Why losing hair is/can be a big deal for the hair loss-individual.


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The original question about it being a big deal.

I see People with NW1´s or even slighty receding or thinning and think "Lucky Bastarð".
I admire the folks going bald who don't look like they give a hoot about it. I have a friend who is 27, a NW3 (nearing 4) a landing strip at the front, thinning a lot but he has fair hair so it´s maybe not as noticeable as darker hair, but he doesn´t care. He gets 'Baldy', 'You are going Bald!' crass comments all the time, but he just shakes them off and rips it back into them. He's known as a joker and it's all water of a ducks back, and still gets plenty of girls.

I've recently started shaving. Razoring for a while, and letting it grown in for a few weeks. I read a few forums, the one where men shave their heads and say ´´Looks Great´´ etc. Some folk do look great, but some don't. I have been told it brings out my eyes, I look good, Kelly Slater, but also had a few Billy Corgan, it makes your ears look bigger comments too.

It´s also a bigdeal because it's something you´ve grown up with. I used to be able to shave my head by choice, or save money. Shave it, and let it grow for 5 months and see it go from a skinhead to a mop on top and experiment with different lengths.
I also feel it has aged me in a way as well. Never getting ID´d at bars, when a week later I walk in with a beanie or a baseball cap I get ID´d straight away.
I also haven't wanted to be known as the bald guy (Im sure hardly any of us baldies have) but recently I´ve been told you look tough etc or nuts! and it is all to do with my lack of hairline.

If you are unsensitive, water of a ducks back type who just gets on with things in life. Hairloss probably won't be as hard to get over. I´m not saying it won't be hard, it will be, a part of you and what you are used to is leaving you, but like my friend, you shake it off.

Another factor going against is my skin colour and hair colour. Where I live, we are lucky if we get 3 months of good summer weather. I am quite pale most year, but I do go brown with sun, but I don't want to be damaging my skin by lying in sun hoping to change skin colour to a darker tone, but I also have very dark hair. It's almost black. It´s not black, but a dark dark brown colour and a receding NW2 very nearing 3, pale skin and dark hair doesn't look the greatest.

Saying all that......

It is not losing a limb, I can still see and hear, and I am reasonably fit. I´ve gotten into shape a lot. I run, walk, play squash, golf, keep active. I am trying everyday to accept my hair situation and let life begin and live it up. I´m not deluding myself that I look great like some other websites say when you shave your head.

This is more like a rant, Sorry for going on and on.. and probably, miles of the topic too.


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Unbelievable ignorance in this thread.

You guys amaze me, you complain that society treats you badly, yet you're happy to judge away with your preconceived opinions on how easy it is for overweight people to get into shape.

As I've stated repeatedly, it's about the psychology and not the mechanics. And unless you've been in that position you simply have no concept of how difficult it is for people, period.

The same argument can be reversed for bald people; sure it's easy to just pop out and get a wig, or just get some will power and stop worrying about hair loss. But oh-noes, you can't because of (insert reason here), it's the same thing, it's psychology.

I never cease stunned at how a group of people can be so bitter at how you feel you're treated, and yet are perfectly happy to redirect that exact same thing onto others.

What a bunch of hypocrites.

edit: and just to be clear, I'm not the one saying which is worse, you guys are. Honestly, comparing any "social disabilities" is just stupid, different people will deal with (or simply not care about) these things completely differently. One man's mole hill is another man's mountain.


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Lighten up :) .....I am not judging them.I am just saying they[Obesity and male pattern baldness] are two completely different demons with nothing in common b/w em.


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mpbsux20 said:
Lighten up :) .....I am not judging them.I am just saying they[Obesity and male pattern baldness] are two completely different demons with nothing in common b/w em.

My rant wasn't aimed at anyone specifically, just the general ignorance and lack of understanding oozing from this forum at the moment :)

Heh, I get so much prejudice thrown in my face for various things I need to vent sometimes, I love you all really.


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hiya said:
Another factor going against is my skin colour and hair colour. Where I live, we are lucky if we get 3 months of good summer weather. I am quite pale most year, but I do go brown with sun, but I don't want to be damaging my skin by lying in sun hoping to change skin colour to a darker tone, but I also have very dark hair. It's almost black. It´s not black, but a dark dark brown colour and a receding NW2 very nearing 3, pale skin and dark hair doesn't look the greatest.

I can relate 100% to everything you say in your post, but I try to focus on two specific parts.

This is exactly my situation. Dark hair, pale skin. Its not a good combination when you are bald. Also I live in Scandinavia so sunlight is restricted. Its a nightmare to be bald winter time. I wish it was summer all time of the year, but on the other hand, like you, Im very careful with sun exposure. Solariums are a big no no for example.

hiya said:
It is not losing a limb, I can still see and hear, and I am reasonably fit. I´ve gotten into shape a lot. I run, walk, play squash, golf, keep active. I am trying everyday to accept my hair situation and let life begin and live it up. I´m not deluding myself that I look great like some other websites say when you shave your head.

This is what Im trying to do aswell. I work on my shape everyday, since I know if Im not athletic now when Im a NW5-6 baldie in my early tweenties, I will be stigmatized as the ultimate bald looser.

You must refere to slybaldguys :whistle:


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monty1978 said:
s.a.f said:
monty1978 said:
No it is not easy, it takes time and dedication but it is possible!

Not really, if you're a 5'7 naturally slim 130lb bald guy theres no way you can transform yourself to some badass muscle man. Even with steroids and working out everyday you'll never likely to to get to 200lbs. And even if you are prepared to dedicate your life to this it'll take years.

Theres a reason that most guys are'nt huge fitness model types its because it takes extreme dedication, you have to live it 24/7, its not the same as just eating well and doing moderate excercise a few times a week which is all thats required for any fatty to stay in reasonable shape.

My own experience disproves you're negative thinking. You've obviously never worked out properly so you think it can''t be done!

Im 6ft slim, echtomorphic frame. Took me 6 months of 3 to 5 days combination training and eating a healthy diet of 3 meals a day with amino supplementation, no steroids to get to to about 185lbs. I held a full time 9 to 5 job at the time with little money (i've never had much money) Anyway not massive but certainly in good shape. I didn't want to be bigger but I could have been.

Im not 5ft 7 but me im a natural 147lbs left to my own devices!

So please if you are going to talk with authority on a subject, particularly if you are being negative, go and get some first hand experience about it yourself.

And thats where you're wrong because I've been working out for the past 17 yrs!
Lets see you keep big for that period of time!
You've put on 28lbs and you call that a transformation!! Thats not going to make some lightweight bald guy (thats what we were talking about) look like a jacked badass, most would need to gain twice that.
I'm 5'9" and naturally very slim I was about 125lbs when I began now I maintain at 150lbs. My waist is only 23" and my chest has gone from about 37 -40", biceps from about 13.5 - 15". During this time I've been able to add and maintain about 25lbs of muscle. This is working out with weights only about 3 times a week.

Sure I dont eat 5000cal a day and work out 5 times a week lifting as heavy as possible but then again who does?
How many average guys do you know who have put on decent muscle and maintained it, all guys want to do it but very few can. Unless you dont want a life outside of the gym.
I have to work shifts and at 36 its a different story, trust me its easy in your 20's but after 30 its very hard to find the motivation and energy to keep lifting at the same pace.


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Superfrankie, you sound similar to myself. I live in Scotland, and we are lucky if we even get 2months of sunshine. Constant wind, rain, and grey/dark skies.

I was referring to that website. Everyone just says the same thing. ''Looks Great'' etc.

How long have you been shaving?
I only started shaving in August. Usually, once a week with a Razor. I've not seen my friends for a while as I'm on the road, but will be back at Christmas, so no doubt will hear more opinions (good and bad) on the look, or I can grow it in for the dreaded combover come Christmas time. :shock:


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"that website" looked very apealing in first glance, but then you realize that everyone is a super model of there, regardless of how they look... its great to feel good about yourself, but its better to "keep it real" in my eyes.... thisway you dont set yourself for a downfall.


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Ori i think that site is perfect for you. You look great shaved :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay:

(no homo)


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Ori83 said:
"that website" looked very apealing in first glance, but then you realize that everyone is a super model of there, regardless of how they look... its great to feel good about yourself, but its better to "keep it real" in my eyes.... thisway you dont set yourself for a downfall.



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monty1978 said:
superfrankie said:
Hiya: Ive been shaving daily for almost two years now. Its the only "solution" atm.

So you care about hair loss for what it represents rather than how it makes you look?

I care about my hair loss because it makes me ugly.


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Aco_KK said:
Ori i think that site is perfect for you. You look great shaved

tnx Aco, im very white and i hate tanning, i almot always wear white shirts and now with the shaved look i only need a few cross tatts and im done......now i live in Israel, you do the math :whistle:

btw, whats your baldness degree superfrankie?


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I'm ultra mega super white ori and i'm egyptian/spanish/greek...all "tanned countries" - yet i'm as white as can be.

i wish i was black :(


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monty1978: Im 22 now. I went from a NW1 to a NW5 in 1,5-2 years. I have used both laser, minoxidil and finas but quit them all after a year or so. My hair loss is to aggresive. Also, Im afraid of permanent finas side effects. Its just not worth it.

Im not ultra-slick though. I have a some stubble at the top of my head, but it is as close to NW5 as you can get. Maybe Im a Norwood 4,5+. I dont know. It doesnt matter really. It looks terrible regardless.


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superfrankie said:
Ori83 said:
btw, whats your baldness degree superfrankie?

According to the Norwood scale - Norwood 5 A, and you?

outch... im not far behind you. i defently feel your pain tho, at your age its all about looks, but work on your health, body and plan head your career, turst me, second thing after looks is money that chicks goes for ;)


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superfrankie said:
monty1978: Im 22 now. I went from a NW1 to a NW5 in 1,5-2 years. I have used both laser, minoxidil and finas but quit them all after a year or so. My hair loss is to aggresive. Also, Im afraid of permanent finas side effects. Its just not worth it.

Im not ultra-slick though. I have a some stubble at the top of my head, but it is as close to NW5 as you can get. Maybe Im a Norwood 4,5+. I dont know. It doesnt matter really. It looks terrible regardless.

You have any pics to post superfrankie? If you still have some soft hairs on top maybe a regiment would be worth it. I know finasteride can be scary but it's better than being bald! You lost all that hair in 2 years? Thats tough man. I've been losing my hair for about 10 years and I still have enough that if I grow it to certain length it can look like just a mature hairline. However if buzzed low it looks like I'm pretty thin everywhere on top in a Norwood 4a or 5a pattern. I've been on finasteride for like 2 years and I swear I got thinner since starting.

Mens Rea

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Nene said:
superfrankie said:
monty1978: Im 22 now. I went from a NW1 to a NW5 in 1,5-2 years. I have used both laser, minoxidil and finas but quit them all after a year or so. My hair loss is to aggresive. Also, Im afraid of permanent finas side effects. Its just not worth it.

Im not ultra-slick though. I have a some stubble at the top of my head, but it is as close to NW5 as you can get. Maybe Im a Norwood 4,5+. I dont know. It doesnt matter really. It looks terrible regardless.

You have any pics to post superfrankie? If you still have some soft hairs on top maybe a regiment would be worth it. I know finasteride can be scary but it's better than being bald! You lost all that hair in 2 years? Thats tough man. I've been losing my hair for about 10 years and I still have enough that if I grow it to certain length it can look like just a mature hairline. However if buzzed low it looks like I'm pretty thin everywhere on top in a Norwood 4a or 5a pattern. I've been on finasteride for like 2 years and I swear I got thinner since starting.

Most people do tbh. The peopel who completely maintain are exceptions from my reading. Most people do well to slow it down...if even.


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Personally I think age makes a huge difference, I have a lot of admiration and respect for people like Frankie given how hard it is to suffer hairloss when you're in your late teens/early twenties when everyone is so superficial and obsessed with looks...

Only time will tell for me, but I believe as men go past 30 hairloss becomes more socially acceptable as many more men begin receding and losing density at that age. I'm happy to maintain hopefully until this age and then accept whatever happens after that.

I agree though if your male pattern baldness is already at an advanced stage there is little point in adopting finasteride and risking potential sides as it can only maintain not regrow + it will only halt the loss for a period of time, not stop it altogether, this is why I personally don't see finasteride as a worthwhile gamble.