which shampoo to use on off nizoral days?


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which shampoo should i use on days i am not using nizoral 2%?
i do nizoral 2% twice-thrice a week. which other shampoo should i use on the normal days?

i have tried dove for men and head and shoulders. both cause hair loss. any other good ones you guys use?


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three times per week of Nizoral sounds to me like enough shampooing already. Honestly, so many ppl trip up over having to wash their hair everyday..you can skip a day. Your hair might actually have more natural oil on the days you don't shampoo which will make it more managable and may even look better. After a while(2 weeks) your scalp will adapt and your off days hair will be the same as the days you shampoo.
If your still concerned just use conditioner in your hair on the days you don't use nizoral. Some ppl may say think every word of what I just said is wrong, and I'm ok with that, but I'm just throwing it out there as food for thought. Chicks do their hair like this all the time and you wouldn't ever know it accept that you over hear conversations in cafes, etc.


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I was going to ask this question too!! What's reccomended in between Nizoral washes.

I go to the gym so I have a shower every time I workout so I can't just have a shower and not wash my hair or sometimes I can go days without having a shower.

I use Alpacine shampoo at the moment. But thinking of getting a natrual/organic stuff instead.


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I'm usually doing Focus T25 or Insanity or P90X for my daily workouts, so yeah I take a shower everyday(even though Vermont is cold as h***) but 2 or 3 times a week i;ll just rinse my hair with water in the shower without shampoo. I might use a conditioner, but then again I've got that "good hair" so I can do that and get away with it.
I would be interested to hear if I could be doing doing my Rogaine foam regimen any harm by not shampooing every day.


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I just aways use nizoral. I like the way it makes my hair look.


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There shouldn't be off nizoral days.
For the terms of hairloss you must use it every day unless you're doing almost nothing.


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In case you went to the gym: just get your hair wet, shower like you're used to, but you don't have to wash it. The sweat will just wash off by itself, so that shouldn't be a problem!


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I use Renpure argan oil shampoo... I am trying to reduce as much SLS on my scalp as much as possible, so I went to an organic shampoo.. have to admit I miss the squeaky clean feeling from shampoos with SLS/SLES lol. I use nizoral every other day... mind you I shower 2x a day.


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Use 'dry shampoo' in between, no shampoos. Ask your gf/wife/mom about it they probably will have some to lend.