at 1.25mg a day and started 4 days ago. Now Ive read that in some people it can affect muscle gains and ive been working out since i was about 16. Anyways ever since i have started it i have felt a weakness in my muscles,mostly in my biceps. I can still lift as heavy as i normally do but even when im not at the gym i feel a weakness especially in the biceps. I work out 4-5 times a week and have not had this issue before. I did do some research before to see if it would affect my gains... Is there anybody else thats had this happen to them? Is it maybe my body that is not used to having so many hormonal changes in the body and needs time to get used to? Will it actually effect my gains? Sorry for the bombardment of questions im just worried and would like you guys opinion. Thanks


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I have seen no evidence that suggests finasteride will effect your gains adversely. I have seen one study that specifically studied this, and showed no effect on muscle growth versus a placebo group. Finasteride is known to marginally increase Testosterone levels, which (if anything) should help your gains. In your case of having only taken it for 4 days, I can almost certainly say it has nothing to do with finasteride. Even if it dropped your T to zero, your muscles don't waste away that quickly.

Remember, weight lifting is very much in your head. Your mind and your will is what helps you squeeze out those reps. If you carry doubt in your mind, it's going to affect your workouts.


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Im still getting pain in my biceps as if it is a muscle tear. And it has only started on my second day on proscar. Im on my 6th day now and the pain is still there.


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I doubt anyone knows DHT is not nearly figured out what it does exactly which is why lowering it is risky business hence they are called drugs.


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I think the thing you will have to worry (more) about when taking a 5-ar inhibitor, is the change in your penile tissue that will happen over time. Right?


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Yeah im worried about that too. So far nothing is wrong down there. But still feeling some pain at sometimes in the arms.


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I don't think it will affect muscle mass. I have been on it over a year and within the last 6 months (started back working out) I have gained quite a bit of muscle. There was also another poster on here who shed fat and gained serious muscle while on finasteride. You'll be okay.


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My Regimen
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Peapoddy, a user on here shows otherwise.

(click picture)



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I don't think it will affect muscle mass. I have been on it over a year and within the last 6 months (started back working out) I have gained quite a bit of muscle. There was also another poster on here who shed fat and gained serious muscle while on finasteride. You'll be okay.

I'm in the same boat too. Been on it for over 2 years, and been working out for the last few months (I've been on and off for the last year since I have a lower back problem that pops up here and there). I've been able to put on a ton of muscle and lose fat pretty much just as easily as I could when I was in my early 20's (I am 31 now).

Taking finasteride MIGHT, worst case, make it slightly harder to gain muscle and lose fat, but I haven't ever seen any evidence of even this. If you get off your ***, work out properly and eat healthy, you are guaranteed to lose weight and gain muscle. As was posted, Peabody is a great example.

And to the OP: if you are having a pain similar to a muscle tear, maybe it's a muscle tear? Take some time off the gym and let it heal before you keep going.


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Thanks for these posts. Great stuff! Yeah i think the pain is most likely not from finasteride. But really good stuff hearing from other guys who workout. Anyone else want to leave their results do so.


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Been working out for last 6-7 years, been on finasteride 1 year and 3 months, I can't say any changes about muscle/weight(+10kg/20lbs during last fall)/strength gains nor cutting the fat ( -12kg/25lbs during last spring ).... I actually made all new max rep records two months ago.

Do you even lift bro ? (yeah a bad internet joke ! )


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Hey Ive also heard that creatine caused hairloss? So i was wondering would that in any way cancel out the finasteride effects?