Why is SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfates) bad?


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Hey All,

When there is discussion of shampoos it always seems a big deal whether or not it is SLS free. Just curious; what makes SLS bad for male pattern baldness sufferers? Thanks.


Ouroboros said:
Hey All,

When there is discussion of shampoos it always seems a big deal whether or not it is SLS free. Just curious; what makes SLS bad for male pattern baldness sufferers? Thanks.

The studies show that it causes itching, that's all I know.


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The demonstration that levels of Cu,Zn-SOD within the epidermis are significantly reduced following topical exposure to irritants strongly suggests that oxidative stress is involved in the inflammatory process. Importantly, as regards our understanding of the mechanisms involved in ICD, this change appears not to be restricted to dithranol, which is known to generate ROS during auto-oxidation, but also extends to chemicals such as SLS, which are not normally directly associated with ROS generation



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But if you then use Cu peptide sprays like many of us do, that shouldn't be a problem... I personally notice no difference as to whether I use SLS free shampoos or not - except that I get a better clean when I use shampoos with SLS.

I'm thinking of actually dropping Revita (no apparent regrowth effect for me) and the MIN range of cleansers (which I actually quite like) and just going back to using normal / boutique shampoos by American Crew and Nizoral twice a week.


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Why not just use something w/out SLS..then the cu peptides will have less to work against :punk:


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Are Sodium Myreth Sulfate or Capric Glucoside or whatever other detergents they put in "SLS free" shampoos really that much better than Sodium Laureth / Lauryl Sulfate?

For about 8 or 9 months I used the Morrocco Method range of shampoos, which I quite enjoyed using, but the cleansers were so weak that it couldn't remove even the lightest of styling products.

I try to use only water based styling products (I go for a spiky/messy look), however, the Capric Glucoside based MIN range of shampoos seem to be as weak as I can go if I want to get the product out of my hair each night.

That said - the other night I was staying in a hotel in Berlin and use the random 2in1 shampoo they had there. My hair felt cleaner and softer than in has in ages!

Do you have any recommendations of "non-irritating" shampoos that are both free of SLS or other irritants of that ilk and can also remove product / build-up from hair?! :dunno:




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Jacob said:
Why not just use something w/out SLS..then the cu peptides will have less to work against :punk:

whats a good brand that is "SLS free" and reasonably priced that I can use as a pre wash for my nano shampoo and nizoral?


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Tony..if you just want a "pre-wash"..best to hit your local health food store and see what they have there. Usually some very reasonably priced natural shampoos can be found, by the gallon even.

Def...I've never really had the problem you're talking about. But the ones I'd say that would work better would be Lamas' Chinese herbal one(to be used a few times a week only)..Quantum Lab's shampoo(has become one of my favs)...maybe even Osmotic's FNS shampoo.


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Jacob said:
Tony..if you just want a "pre-wash"..best to hit your local health food store and see what they have there. Usually some very reasonably priced natural shampoos can be found, by the gallon even.

Def...I've never really had the problem you're talking about. But the ones I'd say that would work better would be Lamas' Chinese herbal one(to be used a few times a week only)..Quantum Lab's shampoo(has become one of my favs)...maybe even Osmotic's FNS shampoo.
I got some at Traders joe they had some organic shampoo but it has sea salt I heard that can dry the scalp out.

Also NANO and nizoral both have the dreaded SLS lol