Where should my hairline be? Hair transplant soon


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I'm very close to getting a hair transplant because my hairline's fucked up, it looks really bad as my forehead/neurocranium is way too tall. So where should my hairline be?

By the way, is this hairline a NW3 or Nw2? I don't know tbh

In good lighting


In bad lighting




I'm hopping on Dutasteride 0,5mg / day instead of (so far) 1mg finasteride/day because this sh*t doesn't work.


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NW1.5-2 I'd say, NW3 is when the recession goes all the way back to your ears.


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Holy... Am I really Nw2 max? To me it seems like Nw3 tbh... looks like sh*t

So it seems my forehead is just naturally tall as hell... fml man
Bill Murray in Ghostbusters had an actual NW3:

Yeah I can relate to the hairline looking worse or better. Sometimes I'm like huh my hairline isn't so bad at all, and then other times I catch a glimpse of myself in a distant reflection like a window or something and I look like Vegeta or Murray above and I just want to punch something. Also goes with thinning, sometimes I think I have pretty good density and other times I just look like I have some dead decaying animal on my head uuuurgh. Although you seem to have excellent density so I wouldn't worry about that.


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Bill Murray in Ghostbusters had an actual NW3:
View attachment 158312View attachment 158313

Yeah I can relate to the hairline looking worse or better. Sometimes I'm like huh my hairline isn't so bad at all, and then other times I catch a glimpse of myself in a distant reflection like a window or something and I look like Vegeta or Murray above and I just want to punch something. Also goes with thinning, sometimes I think I have pretty good density and other times I just look like I have some dead decaying animal on my head uuuurgh. Although you seem to have excellent density so I wouldn't worry about that.
Isn't that a NW4 already? A NW3 is supposed to be like mine, a small "island" or "patch" of hair in the middle of the forelock and the temples completely gone/missing


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So anyway can you tell me how many grafts I'd need to get a NW2 or NW1 square hairline instead of my current shitty oval and recessed temporal points?
Lol sorry not an expert in that field, but you seem to have had your question answered

Will Be an Egg in 5 years

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NW2 specially on the left temple. I know that pics don't truly show how bad it is in real life, believe. So if people say "you're fine" don't worry


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Cmon that is not NW2.5, he's got a perfectly intact front region with a half an inch to an inch missing in the temples.

Approaching a 2 maybe, but I'd say less because the front is where it should be.


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Cmon that is not NW2.5, he's got a perfectly intact front region with a half an inch to an inch missing in the temples.

Approaching a 2 maybe, but I'd say less because the front is where it should be.
Look at hair transplant sites with before and after that label the Norwood of the patient. You will find the OP is beyond a NW2. His temples are receded beyond a NW2. If he is a NW2 by your standards then I would be a NW1 and I was told by multiple hair transplant experts I am beyond a NW1.


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Cmon that is not NW2.5, he's got a perfectly intact front region with a half an inch to an inch missing in the temples.

Approaching a 2 maybe, but I'd say less because the front is where it should be.
NW2 is NOT characterized by a very "notched" rounding temple shape (which OP clearly has, even in the temporal area). To me, his temples are around a NW3, whereas the center is more like a 2, hence I'd say a NW2.5. For the record, I do not really like these scales because the shape of one's hairline can vary drastically between individuals. I actually have a similar pattern of recession to that of OP.