Recent content by baller234

  1. B

    Insulin resistance, PCOS, and male pattern baldness

    Wheat is extremely unhealthy and will hasten male pattern baldness in those prone. From ... =Leaky+GUt I realized last week that I often call wheat the most toxic food, but I haven’t really explained why on the blog. The book has a detailed explanation, which focuses...
  2. B

    So look ok, WHAT changes as we age to trigger hair loss?

    Babies are able to grow their hair back because their hormone profile changes.
  3. B

    Baldness becoming more common?

    Fluoride is a halogen not a metal.
  4. B

    s5 cream??

    Seriously no one has an opinion on this?
  5. B

    I'd like to see some proof that "a gene gets turned on"

    It is most definitely the estradiol. Estradiol is an antagonist to testosterone. The more estradiol in your body the less androgens are going to be there. Not only that, but estrogens have a hair growing effect completley seperate from reducing androgens (pregnant women have extra scalp hair...
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    I'd like to see some proof that "a gene gets turned on"

    That's disputable. All he has are some photos that are very inconclusive. At best he has maintained what he has but really that is not at all uncommon for middleage guys to do. Many men (my father included) have experienced rapid hair loss in their 20s and then have it slow down drastically...
  7. B

    finasteride and alcohol

    I drank quite heavily in the past and had no problems. I don't think alcohol has any affect on the metabolization of finasteride. Probably the reason for sides is that alcohol lowers testosterone and being on finasteride probably makes one more sensitive to this.
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    I'd like to see some proof that "a gene gets turned on"

    Hoppi, DHT is made from testosterone. When testosterone goes down, DHT goes down. When testosterone is increased, DHT will increase. I don't understand how you can say a hormone will go up when its precursor is decreased. That's like saying testosterone will increase when there is a lack of...
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    I'd like to see some proof that "a gene gets turned on"

    No that was just a conjecture as to how Androgenetic Alopecia functions based on the studies that you referred to below. Would you not agree that it's safe to assume that the less androgens present in the follicle, the longer it takes for it to "transition" into a state of being "sensitive" to androgens?
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    I'd like to see some proof that "a gene gets turned on"

    Hoppi, For future reference, don't cite websites like wikapedia. When you're putting a claim forward, you need to back it up with scholarly source(s) other wise no one is going to take your claim seriously.
  11. B

    s5 cream??

    Is anyone worried about the caffeine in s5? I know there was that one study at that European University that showed how topical caffeine stopped and partially reversed testosterone induced damage to hair follicles in vitro but there has also been some concern over the fact that caffiene...
  12. B

    s5 cream??

    Here's the complete ingredient list taken from this website: 5% Spironolactone, 1% Caffeine, 0.025% Retinol, Menthol, Rosemary Oil
  13. B

    I'd like to see some proof that "a gene gets turned on"

    Women produce estradiol which protects hair and men don't. Diet can affect the rate at which Androgenetic Alopecia progresses. Eating a high fiber, low fat, and low protein diet will increase SHBG and lower free testosterone and DHT which will slow the rate of progression. Also certain herbs have been shown to...
  14. B

    I'd like to see some proof that "a gene gets turned on"

    The genes are only ACTIVE when there are androgens present. When androgens are taken away they become dormant (castration stops Androgenetic Alopecia). You have these genes from BIRTH. Think of body hair. Prior to puberty, body/facial hair is thin/nonexistant. Once puberty begins these follicles are exposed...