What Do You Think Is Happening? Pls Respond


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If I keep massaging my scalp hair it continuously falls out including the sides of the head. It just keeps on coming out. The full strand with it's bulb.

when tested with the force of pulling on the hair on the sides and I was holding 9 hairs. The same with the crown/top area. It doesn't take much effort to detach the hair from my scalp. My hair has gotten noticeably thin now, and now I'm depressed.

My dermatologist prescribed me Momestaone furoate, apparently that's a corticosteroid used for inflammation. No idea why that would be given for something like this. I also got a full blood test, awaiting the results after a week.


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this thread is useless without pictures


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My Regimen
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If I keep massaging my scalp hair it continuously falls out including the sides of the head. It just keeps on coming out. The full strand with it's bulb.

when tested with the force of pulling on the hair on the sides and I was holding 9 hairs. The same with the crown/top area. It doesn't take much effort to detach the hair from my scalp. My hair has gotten noticeably thin now, and now I'm depressed.

My dermatologist prescribed me Momestaone furoate, apparently that's a corticosteroid used for inflammation. No idea why that would be given for something like this. I also got a full blood test, awaiting the results after a week.

Probably thought you had scalp eczema, psoriasis, or seborrheic dermatitis.

Steroids are typical treatments for all those conditions. But the skin will also show clear abnormalities in addition to hair loss in all those conditions as well.

If your hair is thinning diffusely including the sides and back with no other skin abnormality, you should be looking into bloodwork to rule out a nutritional deficiency or thyroid problem.


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Here you go. I should also note, I ran multiple compounds of steroids ((500mg/ml-1g)Test)/dbol/tren) for 14 months
I also ran 80mg isotretinoin for 6 months at the end of the cycle to combat the adverse effects of roids (acne). I didn't notice hair loss or shedding on steroids (wasn't using finasteride yet) Roid usage was from 19-21 (I competed in teen bodybuilding). Before finasteride I ran dosages of nolvadex and clomid for PCT. I started using finasteride at 21 for precaution. I'm 23 now and this is the current state, where I'm noticing an insane amount of shedding. genetics- Last pic is my 65 year old grandfather (maternal). Dad went bald in his 30s (NW5). Although his hair density was course and curly, while my maternal grandfather has hair density resembling mine, which is more finer and straight.

Pics: numerous different lightnings, although if brought under direct lighting it looks bad.
1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 6.png
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Experienced Member
My Regimen
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Chiiiiil bro, the hairline looks perfect imo, its true tho that you are thinning in the crown area, so i'd recomend you to visit another dermatologist see what he/she has to say.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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I hate to say it but that is male pattern baldness. Your dermatologist is an idiot. Your crown is definitely thinning, its not too noticable yet so i would get on finasteride and hope for the best.