Why Asians has more hair? Whats their secret?

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Really, it cant be all genetic
I mean most Korea and japaneses guys has so much hair and thick hair.
What they eat or drink to have so thick hair and have no hair loss?
I heard they drink soy milk everyday.
Will Alpro Soya vanilla flavour helps me? My hair was very thick when i was like 14-15 year old but now my hair is just thin (age 15-21), im 21 year old right now. I started taking finasteride 5mg everyday, been using half year, i think hair loss stopped but havent seen any new re-grworth yet.


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Or maybe it's genetic and they have hair because they're asians and you tend to lose yours because you're caucasian. The same way they all have pitch black hair and most europeans have brown hair you know, genetics, not freaking food or drink.

By the way, 1mg of finasteride is as effective as 5mg for hair loss.

Sorry if I'm rude but really... It's like saying people of Central Africa must be black because of something they eat you know.

Wolf Pack

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Lol why is this guy on 5 mg finasteride? For like an extra % of DHT inhibition he is taking the BPH dose. OP you said it's maintaining, so finasteride is doing the job. If you want more growth try Minoxidil?

Vlatch you're right, it's a mad thread!
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Lol why is this guy on 5 mg finasteride? For like an extra % of DHT inhibition he is taking the BPH dose. OP you said it's maintaining, so finasteride is doing the job. If you want more growth try Minoxidil?

Vlatch you're right, it's a mad thread!
I used like 4 month Minoxidil liquid but did not help. Then i used Propecia 1mg like 3-4 month and now i started using 5mg finasteride.
Why 5mg? because they only selling 5mg finasteride and its not allowed to break this. So far no results. Minoxidil made my hair look thinner.
Asians dont use any of this and yet they have thick hair. why?

Cincinnati Kid

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Some scientists have theorized that Asians had very little male pattern baldness up until they assimilated with Western culture which introduced more higher stress levels and high fat diets into their lives. Nobody really can know the validity of it for sure, hence why it is a theory. Asians do seem to have less hair loss than Caucasians and other ethnic groups, but I don't think anybody will ever be able to verify that for certain.


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There is some slight correlation between facial/body hair and male pattern baldness. That's why you see some guys who start going on finasteride start to loose body hair and we all know Asian guys have like no facial hair. I'm not saying that's why less Asian people experience male pattern baldness, but it must make some impact. High dht causes body hair, so maybe they have low dht. Though some can experience male pattern baldness because of sensitive androgen receptors.

I do believe diet has nothing to do with it.

Cincinnati Kid

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There is some slight correlation between facial/body hair and male pattern baldness. That's why you see some guys who start going on finasteride start to loose body hair and we all know Asian guys have like no facial hair. I'm not saying that's why less Asian people experience male pattern baldness, but it must make some impact. High dht causes body hair, so maybe they have low dht. Though some can experience male pattern baldness because of sensitive androgen receptors.

I do believe diet has nothing to do with it.
It's another one of those mysteries. No mystery greater than the reason why men actually go bald in the first place. If there were some sort of an evolutionary advantage that would ensure the survival of the species, then wouldn't women develop it too? What's up with the androgen paradox? Why does the potent testosterone DHT that is responsible for GROWING the follicles of hair on your face, chest, and back actually KILL off the hair follicles on the top of your head? Why are we left with that little wreath of hairs that never fall out instead of all the hair on your head falling off? You'd think since humans have figured out how to build machines with artificial intelligence, travel to outer space, and build a weapon capable of wiping out half of the planet's population that somebody along the way might have figured out why exactly men go bald, and perhaps an effective way to safely stop/reverse it.


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Half Asian and half euro'pen here, and getting balder every day!
Hope is due to my regime and at will grow back though. But funny as you say *SayIfDoit,
Remeber getting ripped on for having mustache when 11 years old. And a lot of body hair now at age 22, wish it were the same for my hair:( Must be my western genes kicking in!


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Simply not true. People with black hair have less hair than someone with light hair on average (I think it was something along the lines of ~100000 for people with black hair and ~140000 for people with brown or blonde hair). It's an optical illusion that makes it appear fuller. Balding isn't a fairytale either amongst Asians although less rare and facial hair may not be up to European facial hair but it's nowhere near "lol, no beard!" on average either.


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^ um yes it is
asian men (me being vietnamese and having visited almost every asian country) RARELY have facial hair/body hair.
Only Japanese men I've noticed can grow a decent amount of facial hair, but even then its not to the level of Europe/America/Australia/etc men.

Its all genetics. If one of your parents, or their parents had the genes of male pattern baldness, you always have the chance of getting it. Which is what most of us on this forum got..
If your parents have good hair/their parents have good hair - you are most likely going to have good hair.


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Cuz we fap everyday and oil our scalp with snake oils. Gonna cut the crap and get to the point. I guess you just weren't able to see a Bald Asian guy. What do you mean by Asian? There are people of many races and i belong to Aryan race and have seen a lot of bald people who belong to the same race. Dravidians in India however have very thicker and fuller looking hairs. Ofcourse there will be a few bald headed guys who are just unlucky(DHT'd) or due to ageing. Maybe the people belonging to Mongoloid race are lucky not to go bald like us. But they lack facial hair too and their Penis too will be very tiny lol :p

Armando Jose

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Interesting thoughs about Dravidians......

Acording to my idea, thicker hair is less prone to common hair loss. It is all about problems with sebum.

- - - Updated - - -


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The secret is they have different genes than we do and dont lose hair because of that. There are bald asians just like anyone else though. Most Asians dont have much facial hair which is why they dont go bald very often because they have low amounts of male hormones so they dont go bald very fast or at all. Hormones cause baldness, facial hair and everything else that distinguishes a man from a women. Women go bald if injected with high T levels and that is why men go bald we all have lots of T relative to women
I would take the bet that most young advanced norwoods have abnormally large amounts of facial hair/body hair. You cant bald without male hormones which is why castration prevents it. Nothing else has ever been proven to prevent male pattern baldness

Wolf Pack

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I used like 4 month Minoxidil liquid but did not help. Then i used Propecia 1mg like 3-4 month and now i started using 5mg finasteride.
Why 5mg? because they only selling 5mg finasteride and its not allowed to break this. So far no results. Minoxidil made my hair look thinner.
Asians dont use any of this and yet they have thick hair. why?

Ok so Minoxidil didn't help. Only a transplant can help you now then it seems. You should get a knife and cut that tablet into 4 at least. Take it daily. This is common practice. Don't take such a high dose, it's the same as taking 1 mg and your body has to work harder to remove it daily.

Armando Jose

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The secret is they have different genes than we do and dont lose hair because of that. There are bald asians just like anyone else though. Most Asians dont have much facial hair which is why they dont go bald very often because they have low amounts of male hormones so they dont go bald very fast or at all. Hormones cause baldness, facial hair and everything else that distinguishes a man from a women. Women go bald if injected with high T levels and that is why men go bald we all have lots of T relative to women
I would take the bet that most young advanced norwoods have abnormally large amounts of facial hair/body hair. You cant bald without male hormones which is why castration prevents it. Nothing else has ever been proven to prevent male pattern baldness

the important hormones of the hair are produced inside it and there is not huge differences between sexes. Exist more than Hamilton's experiences ....


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Hair doesnt produce hormones. DHT is synthesized in a few places including hair follicles so yes DHT local to hair is probably most important but we dont have a way to alter that and its still systemic levels that feed that. There are not large differences between men and women in terms of hormone levels?
There is a lot more at play than T and DHT of course, but hormones are still the most proven method of prevention as of today. If PGD 2 demonstrates it stops male pattern baldness then its a different ball game but its still largely conjecture what PGD 2 really does in terms of male pattern baldness.


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From research I've done Asians also have the lowest prevalence of Prostate cancer. I can't remember if the study looked at overall DHT levels, but my conclusion was that it was simply linked to 5ar. I think most asians have low 5ar, therefore less prevalent balding, but guess what they also have small willies!! Remember 5ar deficient men never develop full facial and body hair or genitalia for that matter.


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Living in Japan at the moment. Baldness is quite common in the over 50s (though still perhaps less common than in caucasians), but very rare in the under 30s. If you're east Asian, under 30 and going bald, then you are VERY unlucky...
My girlfriend was looking in a magazine at a picture of Prince William, and asked me "he's only 36, why is he going bald"? I just told her that white and black dudes are genetically inferior to their Asian counterparts! Asians also have dry earwax and don't produce those nasty oils that cause BO after sweating. Native Americans are genetically superior still. They literally never go bald, great cheekbones and no BO. No wonder us whiteys tried to wipe them out, can't compete with that...