Will There Be A Cure For Baldness In 3 Years Time?


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Right - bald people are labeled "self-conscious" - not "hairloss sufferers" mind you, we are self conscious. This kind of bullshit really pisses me off. Like wanting to fix a deformity like hairloss is the cause of the vain.

I think people in general who have never experienced hair loss just don't think it about it much. A quick assessment of the problem and they jump to certain conclusions. It's not life-threatening, they say to themselves. Or, they google it up and discover there are no effective treatment options available, and so they do a literary comb-over of the issue and suggest that sufferers should embrace hair loss as but a small part of who we are. What else can they say about it, really? I do think that some writers are actually excited for hair loss sufferers when they read about Tsuji, Follica, Replicel-Shiseido etc. Scientists say humans are the only species they know of so far that is capable of having empathy for those within the same species but not immediate members of our own troop. I know for a fact there are people who pray for divine help for people suffering all kinds of afflictions which they themselves are unaffected by.


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I would see it differently.

I mean as long as 60% of all Americans are voluntarily being fat and ugly, enjoying their incel life, it can be not as serious, can it. :D


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Hair loss is not seen as a disease. I think that is understandable. If it wasn't happening to me, I wouldn't consider it an issue. Probably true for most other posters.

And I think some people are under various illusions as a result of subliminal advertising, commercial advertising in general and fake newz stories etc. For example, I believe there are very many people who've been lead to believe there are psychopaths hiding around every corner waiting to murder us, and so they carry guns and are hyper paranoid because someone with something to sell to the public tells us we need to be paranoid. Meanwhile the truth is that genuine psychopaths are a relatively small percentage of inmate populations of maximum security prisons, a rare breed of human being indeed.

Without data on the issue to analyse, this is all just speculation.
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That Guy

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Will there be a cure in the next 3 years?

Quite possibly.

Will you be able to afford it or be eligible to even receive it?


Armando Jose

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Cure in 3 years? No.
No more people entering to this dincomfort, in 3 years? Possibly, a real preventive method is a more easy task than new hairgrowth.


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No one on this board can answer that. We are all hoping for some form of product that exceeds the results of Finasteride or Minoxidil, but we simply don't know, and won't know until some drug has finished its trials and is announced to the world.


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I get sad every time I read "something better than Minoxidil and Finasteride".
I know a lot of people get very good results from just minoxidil and finasteride or can at least maintain what they already have but some others just aren't as lucky.
In my opinion something better than minoxidil and finasteride is just still too crap.
Gosh, we are in 2016!!!


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I get sad every time I read "something better than Minoxidil and Finasteride".
I know a lot of people get very good results from just minoxidil and finasteride or can at least maintain what they already have but some others just aren't as lucky.
In my opinion something better than minoxidil and finasteride is just still too crap.
Gosh, we are in 2016!!!

I think the handful few scientists working on treatments have set the bar higher than min and finasty. Too little money involved to merely duplicate two of big pharma's biggest sales flops. They are now aiming for new hair growth not just "maintenance" for a narrow subset of all hair loss sufferers. Big Pharma's biggest 'phlops'
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Well follica plan to combine big pharma's biggest flop with dermarollong if that excites anyone.
Cell based technologies are the most interesting.


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Well follica plan to combine big pharma's biggest flop with dermarollong if that excites anyone.

Patently false.

Cell based technologies are the most interesting.

I wouldnt count Follica out so quickly. As someone pointed out previously, they have the academic moxie and commercial muscle to back them up.

And if hair germ/primordium is doable, then Tsuji won't be the only one. Lots of promises from a country where the usual western prescription for economic voodoo is shrinking their economy like so much DHT.
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I think samumed is a good treatment too the pathway it follows is essential for hair growth and mentainance just don't lose hope on 10 % regrow th in 3 month is good considering they were heigh Norwood also recently someone posted that there is a threshold amount of dermal papila cell below which the hair will not form it is possible that 3 month time is not enough to get too miniturized hair back but a 6 month or a year can get them back.


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I can't looksmax, I was already a 4/10 with hair, now I look like a living corpse. Game Over for me, man, but I accepted it 5 years ago. At least erectile dysfunction and loss of libido sides from finasteride came in handy, like a mercy kill.

Captain Rex

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I can't looksmax, I was already a 4/10 with hair, now I look like a living corpse. Game Over for me, man, but I accepted it 5 years ago. At least erectile dysfunction and loss of libido sides from finasteride came in handy, like a mercy kill.
got to admit, i feel like the same way you do
was 5/10 with hair, now slowly fading out due to baldness

Yeah, let's spend thousands upon thousands of euros only to look 1-2 points better and get no girls anyway! I'd have to undergo many operations in the attempt to fix my many flaws. It's not like a nose job will suddenly make me a 6/10 guy, let's be realistic for once.

and moreover these surgeries won't be permanent.

Captain Rex

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Your life won't either.
no life can be permanent if u have a steady attitude and foresee things before it happens.

i wud rather have this life than the one where i get a transplant ( somehow i look normal and good but still you will look bald) and then get married and have kids and will be cheated most of the time because transplant doesn't cover it up, it shows your insecurity but it will eventually be visible to others.
The latter one will hurt the most so it's better not to play the game at all. Settle down with the girl who loves u a lot and doesn't judge you by your looks or u live ur f*****g life looking for the reason why u were born, it gives a lot of peace.

all i now want is DON'T GIVE ME A f*****g LOOK for the fact that i am balding.( just let me live my life)

I know one thing that won't cheat any of us - SCIENCE even NATURE also cheated us for a reason which we will never know.


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They succeeded in reproducing the cells of the cornea and the cells in the ears. They will end up reproducing the cells for the hair. I do everything to keep what remains to me while waiting for Tsuji. The others are not for me
If my dermato wants to operate, I will refuse. I prefer to wait Tsuji for a better result because I am sure the solution is not far.Wigs these days are very well made.No enough to depress and it's a woman who tells you that.Must just be a little careful and resourceful