We killed Bin Laden! f*** your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

optimus prime said:
monty1978 said:
Still doesn't explain why they dumped him in the sea though, it adds an unecessary mystique to it all!

I agree. Very odd.

Makes total sense to me.

You don't want such a grave site to become a holy pilgrimage or something to fight over.

Hell, people can't even handle Jim Morrison's grave site ...

optimus prime

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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Cassin said:
optimus prime said:
monty1978 said:
Still doesn't explain why they dumped him in the sea though, it adds an unecessary mystique to it all!

I agree. Very odd.

Makes total sense to me.

You don't want such a grave site to become a holy pilgrimage or something to fight over.

Hell, people can't even handle Jim Morrison's grave site ...

Yes, true.

People criticise the CIA, MI5/MI6 but I think they know what they are doing. Germany and the UK have openly admitted that the multi-culture society is not working. I know we should not really get into topics about religion but we have a serious problem in the West and this war is just getting started.

The next world war is Islam vs the world

This is the sh*t going on in London outside the US Embassy because they shot Bin Laden. Britain needs to wake up before it is too late.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... bassy.html



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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

I was at Grosvenor Square during some of that, it was *very* ugly indeed.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
and guess what the most popular name in the UK was for new born males, last year, it was Muhammad.

Actually its been Muhammed for about the last 2 decades, but last year for the first time they decided to count all the 12 variant ways of spelling it as 1.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

"The official, speaking on condition of anonymity,"

sounds reliable

finfighter said:
The goal and foundation of the Muslim religion is to impose their beliefs upon the world, by force if necessary,

Thankfully the West never imposes it's beliefs onto muslims through force.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
We don't force any religion on anyone, it goes back to our constitution.

We just tell them who they are allowed to be governed by and which countries they're allowed to sell their resources to.

So let me ask you again are you a sympathiser for AQ and radical Islam?

All you are doing is showing us that you're incapable of addressing people's arguments.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
Yeah we told the taliban to stop executing Homo's and women who cheated on their husbands, sounds pretty horrible to me.

And then installed a dictator who clings to power through rigged elections (that we support) and who's 'government' passes laws that legalize rape

'Worse than the Taliban' - new law rolls back rights for Afghan women

The Taliban are still in control of vast swaths of Afghanistan, so the west didn't really tell them to stop doing anything.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Execution without trial is a very slippery slope indeed.

Dumping the body at sea is very odd behaviour considering how Sadam's sons were paraded around.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
Women can no longer be executed for cheating on their husbands, or breaking those stupid muslim laws,because we kicked the talibans ***, those woman are obviously a hell of a lot better off now.

Woman can be 'rightfully' denied food and shelter for refusing their husbands sex and can be imprisoned in their homes. They also have to ask for permission to work and child custody rights are always given to men.This is your idea of Afghan women being better off?

The taliban have been replaced in many areas with warlords (who we support) who have the same attitude towards women:

Malalai Joya: "The warlords received millions of dollars from the CIA and the ISI (the Pakistani intelligence, ed) during the Cold War. In those days they were not really familiar with my people. Everyone, including intellectuals and progressive parties then fought against the Russian occupation. But once the Soviet Union left Afghanistan, they showed their true face. Hekmatyar, Massoud, Hatim, Rashid Dostum, ... all those puppets of the U.S. committed terrible crimes. "

"You think that everything began with the Taliban, but that is a lie. The atrocities began with the warlords. In the name of Islam they abolished women’s rights. Even very young girls were not safe for these rapists. They plundered museums. Bookshops were burned. They murdered more than 65,000 people. They put nails into the heads of opponents. They cut off women's breasts. "

(Your government recently denied Joya a visa when she came to the US)

UNITED NATIONS (CNN) -- Rapes targeting girls as young as seven are on the increase in Afghanistan where conditions for women are little better than under the Taliban, the U.N. and rights groups say.
http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiap ... pstoryview

That's BS we have removed the taliban from power in most parts of the country, and we are still there removing them from where they have regained power.

This is the situation in Afghanistan as of last year, according to the General running the show:

Just five areas out of 122 were classed as being under the "full authority" of the government – with governance rated as non-existent, dysfunctional or unproductive in 89 of the areas. Seven areas out of 120 rated for development were showing sustainable growth. In 48 areas, growth was either stalled or the population were at risk. Less than a third of the military and only 12 per cent of police forces were rated as "effective".

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 11730.html

Clearly most of the country is out of the control of the central government and even if Karzai's reach did extend out further the Afghans would be no better off.

You speak as if you hate the US and you praise Muslims, and every time I ask you this question you ignore it, why?-

Are you a sympathiser for AQ and radical Islam?

What is the point in answering what is obviously a rhetorical question?


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
aussieavodart said:
This is your idea of Afghan women being better off?

Any power taken away from the taliban puts females in a much better place. It's not perfect but it's an improvement.

Power is being transferred to people who are just as bad, if not worse.

Right now, rape, domestic violence, the killing of women, the burning their schools, and many other kinds of violence and injustices against women are increasing rapidly, even historically. For example, recently in Kunar province a young woman was brutally beaten by her husband in a case of domestic violence. She escaped from her house and went to the Ministry of Women office. The Ministry of Women handed her over to the head of the Provincial Council, who is a brutal and infamous warlord. He raped this woman twice. When a local brave lawyer wanted to fight her case, he received death threats from this warlord. And this is only one example out of thousands.

Read more: http://www.rawa.org/temp/runews/2011/04 ... z1Lk9PKMlC

I'd suggest listening to what actual Afghans are saying about the condition of their country if you want to know what it's like, not the US government and the mainstream media which shill it's shiny, optimistic reports.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

powersam said:
Execution without trial is a very slippery slope indeed.

It sets a pretty good precedent:

What Capehart and Cole are expressing is the Osama bin Laden Exception: yes, I believe in all these principles of due process and restraining unfettered Executive killing and the like, but in this one case, I don't care if those are violated. Like I said, though I strongly disagree with that view, I understand and respect it, particularly given the honesty with which it's expressed.

My principal objection to it -- aside from the fact that I think those principles shouldn't be violated because they're inherently right (which is what makes them principles) -- is that there's no principled way to confine it to bin Laden. If this makes sense for bin Laden, why not for other top accused Al Qaeda leaders? Why shouldn't the same thing be done to Anwar al-Awlaki, the U.S. citizen who has been allegedly linked by the Government to far more attacks over the last several years than bin Laden? At Guantanamo sits Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged operational mastermind of 9/11 -- who was, if one believes the allegations, at least as responsible for the attack as bin Laden and about whom there is as little perceived dobut; why shouldn't we just take him out back today and shoot him in the head and dump his corpse into the ocean rather than trying him?
http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn ... index.html


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
AQ declared war on the US and as military targets we can kill them all, just like we did with that POS Bin Laden, we assasinated him, and rightly so!

That wouldn't be so much of a problem if it wasn't for the US's track record of killing and detaining people who turned out to be innocent- like most of the detainees in Guantanamo.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

I'm against capitalism. It encourages people to be greedy. If you're not a greedy minded person, i.e. if you're a good kind hearted person, then you're already at a disadvantage. You've all heard the terms, "dog eat dog world", "cut throat business", "ruthless in business", etc. In the world in which we (i.e. The West, and almost the entire new world order) live in, there is no escape from capitalism. The people who are right at the top only got there one way. They are ruthless, greedy, selfish, and power hungry. They don't want to lose their riches, and power. They're not happy with what they've got, they need more and more and more. They may give a tiny fraction away but they are always only thinking about themselves. In their minds they are thinking that if the whole world is developed then they will get even richer and more powerful because the market becomes even bigger, and they are already at a major advantage in that they already hold most of the 'wealth'. They buy everything of any value and take 'control' over it. Sure there are some good people who donate a lot to charities out of kindness and none selfish acts, but this just makes the greedy ones even more powerful, because they keep most of their money. Take e.g. the gaming industry, where all the best game developers are brought by 'big business' and make billions from them (e.g. http://www.activisionblizzard.com/corp/ ... mpany.html). The music industry buy up all the most popular artists, and then the only way people can listen to their music is by paying THEM, who really have no rights other than that they are greedy rich. If you buy music you're not supporting the artist, supporting the artist has nothing to do with money, IT IS MUSIC, you are supporting CAPITALIST GREED. The West (big business, government, etc.) want the world to be one big marketplace, where they can buy anything and anyone's services they want. These people at the top are not needed, there is just nothing anyone can do about it. They have all the money and power. And they aren't letting go of it anytime soon.

I'm also strongly against violence. No explaining why needed here, other than again, just because someone is stronger physically, does not mean that they are stronger mentally. In fact ultimately the strongest mind does not need to show any kind of 'physical' strength whatsoever. Beings who have to prove themselves by showing their physical strength, including violent actions, are the most weak minded.

Unless the world in which we live is changes rapidly, all of these horrible and weak human traits such as greed and violence, are not going to change and will likely just get worse. Killing innocent people, and revenge killing is not going to make anything better. Attacking a religion, Islam, which billions of people worldwide believe is not going help.

I've seen a couple of Osama Bin Laden video tapes and he seems to be talking about the USA's economic power and how they are the major influence on global policies. He mentions God (or Allah), but then I also hear the president of the US say, "God bless the United States of America". Both sides have killed innocent people, whether they intended to or not, or who they think is innocent or an enemy.

I really don't see anything to be celebrating, from my perspective.

I do not want to encourage violence, but also do not want people to accept that some greedy people have so much power over us.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
Viens said:
I've seen a couple of Osama Bin Laden video tapes and he seems to be talking about the USA's economic power and how they are the major influence on global policies. He mentions God (or Allah), but then I also hear the president of the US say, "God bless the United States of America". Both sides have killed innocent people, whether they intended to or not, or who they think is innocent or an enemy.

I really don't see anything to be celebrating, from my perspective.

I do not want to encourage violence, but also do not want people to accept that some greedy people have so much power over us.

Really uhhh, did you forget who attacked who first? Do you think that maybe that has a bearing on the current situation, hmmmmmm...........?

The difference here, is that the foundation of radical Islam is one of archaic violence and conquest, they seek to force feed thier religious beliefs upon others, and destroy those who disagree with them, this is the exact opposite of the American philosophy, and we have been kicking their backwoods asses ever since they attacked us, and justly so, these kind of violent extremists must be suppressed!

We just assassinated a very evil man, a serial killer, and we found a wealth of information that will help us prevent future terrorist attacks, and you say that there is nothing to be happy about! I find your sentiment disgusting!
I really don't find anything "happy" about future terrorist attacks, AT ALL. None of this enters my mind of happiness in the world, NO.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
aussieavodart said:
finfighter said:
AQ declared war on the US and as military targets we can kill them all, just like we did with that POS Bin Laden, we assasinated him, and rightly so!

That wouldn't be so much of a problem if it wasn't for the US's track record of killing and detaining people who turned out to be innocent- like most of the detainees in Guantanamo.

Another unsubstanciated claim, from a supporter of Al Qaeda!

Most Guantanamo detainees are innocent: ex-Bush official


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
aussieavodart said:
finfighter said:
Are you a sympathiser for AQ and radical Islam?

What is the point in answering what is obviously a rhetorical question?

Honestly, If you really support Al qaeda than you are a very, very sick person, I don't know how you sleep at night! Do you also support the civilians getting their heads sawed off on Al Jazeera? Yet, you come on here and complain about poor Osama Bin Laden, and the big bad Americans, while you defend AQ, man you're making me sick! There is something seriously wrong with you! A sick, sick f*ck!

You are hilariously insecure.

The difference here, is that the foundation of radical Islam is one of archaic violence and conquest, they seek to force feed thier religious beliefs upon others, and destroy those who disagree with them, this is the exact opposite of the American philosophy, and we have been kicking their backwoods asses ever since they attacked us, and justly so, these kind of violent extremists must be suppressed!

and woefully ignorant.

Maybe read some of what your country has been up to in the middle east for the last 50+ years. Believe it or not, history did not begin on 9/11. The US and it's allies do no keep to themselves or encourage liberty as you try and make out, they have forced their will on that region for decades.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
Viens said:
, AT ALL. None of this enters my mind of happiness in the world, NO.

You don't find it a reason to celebrate that the US's recent actions will result in less terrorist attacks, and civilian bloodshed, due to Osama's assasination, and the intel we collected.

Of course I want NO terrorist attacks because I am against violence altogether. I will stay true to myself and my beliefs.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:
Those are exactly the kind of biased and self serving replys I would expect to hear from a sick AQ supporter such as yourself, You're pissed off about something that you can do absolutely nothing to change, so you get online and you try to push your sick agenda, and b**ch on a forum, f****ing pathetic!

What kind of a dumb *** gets upset because Bin laden got killed, man get a f****ing life, you would get your *** kicked saying stuff like that around here!

You're acting hysterically now.

Man f*ck you and your ignorance, Islam's goal is to force it's religion and muslim laws upon the entire world. The US government has not tryed to force religious beliefs upon anyone, we are a free country. We went into the Middle east because we were provoked! You make it sound as if we just went in unjustified, I'm sick of your f****ing Islam aganda your trying to spread here!

You may be a free country within your own borders (though that's debatable) but how your country and it's allies conduct themselves around the world is very different to how you believe it to be. Your country has a long history of involvement in the middle east which predates 9/11. Here's some reading to get you started:

"Philip Roettinger is an old boy enrolling in a new school. Tall, straight-backed, and well-spoken, Roettinger, 72, is an alumnus of the CIA. Among other inglorious deeds in the spying trade, he was part of the 1954 successful effort to overthrow left-leaning Guatemalen President Jacobo Arbenz... Roettinger, ex-CIA case officer and former Marine colonel, is now president of the newly formed Association for Responsible Dissent (ARDIS). Some of that dissenting was heard recently when Roettinger and 13 other former CIA officials - from undercover agents to counterintelligence specialists - announced the purpose of their group: 'We are going to try to expose covert action. We're going to try to get it legally banned because we can find no reason, no justification, for covert action on the part of the American people'.

"The group spoke of the congressional and public records being 'replete with accounts of US covert operations that killed, wounded and terrorized millions of people whose countries were not at war with the United States nor possessed the capabilities to do remarkable physical hurt to the United States, who themselves bore the United States no ill will nor cared greatly about the issues of 'communism' or 'capitalism'. With the group estimating that 'at least 6 million people have died as a consequence of US covert operations since World War II', one question rushes in from the cold. With 6 million dead, why not go beyond the banning of only covert actions to abolishing the CIA altogether?"

http://middleeastrealitycheck.blogspot. ... locaust.hair transplant


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

finfighter said:

I just asked Cassin to lock this thread I don't want this to be a platform for Aussie to spew his verbal vomit in anymore! Or for him to spread his al qaeda propaganda in!

Or you could just stop participating/reading this thread if you don't like what you are reading. There's no reason to close the thread and deny everybody else a chance to participate in the discussion just because you don't like it.


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Re: We killed Bin Laden! f*ck your Jihad! Hoorah Seals!!!!!!!!!!

Finfighter you are not conducting yourself very well in this thread.

It is quite obvious that aussieavodart is not an AQ supporter, and repeating that accusation ad nauseum in an almost hysterical fashion will not change that.

If you start a thread on a political topic, you will get political discussion, and people will have views that do not mesh with yours. Resorting to slanderous attacks because someone does not agree with you is not the way to behave.

Argue his points, back up your own points with relevant links to supporting information as he is doing.