What should be studied?? Seem's simple to me...


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My hypothesis is that it's a simple factor of aging. Every time our cells divide, a piece of DNA is eroded from the end of the chromosomes. The DNA has a protective cap of nonsense DNA that exist solely to be worn away,a nd while that lasts, none of our functional coding genes are lost. It is possible that we have a gene that expresses some characteristic that protects our hair follicles from DHT, but as we age, and our chromosomes erode, this gene is eventually eroded and lost so we become susceptible to DHT. At this stage we need to either make a drug that will compete with DHT at the follicles binding site, or a druge that converts DHT to an inactive form, or prevents its formation in the first place.

Armando Jose

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It is possible GoldenMane, but a quick question, only eroded a piece of DNA in the hairs located at the top of the scalp? why the problem is only afecting at certains hairs?


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My hypothesis is that it's a simple factor of aging. Every time our cells divide, a piece of DNA is eroded from the end of the chromosomes. The DNA has a protective cap of nonsense DNA that exist solely to be worn away,a nd while that lasts, none of our functional coding genes are lost. It is possible that we have a gene that expresses some characteristic that protects our hair follicles from DHT, but as we age, and our chromosomes erode, this gene is eventually eroded and lost so we become susceptible to DHT. At this stage we need to either make a drug that will compete with DHT at the follicles binding site, or a druge that converts DHT to an inactive form, or prevents its formation in the first place.
Wrong. Some men dont get it so if it was due to aging every man would suffer to some degree. Then even men without male pattern baldness if given large amounts of androgens go bald just like everyone else. At a lower level more goes on then just androgens, but I think a powerful enough treatment that stopped androgens not just DHT would completely prevent male pattern baldness. CB 03 01 might be close but we have to wait and see.


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If CB 03 01 runs into some issue or gets cancelled its going to be a long time before we anything and we might not ever get a good topical anti androgen. Keeping hair is not a solved problem yet.


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Research of any kind takes an eternity. Everything moves at a snails pace and its not always due to lack of funding. Its pathetic. Reminds me of my last job, where we would have meetings about a meeting to discuss a meeting and the project would never get done.


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Yeah that is a big problem the speed is measured in many years I mean we all only live so long. I think treatments should be allowed through FDA at different speeds based on some kind of risk factors I mean CB 03 01 from what I have heard sounds generally low risk compared to say some internal drug that messes with say your immune system just comparing to past drugs doing similar things.
I think part of the problem with comparing hairs is that the hairs change over time so its not as simple as just comparing them directly at the same time if its some process that happens slowly over time maybe at certain points they appear to match? Then hairs are affected by tons of things which ones are the ones actually responsible verses ones just there normally? What if a persons blood type plays a role? or smoking changes something? Its just like saying how to high level do some big project only to realize there are hundreds of details you did not think of yet or unforeseen problems.