Would Anyone Be Interested In A Finasteride Response Test? Basically A Revamped Hairdx Test.


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I am not a science person really I struggle with it, what kind of test do I request then?

Unfortunately this is not an available test on the market currently. If I got enough interest I might invest some time and money into it, but with so few replies I'm not sure if it would be worth it.


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I don't know what the exact mechanism would be -- perhaps methylation and/or histone modifications around key hair follicle development genes -- but there seems to be some mechanism for permanent changes associated with things like development of facial hair and body hair. Perhaps A.G.A is analogous to that, or perhaps not...

So it would seem that, at least in the case of facial or body hair development, hormones may irreversibly change the regulated growth characteristics of hair follicles...? A.G.A may be similar, though it's not exactly symmetrical since A.G.A also causes damage to cells and so on. And as for the "switching mechanism", why would it have to affect all pathways?

Thanks for the links and follow-up. I agree that there is a change to both hair follicles in Androgenetic Alopecia and facial/body hair development from androgens, and it does seem to be permanent. Although I'm not sure if we can tell the difference between the following:

1. Androgens impact on hair is continuously affecting the hair cycle after puberty


2. Androgens cause some type of permanent change in the follicle itself, which is then compounded by more androgens.

The only thing that I'm weary of is the irreversible part, because we can stop things like balding via castration.