Would you date?

Would you date?

  • Never - that is below me.

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Probably not, unless she was perfect in every other way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Depends on the person.

    Votes: 13 28.9%
  • Probably yes, although the thought might make me uncomfortable.

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • Definitely would, no problem.

    Votes: 25 55.6%

  • Total voters


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Hi! I'm a woman suffering androgenic alopecia (some of you might know from my posts the last few days).
My hair looks OK at the moment but is rapidly getting worse.
I'm trying to treat it but if it fails I will be opting for a hair replacement system.
My question is;
would you date a woman that has hair loss and will have to rely on supplement hair for the rest of her life,
if she otherwise cute/pretty, takes care of herself/fit, has a good personality etc?
A hair system would not come off during sex etc. But even if it looks realistic and doesn't come off in front of you,
would the THOUGHT of her being bald underneath turn you off?
PLEASE BE COMPLETELY HONEST. I don't want pity, just an honest answer from normal guys.
Most girls will date a balding guy if he otherwise has things going for him, like fit body, good style, and of course personality.
But for girls the standards are too high and it seems like most men want their perfect 10's.
Well not all of us are that lucky.
I'm attractive except for my hair, and would say I am a very good person with a good sense of humour (although some has been lost during hair loss but I'm working on getting myself back to the person I was...)

I'm adding a link here to show you what I think about:


Looks good to me? But I'm not a guy - obviously.
Again I would appreciate total honesty, don't need any pity or sugar coating.


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I would. I had this girl in my class (not balding though) who was morbidly obese and was not a conventional beauty. She didn't have physical traits I consider a girl to be attracive however she did have a freaking awesome personality and I ended up having a big crush on her. If she didn't have a boyfriend, I would have asked her out. Looks aren't everything. :)


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I've met a girl who shaves her head slick bald and I thought she was very cute and attractive. I would date a girl like that.


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I've met a girl who shaves her head slick bald and I thought she was very cute and attractive. I would date a girl like that.

Only difference is she could grow it out though :/ I would shave my hair into a mohawk and colour it ever colour of the rainbow if I could trade having that hairstyle for a while for normal, dense hair and healthy follicles that just GROW.


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Only difference is she could grow it out though :/ I would shave my hair into a mohawk and colour it ever colour of the rainbow if I could trade having that hairstyle for a while for normal, dense hair and healthy follicles that just GROW.
No she had alopecia and was bald since elementary school. Maybe she didn't need to shave it I never really asked her.


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My Regimen
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I would under one condition: she better not be batsh*t crazy like 99% of all other women.


Established Member
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Hi! I'm a woman suffering androgenic alopecia (some of you might know from my posts the last few days).
My hair looks OK at the moment but is rapidly getting worse.
I'm trying to treat it but if it fails I will be opting for a hair replacement system.
My question is;
would you date a woman that has hair loss and will have to rely on supplement hair for the rest of her life,
if she otherwise cute/pretty, takes care of herself/fit, has a good personality etc?
A hair system would not come off during sex etc. But even if it looks realistic and doesn't come off in front of you,
would the THOUGHT of her being bald underneath turn you off?
PLEASE BE COMPLETELY HONEST. I don't want pity, just an honest answer from normal guys.
Most girls will date a balding guy if he otherwise has things going for him, like fit body, good style, and of course personality.
But for girls the standards are too high and it seems like most men want their perfect 10's.
Well not all of us are that lucky.
I'm attractive except for my hair, and would say I am a very good person with a good sense of humour (although some has been lost during hair loss but I'm working on getting myself back to the person I was...)

I'm adding a link here to show you what I think about:


Looks good to me? But I'm not a guy - obviously.
Again I would appreciate total honesty, don't need any pity or sugar coating.

Bull****. Girls are way more picky than guys but we have to clear out some misunderstanding here. Just because a female is suffering from the same desease as guys doesn't mean that the perception of this flaw is the same.

Balding guys are common, balding women are not. Just like a short 150 cm man will be invisible to women as opposed to a 150 cm woman with dates lined up 4 weeks ahead.

I would never pick a balding woman for anything other than sex(with a wig of course). I don't want to pass this flaw to my potential daughter so no. Just like you wouldn't date a very short guy, such is life deal with it. But I am sure there are plenty of desperate man that will claim they "don't care"(like they have a choice)


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Why are you so angry?


Established Member
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Bull****. Girls are way more picky than guys but we have to clear out some misunderstanding here. Just because a female is suffering from the same desease as guys doesn't mean that the perception of this flaw is the same.

Balding guys are common, balding women are not. Just like a short 150 cm man will be invisible to women as opposed to a 150 cm woman with dates lined up 4 weeks ahead.

I would never pick a balding woman for anything other than sex(with a wig of course). I don't want to pass this flaw to my potential daughter so no. Just like you wouldn't date a very short guy, such is life deal with it. But I am sure there are plenty of desperate man that will claim they "don't care"(like they have a choice)

It's okay to have an opinion and I said not to sugar coat it, but there really is no need to be a douche about it. But I get your point, I wouldn't wanna pass it to my daughter either cause I know how bad it feels.


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I wouldn't care if I don't notice the wig etc... too much (which I probably won't). I also like push-up stuff, makeup etc, I don't care about "fake" or not.


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My Regimen
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Seeing how damn near all women are 99% fake anyway, how would a wig be a deal breaker? They've already got fake nails, fake eyelashes, fake lips, fake faces with makeup, fake personalities and yet have the audacity to want a REAL MAN?


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It's okay to have an opinion and I said not to sugar coat it, but there really is no need to be a douche about it. But I get your point, I wouldn't wanna pass it to my daughter either cause I know how bad it feels.

Well sorry I just think it's a good humbling experience for you and I don't think any sympathy should be given considering the way you stormed us here. But I guess this is what happens when something happens to a woman that had everything handed to her on a silver platter before, something goes wrong - blame men. I am sure that with all the attention you got before you would never bother dating a guy with a flaw as significant as yours. Hell you would even give a young visibly balding guy the time of day. Funnily enough you wouldn't see anything wrong with that, you would feel entitled to "have standards" and yes you would think of those men as "below you".

You are still better of than most guys here because of the fact that no stigma is attached to treating hairloss in women and wearing hair replacement. You just have to get over the wig stigma in yourself.


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Theres a few things i want to say based on ur reply.

1, the supplement by fusion is mainly herbs, and some vitamins, so u can try it even if ur not deficient.

2, u mentioned iron is ok(heavy periods can deplete it just as too many blood transfusions can result in toxicity, and vitaminD is ok, how bout minerals and b12? minerals can have a effect on hair. Another thing u can do which although is not medically recognised for this use, is a hair analysis. it can show up basic mineral deficiencies, as well as toxicities, alot more definitively than blood, as it shows long term trends, rather than the immediate contents as a given time that blood shows. they are only aroudn $100 and can be done by a trichologist, or doctor. u can also send away ur hair and order it online, but keep in mind the most reliable and clinically proven method is via mass spectrometry (which is the machine) other machines arent very reliable. the company 'doctors data' uses this method but u will have to go thru a naturapath or trichologist. even if it just results in u taking a mineral supplment, or doing a heavy metal detox.
I would not commence any sort of chemical detox based on the results.

4.Its wise to get tested for PCOS poly cystic ovary syndrome, as it seems to be sometimes an issue for women with alopecia.

5. It worrys me that ur considering (or maybe have already taken) androgen blockers such as finasteride and spironolactone. I understand both can cause birth defects if taken while pregnant or possibly even months before pregnancy. considering ur age, and the fact u probably dont know when u may fall pregnant, it seems like a bad idea. they are commonly prescribed for female alopecia, however mainly for post menopausal ladies, or ones that definately know they will not fall pregnant, so if u proceed down this route, i would suggest u use oral contraception, which may even have an impact on ur hairloss. Testing ur hormones and working with ur doctor should find the correct balance.

6. Its only been 11 months. often these things correct themselves, especially if ur underweight. if its an auto immune reaction, it may correct itself with time, and theres other methods, such as various corticosteroids to try. Cortizone injections may work for u, if its an autoimmune reaction, or maybe even if its alopecia areata, but i think if it was that would be obvious. is it falling out in little patches? or is it receding around the central part (Female androgenetic alopecia.)

U need to get a correct diagnosis as to wat kind of female hairloss it is, and then decide on a chemical/natural and dietry course of action. I think the best thing would be to see a dermatologist if u havent already, get the diagnosis, continue the minoxidil, get the hair analysis and correct the deficiencies/toxicities if there is any(the fusion supplment multivitamin/herbal for women would be good for these imbalances, and also help to detox), Perhaps also even though u say iron is ok, u may want to try a otc iron supplment just to be safe. If its falling out really fast ask for some cortizone injectionsThen play the waiting game, and see if it gets better.

Its true the end result may be u simply are one of the unfortunate ones that has female androgenetic alopecia, but theres still alot to investigate.

the best advice i can give is find a doctor or dermatologist that cares, and keep searching til u find one, then work with them and try as many different things as possible.

good luck with it all. As u can see by others votes on the above poll, alot of guys dont care. I think its a balance, u have to find something about the opposite sex attractive, but at the same time noones perfect, and there has to be some compromise, as in if u will overlook say the males big nose or small size , then he will probably overlook ur baldness. its give and take. most people know they will never date a supermodel. they are just trying to find the right combination of attractiveness and personality. and one will compensate for the other. as in, if ur a nice enough person ur looks wont matter.
I also think ur overreacting. (as we can all relate to, myself included)youve been losing hair for 11 months, and ur freaking out noone will date u, theres alot of hormonals changes aroudn ur age, especially if ur using contraceptives. this will probably correct itself, and youll be embarressed u got so worried.

there will always be some vain people in both sexes, the trick is too avoid them.


Established Member
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Seeing how damn near all women are 99% fake anyway, how would a wig be a deal breaker? They've already got fake nails, fake eyelashes, fake lips, fake faces with makeup, fake personalities and yet have the audacity to want a REAL MAN?

I sense you've had some bad experience(s) with women. Sorry but not all women are like that.

- - - Updated - - -

Theres a few things i want to say based on ur reply.

1, the supplement by fusion is mainly herbs, and some vitamins, so u can try it even if ur not deficient.

2, u mentioned iron is ok(heavy periods can deplete it just as too many blood transfusions can result in toxicity, and vitaminD is ok, how bout minerals and b12? minerals can have a effect on hair. Another thing u can do which although is not medically recognised for this use, is a hair analysis. it can show up basic mineral deficiencies, as well as toxicities, alot more definitively than blood, as it shows long term trends, rather than the immediate contents as a given time that blood shows. they are only aroudn $100 and can be done by a trichologist, or doctor. u can also send away ur hair and order it online, but keep in mind the most reliable and clinically proven method is via mass spectrometry (which is the machine) other machines arent very reliable. the company 'doctors data' uses this method but u will have to go thru a naturapath or trichologist. even if it just results in u taking a mineral supplment, or doing a heavy metal detox.
I would not commence any sort of chemical detox based on the results.

4.Its wise to get tested for PCOS poly cystic ovary syndrome, as it seems to be sometimes an issue for women with alopecia.

5. It worrys me that ur considering (or maybe have already taken) androgen blockers such as finasteride and spironolactone. I understand both can cause birth defects if taken while pregnant or possibly even months before pregnancy. considering ur age, and the fact u probably dont know when u may fall pregnant, it seems like a bad idea. they are commonly prescribed for female alopecia, however mainly for post menopausal ladies, or ones that definately know they will not fall pregnant, so if u proceed down this route, i would suggest u use oral contraception, which may even have an impact on ur hairloss. Testing ur hormones and working with ur doctor should find the correct balance.

6. Its only been 11 months. often these things correct themselves, especially if ur underweight. if its an auto immune reaction, it may correct itself with time, and theres other methods, such as various corticosteroids to try. Cortizone injections may work for u, if its an autoimmune reaction, or maybe even if its alopecia areata, but i think if it was that would be obvious. is it falling out in little patches? or is it receding around the central part (Female androgenetic alopecia.)

U need to get a correct diagnosis as to wat kind of female hairloss it is, and then decide on a chemical/natural and dietry course of action. I think the best thing would be to see a dermatologist if u havent already, get the diagnosis, continue the minoxidil, get the hair analysis and correct the deficiencies/toxicities if there is any(the fusion supplment multivitamin/herbal for women would be good for these imbalances, and also help to detox), Perhaps also even though u say iron is ok, u may want to try a otc iron supplment just to be safe. If its falling out really fast ask for some cortizone injectionsThen play the waiting game, and see if it gets better.

Its true the end result may be u simply are one of the unfortunate ones that has female androgenetic alopecia, but theres still alot to investigate.

the best advice i can give is find a doctor or dermatologist that cares, and keep searching til u find one, then work with them and try as many different things as possible.

good luck with it all. As u can see by others votes on the above poll, alot of guys dont care. I think its a balance, u have to find something about the opposite sex attractive, but at the same time noones perfect, and there has to be some compromise, as in if u will overlook say the males big nose or small size , then he will probably overlook ur baldness. its give and take. most people know they will never date a supermodel. they are just trying to find the right combination of attractiveness and personality. and one will compensate for the other. as in, if ur a nice enough person ur looks wont matter.
I also think ur overreacting. (as we can all relate to, myself included)youve been losing hair for 11 months, and ur freaking out noone will date u, theres alot of hormonals changes aroudn ur age, especially if ur using contraceptives. this will probably correct itself, and youll be embarressed u got so worried.

there will always be some vain people in both sexes, the trick is too avoid them.

- I had b12 tested, it was fine. Hair analysis, I haven't done that so maybe I shall.
- I have been tested for PCOS, all tests are fine...
- I'm already on spironolactone (only a very low dosage though). I will be considering finasteride if my DHT is high (had the blood test today). I'm not pregnant, I'm on birth control. I'm not planning on getting pregnant now, in the near future, or maybe ever. I wouldn't wanna pass on this horrible experience to a potential daughter. Plus I need someone to make a baby with. I am single, though sexually active, but using protection will NOT get pregnant.
- Yes it's only been 11 months but in that short amount of time my hair has thinned horribly, and that is why it bothers me this much. I feel like with this speed of loss I will be bald in no time. I'm not really underweight I think, I am 165 cm tall and around 53-54 kg. I think that is normal weight for my height and I eat regularly and think I get all the food I'm supposed to... It's not falling out in patches, at all. It's thinning (receding + crown). It's freaking incredible, because I'm not shedding much. It just seems to vanish (and I have miniaturisation).
- Been to many dermatologists and none have taken me seriously unfortunately! :(

Thanks for advice and encouragement :) The last advice is pretty good, indeed.


Experienced Member
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Haha he's just attracted to crazy girls and because this is so he thinks all girls are messed up. I had the same problem. Crazy girls do the pursuing, make you feel good and all. The sane ones make you be a man about it and make a move...which is damn nervewracking I must say haha. Just saying there's a lot of great girls out there so no need to generalize them because you're a loony magnet.


My Regimen
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Haha he's just attracted to crazy girls and because this is so he thinks all girls are messed up. I had the same problem. Crazy girls do the pursuing, make you feel good and all. The sane ones make you be a man about it and make a move...which is damn nervewracking I must say haha. Just saying there's a lot of great girls out there so no need to generalize them because you're a loony magnet.
thats pretty damn interesting . . . . . . .

so crazy girls and (in general) beta males? arent crazy girls usually more slutty?


Established Member
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thats pretty damn interesting . . . . . . .

so crazy girls and (in general) beta males? arent crazy girls usually more slutty?

You never know who is crazy until you get yo know them.. Unless they are on drugs or something when you meet then haha


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If the wig looked good then I wouldn't care at all.

In fact I would be sympathetic to her and help her pick out a wig.

I'm from a Sikh background and have seen many attractive girls in turbans.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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Absolutely. Lot's of pop stars wear wigs all the time, nobody judges Lady Gaga for wearing a wig. Cosplayers get mad attention when they put on their crazy wigs! Of course there are other factors, but wearing a wig is definitely not even close to being an important factor in who I choose to date. Now if I'm being honest, I don't find a bald head attractive in a woman, but a bald head with a wig on can be, incredibly sexy. I do agree with the guy who said he wouldn't want to pass on the genes to a kid though. A man and a woman with androgenic allopecia, and the kid is screwed.