Recent content by black_squirrel

  1. B

    Diffuse thinner with receding hairline, Show and Tell inside

    I was on treatments but whenever I get stressed (which is often), applying rogaine twice a day and popping my finasteride gets curbed to the side :/ I've been off any treatment for a while now but I still have a lot of finasteride and rogaine left. Maybe i should go back to it lol
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    Girls checking me out: real or imagined?

    what the f*** kind of people are you? Aren't you supposed to be supporting each other rather than calling each other ugly freak shows? :thumbdown2:
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    Diffuse thinner with receding hairline, Show and Tell inside

    Alright guys, here's poor old me. 24, practically bald on top. Here's me out of the shower: (click on image for larger version) Here's the dome after the hair has been dried. And finally, here's the hair after some hollywood magic and styling: My temples are way too deep now and I was...
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    Before and after nanofibres

    how does nanofiber compare to hair so real?
  5. B

    THis is gonna be interesting...

    crisis everted
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    Michael Jackson's Hair

    i think you guys are forgetting that Michael Jackson was a BLACK man. his own hair was an afro, not the wavy long hair he had been sporting in the last decade or two. No doubt it was fake
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    Prothik making my hair look white! [pic]

    why are you trying to hurt my feelings? I'd love it if i was not balding but I very much am. do you not see my pictures?? In terms of which one is better. Dermatch all the way. Prothik sucks. It does come off on fingernails but only if i scratch it. In a way it's good, because it keeps you...
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    Prothik making my hair look white! [pic]

    alright u fuckers, i put up before after pics. check first post
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    Prothik making my hair look white! [pic]

    I'm pretty bald without the concealer trust me. I'll take pictures tomorrow morning after i get out of the shower. But why the hell is it drying WHITE?? does anyone else who uses prothik ever have thsi problem? The stuff is also hella hard to remove. I think i'm going to stick with my dermmatch
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    Prothik making my hair look white! [pic]

    why is everyone so bitter around here?
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    Prothik making my hair look white! [pic]

    Re: Prothik making my hair look white! there, i put a picture
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    Prothik making my hair look white! [pic]

    Hi everyone, I decided to give prothik a try. I just applied it and it makes my hair look white! Not everywhere, just some spots. I may have gotten to close in those areas, maybe that's why but I wanted to see if anyone has seen this before? taking the pics off. Sorry guys. Also, the...
  13. B

    Dermmatch, not washing hair for a day

    Yea i tried dabbing my scalp with tissue but my all my hair strands are also oily and there's no way to make my hair look clean and dry without washing it again. It's crazy. I don't know how it's even humanly possibly to make so much freaking oil in a few hours. Anyone have any other tricks? I...
  14. B

    To all dermmatch users!

    yeah i have this problem too. bathtub gets messy and stays unless you really scrub it down