We Absolutely Have To Get Hellouser To Japan

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Guys and Girls we are literally on the verge of having The Bio Technical Revolution commercialized.

For Us that means the end of many problems and issues but the only one we care about is HAIR LOSS.

This October in Japan is going to be the actual time and place when this announcement will be made. Not formally and directly.

Of course there maybe vague press releases from each company or from the conferences organizers themselves; however if we want to have full recording of all the important conferences: Shisedio, Riken, Sammumed etc then we need a guy on the ground!

Ask yourself how much would you pay for a full blown report with audio and potentially video of the presentations from the leading companies working to get Your head of hair back to those beautiful pre pubescent days?

$10, 20, 30, 40, 100, 300+?

Whatever it is pay it! This is for Your own good! I have already donated and will donate another $100 but we need ALL of You to chip in!

How have only 25 of us Donated to Hellouser going on this Journey to bring us a live in color play by play not to mention potential 1 on 1 with both Shisedio and Riken (maybe even the man himself Tsuji)

Everyone wants answers yet no one is willing to even chip in a Meal at Cheesecake to get them. Sad.

Come on people consider this apart of your monthly hair regime or a small consultation fee for your future procedure.



That Guy

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Nameless on his way to rant in this thread like:



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Because it's only July. I intend to donate some time in August. As long as it's funded by September that should be plenty of time to make arrangements


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Tsuji is coming out with this treatment in 2020-2022? Why tease yourself for like 3-5 years?

I understand the public obsession with getting something first, from shoes in the urban community, to needing the new iPhone on the first day it comes out. But what I think is, isn't the product/info going to be available anyways? Whatever important info comes out, it will be available anyways (regardless if hellouser goes or not). Like the iPhone people lineup for on launch date, or the black Friday lines people line up for when they can just buy the same thing online for the same price, or the new Jordan sneakers people go crazy for, which will be available the following weeks regardless if you make a line for it.

I have no problem spending hundreds or thousands on things I want. I just purchased a 65" 4K OLED LG tv (C7) just because I wanted a tv for my new house, and this is the tv i've had my eyes on for a few months. I have no big commitments, no kids, or anything like that. Giving $10 or $300 wouldn't hurt me at all, it's that I just don't care about getting info about something that is coming out maybe in 3-5 years. If around September he still needs money, i'll donate something, but around the same time I will be so busy that I won't even be able to read any info on it, and neither would I care. I'll care when news come out which reads like this: Tsuji procedure is ready and good to go!


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How have only 25 of us Donated to Hellouser going on this Journey to bring us a live in color play by play not to mention potential 1 on 1 with both Shisedio and Riken (maybe even the man himself Tsuji)

Everyone wants answers yet no one is willing to even chip in a Meal at Cheesecake to get them. Sad.

* Even if people don't pay they will still get to see the information so donating seems foolish.

* If you do donate then others who didn't donate will get to see the information at your expense.
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Nameless on his way to rant in this thread like:

View attachment 58758

Why is it "ranting" if someone simply informs potential contributors that some guys (like you) won't contribute to the congress trip because you want other posters to pay all the expenses so you won't have to chip in any of your own money? What's wrong with giving that information to potential contributors?
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Wait what announcement are we for sure going to hear?

You have a good point. There is NO guarantees that there will be any significant announcement made at the Congress. As a matter of fact, the most certain information that will come out of the Congress is that hair loss is not cured yet and you already know that so why pay to receive that information? And especially why would you pay to receive that infomation when it has already been announced that even if you don't contribute you will get to see the information anyway?

That Guy

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Why is it "ranting" if someone simply informs potential contributors that some guys (like you) won't contribute to the congress trip because you want other posters to pay all the expenses so you won't have to chip in any of your own money?

It's because I don't care.

Still, I applaud your restraint thus far.

I'll care when news come out which reads like this: Tsuji procedure is ready and good to go!

This is the bottom line.

I can see why people would support it and be interested in sending a person from these forums, but there is definitely some naivete in putting faith in bringing anything relevant to the masses back that they would or will otherwise not be able to find out directly from the source when the time comes — no donations required.


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I think it is not entirely understood the psychological hell that many of our members are in. Finding out something tangible is important to someone who is fighting tooth and nail to retain psychological/emotional equilibrium. If you are a NW2 and you're maintaining, it's easier to be like "meh, we'll find out soon enough." People who are starving will feast on scraps and any morsel of information counts if you are malnourished and worried.


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I think it is not entirely understood the psychological hell that many of our members are in. Finding out something tangible is important to someone who is fighting tooth and nail to retain psychological/emotional equilibrium. If you are a NW2 and you're maintaining, it's easier to be like "meh, we'll find out soon enough." People who are starving will feast on scraps and any morsel of information counts if you are malnourished and worried.
You should be a writer, but yeah I agree.


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Why the f*** do you care nameless what other people do with their own money? If we want to send someone to the moon from this forums, why is that your worry. You even started a f*****g thread to stop people from donating. How bitter you are f****r?


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Why the f*** do you care nameless what other people do with their own money? If we want to send someone to the moon from this forums, why is that your worry. You even started a f*****g thread to stop people from donating. How bitter you are f****r?
Did he really do that? Omfg


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Let's just not send anyone that way this all can stop I donated but this is annoying and a lot the people advocating its not worth it have suggested they can get all the information so I expect to get it from them right after anyway.


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It's because I don't care.

Still, I applaud your restraint thus far.

This is the bottom line.

I can see why people would support it and be interested in sending a person from these forums, but there is definitely some naivete in putting faith in bringing anything relevant to the masses back that they would or will otherwise not be able to find out directly from the source when the time comes — no donations required.

Yeah, I mean I understand some people's beef with leechers or freeloaders. But me personally, I do not care about the news unless it's like I said, that it's ready and good to go. With that said I agree with what someone suggested in this thread, make a locked/private thread for those who donated, it will require a password, i've seen this in other forums, it can be done. I honestly would not care about this, it wouldn't bother me that I can't see this info. If something worthwhile comes out, it will be all over the internet.

On the other hand, if I do end up donating, I would not care at all who benefits from my donation, like people who didn't donate reading the info. But I do agree that if it bothers enough donors that there are freeloaders reading the precious info, then make a private section.


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Yeah, I mean I understand some people's beef with leechers or freeloaders. But me personally, I do not care about the news unless it's like I said, that it's ready and good to go. With that said I agree with what someone suggested in this thread, make a locked/private thread for those who donated, it will require a password, i've seen this in other forums, it can be done. I honestly would not care about this, it wouldn't bother me that I can't see this info. If something worthwhile comes out, it will be all over the internet.

On the other hand, if I do end up donating, I would not care at all who benefits from my donation, like people who didn't donate reading the info. But I do agree that if it bothers enough donors that there are freeloaders reading the precious info, then make a private section.

With all do respect. From the two posts you have posted here it seems you live a very busy and fulfilling life and would not even have the time according to your first post to go over any information that comes from HelloUser going to Japan. Not to mention you "don't even care" unless the cure is being announced. at which point your right it will be all over the news....

Sooo why are you even on this website or find the precious time in your busy schedule to post on this forum let alone thread?

You actions are in complete contradiction to the words your typing? You do clearly care, that's why you post on this website religiously...

Am I missing something here?? Are you just trying to convince yourself of something?


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Kevin I think you haven't been around long enough to know about previous hair congresses.
Before 2014, not a single piece of information was released from the World Hair Congress. Just a couple of photos showing the crowd attending on twitter.

2014 was the first year, we gathered funding and I got to go and interview some key researchers and recorded a whole bunch of presentations. That year was a game changer. We realised Lauster team is still continuing their research despite being silent for 5 years. Cotsarelis is merely a research nuffy with no real interest in releasing a product and Got a whole bunch of info about Replicel, Jahoda’s 3d spheres, etc.

In 2015, Hellouser got permission to sit down and do one on one interviews with the top researchers in the field and brought back a whole host of information previously not known. We even got to ask some burning questions which were unanswered.

Spencer Kobren running BTT had been saying for years that he is not interested in the Hair Congress because it's too scientific with very little insight into forecasting. But the amount of information we gathered made him regret what he's been saying all along. In 2016, the hammered down hard on preventing us to organise funding to send Hellouser, threads mentioning hair congress were being deleted instantly and accounts were deactivated to stop ppl mentioning the hair congress and that was when we all migrated here.

Having one of us there is definitely worth while especially from now till 2020 as every year from now a promising treatment is about to be released.

Just look back at the amount of info we gathered in the previous years.
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In 2016, the hammered down hard on preventing us to organise funding to send Hellouser, threads mentioning hair congress were being deleted instantly and accounts were deactivated to stop ppl mentioning the hair congress and that was when we all migrated here.
Woah woah woah why in the f*** would the admins deactivate accounts and delete threads just for that? Is this a conspiracy? If it is...im all in, let's start an uprising I'll attack the non balds main camp who will stand with me!?


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Woah woah woah why in the f*** would the admins deactivate accounts and delete threads just for that? Is this a conspiracy? If it is...im all in, let's start an uprising I'll attack the non balds main camp who will stand with me!?
The origin of the planet of the balds
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