You older guys are lucky.


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Im 18 and Im losing hair rapidly , I expect to look vveerrry bald by the summer and Ill be starting my first year of college. I look young for my age and I know this is going to look wierd but what can I do?

What Im saying is , at least you older guys got to live the best years of your life with hair. I for one will never have the expierience of going through college feeling comfortable and confident. I can imagine myself being very insecure and down because I know that Im not as attractive as the other guys with full heads of hair.

You guys are lucky.

purple peanut pants.


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decro435 said:
Im 18 and Im losing hair rapidly , I expect to look vveerrry bald by the summer and Ill be starting my first year of college. I look young for my age and I know this is going to look wierd but what can I do?

What Im saying is , at least you older guys got to live the best years of your life with hair. I for one will never have the expierience of going through college feeling comfortable and confident. I can imagine myself being very insecure and down because I know that Im not as attractive as the other guys with full heads of hair.

You guys are lucky.

purple peanut pants.

There's always someone better off. I'm 25 and pretty bald so yeah, I guess the folks that start to bald at 30 or something are lucky compared to me. And the ones that start to lose at 40 are luckier than those etc etc. Some ppl never lose their hair. Then there's someone who would start to go bald at 25 but gets deceased in a car crash when he's 20 and doesn't get to experience this. Now HOW LUCKY IS THAT? It definitely depends on how you look at it.


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decro435 said:
Im 18 and Im losing hair rapidly , I expect to look vveerrry bald by the summer and Ill be starting my first year of college. I look young for my age and I know this is going to look wierd but what can I do?

What Im saying is , at least you older guys got to live the best years of your life with hair. I for one will never have the expierience of going through college feeling comfortable and confident. I can imagine myself being very insecure and down because I know that Im not as attractive as the other guys with full heads of hair.

You guys are lucky.

purple peanut pants.

Just stop.

I started when I was 17, now 31 and I have been fine. The only things is has kept me from are things I let it stop m from.

Personality far over powers male pattern baldness.

Get over it, you hair excuse won't work.

Any why do people think hair loss is ok when your older is beyond me.

purple pleated horny pants

ps...I don't mean to sound like an *** hole. I just wish someone unloaded on me like that at 18.


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decro435 said:
What Im saying is , at least you older guys got to live the best years of your life with hair. I for one will never have the expierience of going through college feeling comfortable and confident. I can imagine myself being very insecure and down because I know that Im not as attractive as the other guys with full heads of hair.
Yeah, because none of the older guys were losing hair when they were younger... :shakehead:


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I do feel where he was coming though...I had super thick hair when I was 18, hair loss was never any of my concerns. I couldn't image how bad it must feel when your classmates make fun on you because of your hair.

I wish treatments will do your hair good!


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I think he has a point. The more years you get to keep your hair and dont have to go through the stress ect the better. Plus do your looks matter to you as much when you're 40 as they do when you're 20?
Younger people are more self conscious about these things and older guys are going to know more people their age who are facing the same situation. A lot of young guys look around and feel like they've been singled out.


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s.a.f said:
I think he has a point. The more years you get to keep your hair and dont have to go through the stress ect the better. Plus do your looks matter to you as much when you're 40 as they do when you're 20?
Younger people are more self conscious about these things and older guys are going to know more people their age who are facing the same situation. A lot of young guys look around and feel like they've been singled out.


I look at most of the senior coworkers at work, most of the 40 yrs old have very receeded hairline and bald spots on the vertex. You don't see many balding teenagers at all.


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No one wants hair loss at any age. It does not matter how old you are. We live a society now where people want to look younger. Just wait until you are in your 30's or 40's. You will find some age related problem you will be complaining about. There are plenty of people in their late teens or early 20's that do not care about hair loss too. It all depends on how insecure you are about your looks. Most people on this forum care more than the rest of the world who do not feel the need to come on here or take any hairloss treatments. There is always going to be someone better looking than you and there is nothing you can do about it. However, most people will try to find some fault with a better looking person just to make themselves feel better, hence we see alot of people on here posting balding celebrities all the time.


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s.a.f said:
I think he has a point. The more years you get to keep your hair and dont have to go through the stress ect the better. Plus do your looks matter to you as much when you're 40 as they do when you're 20?
Younger people are more self conscious about these things and older guys are going to know more people their age who are facing the same situation. A lot of young guys look around and feel like they've been singled out.
Oh, I do agree - I think any amount of hair loss is a terrible thing to have to go through in your teens or early 20's. But just as many of the older guys around, who are balding, have been doing so since teens / twenties as well and it is unlikely that these guys would feel any "luckier" after 10 or 15 years!

I'd be inclined to rephrase the statement "You guys who started balding at a later age are lucky" ...which goes without saying anyway.


decro435 said:
Im 18 and Im losing hair rapidly , I expect to look vveerrry bald by the summer and Ill be starting my first year of college.
Not trying to belittle you in any way, of course - I feel for you and what you're going through. Good luck anyway.


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See Ive been subject to a aggressive form of male pattern baldness which Ive lost like 50-60% of my hair in the last 4-5 months.
Nobody my age I know has lost hair , apart from the occasional slow receding hairline.On the other hand Im losing alot from my crown especially. Now thats really making me stand out between everyone. You can imagine it looks odd having a young looking guy(18) with a bald spot.

Compare this to a middle aged man. Where millions of others are having the same problem. Where your age is associated with this sort of problem and where you dont care about your looks as much anymore.

See where Im coming from. Seriously at this stage Im really struggling.I dont want to stand out or be made fun of ((you dont see that many older people being made fun of for balding)) :(


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i dont feel lucky as an 'older guy' (30) hair started rapidly receeding at 18, the front 3rd nearly all gone in 2 years! crown seems to have held up ok so far though with mainly just finaseride / propecia, and occasional minoxidil.


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decro435 said:
See Ive been subject to a aggressive form of male pattern baldness which Ive lost like 50-60% of my hair in the last 4-5 months.
Nobody my age I know has lost hair , apart from the occasional slow receding hairline.On the other hand Im losing alot from my crown especially. Now thats really making me stand out between everyone. You can imagine it looks odd having a young looking guy(18) with a bald spot.

Compare this to a middle aged man. Where millions of others are having the same problem. Where your age is associated with this sort of problem and where you dont care about your looks as much anymore.

See where Im coming from. Seriously at this stage Im really struggling.I dont want to stand out or be made fun of ((you dont see that many older people being made fun of for balding)) :(

And what makes you think older people don't care about looks as much?


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decro435 said:
See where Im coming from. Seriously at this stage Im really struggling.I dont want to stand out or be made fun of ((you dont see that many older people being made fun of for balding)) :(

If you're that sensitive about your locks and others' perceptions of your age, you could always become a hermit. I started to lose my hair in my late 20s and now that I'm 30, I wish I wasn't losing my hair, but I knew this day was coming due to the family genes.

The same purported stigmas that plague you plague everyone of every age bracket: it makes you look older, more ridicule, and sexual attraction is harder. All of which can be easily solved by acceptance and a personality.


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retropunk said:
All of which can be easily solved by acceptance and a personality.

Yep, I agree.

The lack of hair won't limit you, but moping around and becoming an extreme introvert will.


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hairwegoagain said:
retropunk said:
All of which can be easily solved by acceptance and a personality.

Yep, I agree.

The lack of hair won't limit you, but moping around and becoming an extreme introvert will.
I concur. :jackit:


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7 IS harder when you're very young. When you're over 30, you're no longer "the bald guy" you;re someone who;s bald. Which isn't exactly a prize. Either way, what everyone said is dead on. I spent a large part of my 20's waiting for them to pass, so that I could be older and not such a freak. Whatever happens, it's paramount that you accept the situation and take a positive outlook. You don;t have a choice on whether you lose your hair or not, but you DO have a choice with how you react to the situation. Good luck, you;re not the only one, it will eventually get easier, so, go out and enjoy yourself!

PS: Anyone that makes fun of you, will get whats comming to them. What goes around comes around.


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30_going_on_60 said: IS harder when you're very young. When you're over 30, you're no longer "the bald guy" you;re someone who;s bald. Which isn't exactly a prize. Either way, what everyone said is dead on. I spent a large part of my 20's waiting for them to pass, so that I could be older and not such a freak. Whatever happens, it's paramount that you accept the situation and take a positive outlook. You don;t have a choice on whether you lose your hair or not, but you DO have a choice with how you react to the situation. Good luck, you;re not the only one, it will eventually get easier, so, go out and enjoy yourself!

PS: Anyone that makes fun of you, will get whats comming to them. What goes around comes around.

I agree. When you're between 14 and 20 years old and balding, you are THE BALD GUY. No guys that I know have this problem. I'm the only one at my age. And it totally sux. I would exchange my "norwood 3 with diffuse all over at 20 years old" for a "fully norwood 7 at 60 years old" anytime. It doesn't suck to go bald. It sux to go bald young while girls at this age just want guys with thick hair.

Unfortunatelly it doesn't work this way "What goes around comes around". There are lots of guys and girls that make fun out of my baldness and they still have thick long metal hair and happilly living their lives.
This world is not that fair. Some people have to suffer even without deserving, and some of them actually would deserve for making fun out of people's incurable problems.


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IHateIt said:
I agree. When you're between 14 and 20 years old and balding, you are THE BALD GUY. No guys that I know have this problem. I'm the only one at my age. And it totally sux. I would exchange my "norwood 3 with diffuse all over at 20 years old" for a "fully norwood 7 at 60 years old" anytime. It doesn't suck to go bald. It sux to go bald young while girls at this age just want guys with thick hair.

Unfortunatelly it doesn't work this way "What goes around comes around". There are lots of guys and girls that make fun out of my baldness and they still have thick long metal hair and happilly living their lives.
This world is not that fair. Some people have to suffer even without deserving, and some of them actually would deserve for making fun out of people's incurable problems.
Yeah I've been there many times in my mid-late 20's I'd be in a group of others guys my age and I'm the only bald guy. And yes Karma does'nt exist some people are assholes their whole lives and dont get any payback for it.


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The idea that "hair only matters if you let it" is insane.

Looks DO matter a hell of a lot in this current world. It's not just about "confidence," it's about how every single other person you interact with in your entire life will treat & percieve you before you even get near them or open your mouth.

I'm not trying to encourage people to wallow in self-pity & blame all their life's problems on hair loss or anything. But we're also abusing ourselves to a certain degree when we act like we could just willfully stop it from affecting us if we choose to. No matter how well we might manage to cope with it, we're still essentially being hit with something that is beyond our control and very important in the time & place we live in.


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looks do matter or non of us will be here...