Why losing hair is/can be a big deal for the hair loss-individual.


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Everyones talking about being fat, why not say OMNOMNOMNOM. Might as well laugh, this place is manically depressing :sobbing:


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Terrible eurocentric crap
Again, Black males are the perfect example that complete baldness can be considered a very masculine trait

About the weight thing
I agree with gemini, I was always the thinnest guy at school and hated it, and despised fatties as I always thought it was something they should be ashamed of, laziness etc.
I got into a treatment that made me HUGE, I think I got more than 45lbs. I passed from being very skinny to getting a huge amount of body fat.
I struggled for years with my weight, going to one side of the scale several times
This was at the time when all my duties were going to school, if I was taking the same medication today I could never control my weight as easy as I did it back then. The hard fact is that some people are genetically programmed to keep a lot of weight


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With black guys its normal to be bald. Seriously, they're not even considered bald. They're considered black.

White guy bald? yeh chrome dome...etc etc.

what a fucked up world


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Aco_KK said:
With black guys its normal to be bald. Seriously, they're not even considered bald. They're considered black.

White guy bald? yeh chrome dome...etc etc.

what a f***ed up world

considering the historical mistreatment black people have suffered over the centuries on behalf of Whites (you know, like the whole slavery thing in past centuries and apartheid/segregation in more recent years) I think we can let them have this small victory.

Plus, its a myth that all black people can pull of being bald whereas white people can't. I'd much rather look like Chris Daughtry than Sam Cassell for example.


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GeminiX said:
From my experience people are fascinated in recovering hair, there is no shame in not wanting to go bald. It's no different to a boob job, tooth veneers or laser eye surgery etc.

Sure, you'll get some opinionated jerks who will love to judge others about issues they have little understanding of, but who cares what they think?

I really cant share your optimism here, theres no way Hairloss is treated the same as those other things.

Boob jobs and tooth veneers are fine, (for women!!!) vanity and improving your apperance is only acceptable to the fairer sex. Most Hollywood actresses and pop stars, models are fairly open about theirs but can you imagine any top Hollywood hero, Rock/sports star admiting to wearing a wig or having a penis enlargement?
No matter who they are their image would be finished overnight.
Guys are supposed to acccept their lot and 'take it like a man'. We're supposed to be confident and secure enough in our masculinity, insecurity over your looks is a major sign of weakness.

Those 'jerks' are the majority, maybe some people wont say anything to your face but they'll all still be thinking it.
I can remember a guy at work who wore fake tan and got ripped about it for months.

Laser eye surgery can be let off because it can easily be argued its for reasons of practicality rather than vanity.

And as for the weight issue its possible for any person to become slim. And there are numerous examples of people who have shed 100's lbs, but I've never seen a single example of a bald guy growing back his hair.


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s.a.f said:
And as for the weight issue its possible for any person to become slim. And there are numerous examples of people who have shed 100's lbs, but I've never seen a single example of a bald guy growing back his hair.

It reminds me of a friend who said to me "but hey,look at me, I was overweight before...." In a year or so he transformed himself from a fat guy no girl wanted to a slim guy girls started to feel attraction for.

He tried to compare his overwieght with my hairloss. Its just not fair :shakehead:

He had total control over his overweight problem. Is it even possible to be overweight if you burn more energy than you take in? Is it possible for someone to suffer from obesity if you live in a country where there are not enough food to eat?


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superfrankie said:
s.a.f said:
And as for the weight issue its possible for any person to become slim. And there are numerous examples of people who have shed 100's lbs, but I've never seen a single example of a bald guy growing back his hair.

It reminds me of a friend who said to me "but hey,look at me, I was overweight before...." In a year or so he transformed himself from a fat guy no girl wanted to a slim guy girls started to feel attraction for.

He tried to compare his overwieght with my hairloss. Its just not fair :shakehead:

He had total control over his overweight problem. Is it even possible to be overweight if you burn more energy than you take in? Is it possible for someone to suffer from obesity if you live in a country where there are not enough food to eat?
Just get jacked up and big. I dont give a sh*t what people thibk of compensation, its the best way to deal with it


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Aco_KK said:
Just get jacked up and big. I dont give a sh*t what people thibk of compensation, its the best way to deal with it

Yeah I can just imagine a young Larry David/ Paul Schaffer type turning themselves into Stone Cold Steve Austin. Cause its that easy right?


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superfrankie said:
It reminds me of a friend who said to me "but hey,look at me, I was overweight before...." In a year or so he transformed himself from a fat guy no girl wanted to a slim guy girls started to feel attraction for.

thats the thing, you will always have to deal with the feeling that you could be 10 times happier if you could do something about it, your friend had a problem, got around it, and now he can see a difference in the quality of his life, we cant do that + we have to deal with knowing that things could be dramatically different, its not the first time you hear this but you cant change the first impression and being a bald men at your early/mid twenties IS Abnormal for any girl, and if she doesnt admit it, her actions will talk for her, its when they hit age 30+ then the start to "get real"....


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it kinda reminds that yourube movie, how my life could have been :) maybe "next round" will work better for me.. ill sure be the a**h** if i get to do it all over again :p




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^^^^ to Ori

in seeing your thread, its clear that most of your issues are in your head. You're a good looking guy, hair or no hair....I'm not denying that that being bald will have an impact on some girls...for sure it will. But the idea that you can barely get any (younger) women or that they all ignore you because you're bald is just dumb. Its your social skills and overall demeanor that need dramatic work.

You're Israeli, right? Draw some inspiration from fellow Isreaeli baldie Ami James...tonnes of girls love this guy.

And can we stop comparing baldness to being very overweight? Being obese completely distorts your overall image, so even if you're naturally a great looking guy, becoming obese will destroy your looks. On the other hand, if you're a very good looking guy, you can still remain a good looking guy if you go bald, provided you take care of yourself overall.


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Dudemon - there are very few girls out there who are attracted to body builders. Hair or no hair. It does not matter in this regard.

There is a huge difference between being a muscle mountain and having a slim and a more "normal" athletic body, when it comes to getting ladies.


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qball01 said:
And can we stop comparing baldness to being very overweight? Being obese completely distorts your overall image, so even if you're naturally a great looking guy, becoming obese will destroy your looks. On the other hand, if you're a very good looking guy, you can still remain a good looking guy if you go bald, provided you take care of yourself overall.

On the other hand, they can fix that problem easily and for free, if they are dedicated enough.


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I know how difficult it is for obese people to not eat junk or overload themselves with food instead of understanding the metabolism of their body and eating based on the amount of work you do everyday.It must be really difficult for them to spend 15-20 minutes everyday doing some cycling or brisk walking.Yeah I know what it is like to be depressed but comparing obesity to baldness is a crime.

Even with current medication,baldness is uncurable.It can only be delayed but how difficult it is to change your diet plan,do some rigorous exercising for a few months and maintain your weight from then on ? Hell if all else fails there is liposuction and if you still cant control your gluttony,then you can blame no one but yourself.

Baldness isn't soemthing that can be dealt with like that[Imagine how difficult it must be for the "real" bald guys under 40],they have to live with that sh*t for the rest of their lives or at least think about it everyday even if they get some form of acceptable hair through hair transplants.

Anyway I don't want to insult people who are overweight and doing their best to fight it.Every obstacle in life can be a challenge but I just felt that there was nothing similar between balding/baldness and weight issues.


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monty1978 said:
No it is not easy, it takes time and dedication but it is possible!

Not really, if you're a 5'7 naturally slim 130lb bald guy theres no way you can transform yourself to some badass muscle man. Even with steroids and working out everyday you'll never likely to to get to 200lbs. And even if you are prepared to dedicate your life to this it'll take years.

Theres a reason that most guys are'nt huge fitness model types its because it takes extreme dedication, you have to live it 24/7, its not the same as just eating well and doing moderate excercise a few times a week which is all thats required for any fatty to stay in reasonable shape.


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s.a.f said:
monty1978 said:
No it is not easy, it takes time and dedication but it is possible!

Not really, if you're a 5'7 naturally slim 130lb bald guy theres no way you can transform yourself to some badass muscle man. Even with steroids and working out everyday you'll never likely to to get to 200lbs. And even if you are prepared to dedicate your life to this it'll take years.

Theres a reason that most guys are'nt huge fitness model types its because it takes extreme dedication, you have to live it 24/7, its not the same as just eating well and doing moderate excercise a few times a week which is all thats required for any fatty to stay in reasonable shape.
