When to get hair transplant?


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Hi guys! Just wanted to ask your opinion on when or if I should get a hair transplant in the next 6 months or so?

History: started seeing hair receeding/thinning at 21/22 started rogaine, used it for about 7-8 years. Maintained the hair quite well, although was losing ground slowly. Switched to 12.5% minoxidil 1x a day for 1 year. After seeing still losing ground switched to Maxogen X 1x per day (to add finasteride in regimine) and seems like its helping, and maybe growing baby hairs again... been on it abt 8 months, but only use 0.4ml instead of the full 1ml application once a day only on temples/hairline. Currently 32 years of age.

My question is, i cant really tell if im losing or regaining the hairline back as theres lots of new hairs but same time feels like temples are receeding... considering doing a hair transplant with DR. RAHAL. I did do a consultation about 3 years ago, and he said I needed about 1500 grafts to make it look good.

Current photos are attached, please let me know what route I should take! Thank you


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nope! As you can see, the temples have recession, that is what I am mainly concerned about, and the hairline seems to be thinning also. I do get it, its not a nw2 or nw3 but getting there slowly so trying to address the issue early than later.


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Here is another pic from 2 weeks ago, with hair wet. Previous pics was with dry hair... you can clearly see the receeding not sure why you guys are taking as a joke...


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I don't see the point in getting a hair transplant at this moment.