Will I Experience Shedding If I Do This ???


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Hello everyone

My English is not that good but i will try to explain as good as possible ..
So i have been using minoxidil 5% and revita shampoo for 3 months now .. I apply minoxidil twice a day while revita only once a day and i also take a vitamin called Pantogar specially made for hair .. I notice a big difference no regrowth yet but my weak thinning hair is now stronger and thicker never thought i would see my hair thick like that again .. is that a good sign that i am about to see some regrowth in the future ?
So i was wondering at some point after i am satisfied with my gains can i reduce the amount of minoxidil intake ??
I mean instead of using it twice a day maybe just once a day ? will i experience shedding if i do this ?

Thank you


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You may not see any extra hair regrowing but thickening of your existing hair is a better result than most people get with minoxidil.


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Once a day application at night of minoxidil is fine.

I haven't noticed any difference, and my hair is thicker then ever.