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(No. But I had lunch with Finkielkraut on one occasion. True story)

I was going to ask if as an anti-social misanthropist you were a fan of Ann Summers but I don't know if a french speaker would get that reference.


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Somehow I managed to get it!

No, I am not. Being misanthropist does not mean you stop having sex.

Well you're not a true misanthropist then in my opinion, you're just selective about who you like and what you like to do.


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Well, a lot of nutjobs truly believe that :

- Sex is immoral (mainly for religious reasons)
- Eating is immoral (vegetarians, vegans, also for religious reasons)
- Having a social life is immoral (for Muslim women)

I have seen some good arguments against eating meat. However, I don't consider those who eat meat as immoral. But there is some merit to the arguments that various vegetarians/vegans raise. Personally, I am not interested in that topic so I have never taken the time to study this issue deeply and take it to a logical conclusion. However, I am somewhat interested in DBW's position on having children so I am interested in what arguments he has to support his position. Currently, I agree with you Fred and I am glad that you have decided to have kids. We need more men like you in the western world. Personally though, I will never have kids for my own reasons.


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It does, most of the time, people who have failed to get married and have children are seen as losers. That's just how it is and pretending otherwise would be coping.

I've been told that having sex with a lot of different women was a form of coping too, that I was afraid to be alone or that I was addicted to sex. Mostly by men who could not get any.

Look, there's no point in denying what's obvious. Sex is important and you need it regularly to be a happy and balanced individual. Same with having children, eating and other basic human needs.

Don't wage a war against mother nature through copes like 'you just want children because you're afraid of dying!' because you won't win.



Some people want to believe that they are above their human condition.

They're not. It's just a way for them to think that they're above other people, who are all slaves to their base instincts. But not them, no!

Here is what i don't get Fred

I understand for yourself getting married and having a lot of children is important and how you live your life with a family in your senior years is important to you for you.

Its very natural and understandable (i don't think its wrong to have kids for planet etc etc)

But what i do not understand is you strong passion against people who choose not to get married or have children--especially women.

Its almost like you have this 'fear' of women not doing this.

where is that coming from?

I never had a parental instinct i don't know why.
I know a lot of people like me so i know i am not alone
I have this 'theory' of maybe we are not supposed to have kids for some reason.

I was watching this TV show about a woman who was having many miscarriages and she keep trying and trying and finally she got pregnant and had the child and it was autistic...and i wondered 'was she supposed to have kids"

I don't think i would have been a good mother.

I mentor interns so i enjoy young people so i do have those kind of instincts to teach what i know in my profession pass it down and get them well placed.

But to have kids just was not a passion i had

What bothers me is someone like you judging that choice.


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I never had a parental instinct i don't know why.
I know a lot of people like me so i know i am not alone
I have this 'theory' of maybe we are not supposed to have kids for some reason.

I never had any parental instincts either. When I was 25, my friends who wanted kids would tell me, wait till you are 30, you will develop those instincts. I am close to 35 now and those instincts are nowhere to be seen. Now people tell me, in future you will regret not having kids. But I can only make decisions based on what I know and feel right now, not on some possible future regret.


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So let me make sure I have this straight:

* I "tagged" hairblues, pas, and EvilLocks that they should tell these guys over 5'8" that they are not too short.
* Hairblues, pas, and EvilLocks did not do as I recommended.
* For some reason at least one of these 3 women (and possibly all 3) said they favor tall men.
* And now, at least 1 of these 3 women (and maybe more than 1) is/are getting bitched at.

You 3 women should have listened to me and said that 5'8" passes muster and been done with it. Now you 3 are getting bitched because you 3 did not listen to me. From now on you 3 should listen to me.

Any questions?

Well, I am about 5'8" and all of them are in love with me, so there's your answer. :D


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I never had any parental instincts either. When I was 25, my friends who wanted kids would tell me, wait till you are 30, you will develop those instincts. I am close to 35 now and those instincts are nowhere to be seen. Now people tell me, in future you will regret not having kids. But I can only make decisions based on what I know and feel right now, not on some possible future regret.

here is the thing and most people older who are honest will admit this

You cannot really live without any sense of 'what if'

Its just human nature to be 'what if i had done this or that different"

my friend is happily married with two kids she called me up hysterically crying saying she made a mistake etc about her life..
we talked it out for 20 minutes and by end she was laughing at her self

She made right choice for herself but she just had this 'moment' of 'what if?"
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The influence of my Muslim best friend ;).

They're right on that aspect through, that's how humanity has thrived for millennia, and now you have these people (feminists, leftists, etc.) going like:

"Nah, women don't need men, people don't need to have children, we don't need the family unit, casual sex is cool, just focus on your career!"

Does not work. I'd rather go for something that has a great track record and has yielded great results, like you know, civilisation.

You sound like my brother. Do you wish we still lived in the trees? I sometimes do, then I think I'd miss Netflix to much lol.

What you want and what other people want are not the same. But what you're saying is true of most people.

People get caught up in capitalism often I think. Work their lives away.


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Well, maybe. But I still don't get the link... you can enjoy lonelyness but have sexual partners.

Because it's an inherently social thing to do, if you just wanted stimulation you could do it on your own. You're connecting with someone else, chemicals are released in your brain that make you bond and hold affection etc.


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I was joking. Some posters think that if they had hair they can literally say anything and be successful. The sarcasm didn't come across in black and white.

Hey look, I was only kidding when I said that.
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