Will There Be A Cure For Baldness In 3 Years Time?


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Give a percentage chance of how likely you think it is? eg 70% chance, 0% chance, whatever.

Kyocera and Tsuji are both going for full cures, do you think we'll have our hair back in 3 years?


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Give a percentage chance of how likely you think it is? eg 70% chance, 0% chance, whatever.

Kyocera and Tsuji are both going for full cures, do you think we'll have our hair back in 3 years?
Im diffuse thinner and I only worry about tsuji not being able to restore full density hair back.
Sure they will be able to restore hairlines though and bald spots.


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They're all treatments, not cures. Only gene therapy could actually cure the disease.
I give Tsuji a 60% chance
Replicel a 25% chance
Histogen a 5% chance
Follica a 5% chance
Brotzu I give a 2% chance to be as effective as finasteride/minoxidil

Obviously these figures are plucke from my arse and mean nothing but my faith in them being effective for maintenance/regrowth.


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They're all treatments, not cures. Only gene therapy could actually cure the disease.
I give Tsuji a 60% chance
Replicel a 25% chance
Histogen a 5% chance
Follica a 5% chance
Brotzu I give a 2% chance to be as effective as finasteride/minoxidil

Obviously these figures are plucke from my arse and mean nothing but my faith in them being effective for maintenance/regrowth.

I would consider them to be a cure for the condition of baldness, ie having a lack of a full head of hair.


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You've got that upside down; Follica is by far the most legitimate, most researched, best staffed, and best funded of any of them. If there's any chance of something being available in three years, it's Follica.
Follica best staffed best funded more than Tsuji and Shiseido? How did you deduce that?


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wow, the only thread more depressing than "chad the thundercock is cumming inside of your girlfriend while she strokes his thick hair and laughs at a picture of you."


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The only things we're going to see in the next 3 years are false hopes, disappointment and despair. At least they're cheap.
Relax we are bound to have something that is atleast better than minoxidil+finasteride. Now for slick baldies we probably need full blown Tsuji treatment


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Cotseralis is a pre-eminent researcher from one of the top five universities in the world, and PureTech's senior partners are all researchers from Harvard and MIT, another two of the best (if not the best) universities in the world. While PureTech's cap is smaller than the Japanese, their product pipeline is, too, so the per cap expenditure is probably higher.

Follica has a website and a Twitter account, and they have given basic descriptions of both their protocol and the devices. None of the repute companies are as far along as Follica - certainly not Tsui or Shiseido, and absolutely not Histogen. If Follica's protocol works (and given the noise they're making, they certainly think it does), it COULD be available in three years, which was the OP's question. I don't think it's likely, but I would if he had changed his timeline to four years.
Its been in development for so many years. yet I still cant even find one picture with results. Even brotzu with his shitty camera has some pictures with results.


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The way things are looking, we're not getting even a simple maintenance treatment before 2020.
Besides, it's not like baldness is a big deal. At least it doesn't seem to be. No one's calling any attention to the issue, so baldies must really be fine with it.

I'm sure if it was an irreversible disfigurement, people wouldn't be as idiotic as to just sit around waiting and losing all their hair to pipe dreams and false promises - right? I mean, that woud be absolute madness.


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Cotseralis is a pre-eminent researcher from one of the top five universities in the world, and PureTech's senior partners are all researchers from Harvard and MIT, another two of the best (if not the best) universities in the world. While PureTech's cap is smaller than the Japanese, their product pipeline is, too, so the per cap expenditure is probably higher.

Follica has a website and a Twitter account, and they have given basic descriptions of both their protocol and the devices. None of the repute companies are as far along as Follica - certainly not Tsui or Shiseido, and absolutely not Histogen. If Follica's protocol works (and given the noise they're making, they certainly think it does), it COULD be available in three years, which was the OP's question. I don't think it's likely, but I would if he had changed his timeline to four years.

Swallow it mate:


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Yep, Follica is looking like the first to market, but it's an open question if it works. They may not even need to prove efficacy for it to be released depending upon how it's regulated.


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Your message speaks for itself.

Poor man thinking Follica has the potential to become a cure (LOL). Mate, you are going to be in for a pleasant surprise.

Start loading up dat kirkland son and go get your sandpaper. Haha..

You're an expert, say Kyocera and Tsuji's trials work perfectly, which they might, why wouldn't we have a cure in 3 years?


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1-2 percent chance for a Norwood 7 to Norwood 1 cure in next 3 years. Anything is possible so I will give it a couple percent. Is it likely? No not at all. Keep taking your propecia


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Possible. 2018 is when they are aiming to initiate their first clinical trial. If they succeed in creating hair follicles in that trial then we basically have a functional cure for many people.

From there on it would be a wait. But like I said, waiting is way easier when you know the solution is there.

I personally am extremely excited for that clinical trial.

I give them a 75-80% chance of creating new hair follicles if that's what you are asking.
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I mean histogen is supposed to come out at the end of 2017/start of 2018. That is basically a functional cure based off their data


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I mean histogen is supposed to come out at the end of 2017/start of 2018. That is basically a functional cure based off their data

With repeat follow-up injections Histogen might be better than what's already available.


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