watching the hockey game the other night..


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10 said your maternal grandad's brothers are good AND your grandma's brothers are good? What then do you have to worry about? You grandad will not be thinning if his brothers aren't, at least not likely. It would be wierd if he was the only one out of 3 or 4 kids who was balding.

Edit Your chart is FVCKING amazing, enough that it makes me want to hate you...because my chart is sh1tty.

Pateral side:

Dad: NW3 at 60

All of his brothers are at the same level except maybe 1 or 2 who have diffuse thinning but they aren't bald yet.

Maternal side:

Yeah...maternal uncles (Age 55+) are NW8 as well as my maternal grandad. I mean Jesus Christ...even my uncles son (who would be my cousin) is almost a NW7 and he's 20 years old...fvcking 20 years old...but he's always been fat and lazy so, I'm a little not surprised. He was also born with a learning disorder but I don't think that should be of any relevance.

I'm a NW2 with mild thinning (no scalp showing but you can tell the hair on top is a little worse than my side/back) but with good styling it looks decent. Lets hope I maintain or get better.


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The thing is, if you can't get any other pictures of your maternal grandad than I don't know what to tell you. Maybe he didn't like getting pictures taken of himself. Search your grandma's house or something.


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ive seen some from their wedding day when he was 27, his hairline was about the same as mine, with no widows peak, and no temporal peaks, i also have seen one with him drinking a beer in a lawn char, looked about a Norwood 2, but with no temporal peaks, is that male pattern baldness when someone doesnt have those? his hair doesnt appear thin or thinning by any means, just Norwood 2 recession with no temporal peaks


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And at 27? You're good to go then, Kerzguy. With that many full-headed men in your family, and the worst thing you can think of a is maternal grandad who possibly thinned past the age of 27 (which is probably a dumb theory anyway as male pattern baldness usually starts at the end of puberty), you have nothing really to worry about. If you are still worried then none of us can help you. We just judge based on what we see and from what we see, you are good and there is nothing out there that will give you more hair besides a transplant for a NW1 look. That is all. Do not waste your money on finasteride or minoxidil.


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im not upset over a Norwood 2, like, before i joined here, i didnt know what a nw2 even was, so can understand i had it embedded into me that it was baldness, and i was like wtf, how can it be no one is bald, then i joined here, and found out but that stuff, and i understand its normal, i personally wouldnt like a Norwood 1, i just find that my widows peak accentuates a balding look, but thnx for ur patience, most others hate me and would probably like to see me die of gonnerhea and rot in hell on these forums


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Your 19... I thought your were 27 for some reason. I can understand why you worry so much, although if your family history is really as good as you say it is then I wouldn't worry.


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I know plenty examples of men who start balding at 27 or later , including me.
This forum is an exception because there are mostly younger guys who are more worried about their appearance/getting women than the 30-40+ crowd.


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Kerzyguy, if you are so worried about going bald at least get your doctor to administer the hairdx test to see if you are likely to go bald. If you have the gene or high risk to bald then have them do the test to see if you respond to Propecia. Your obsession and paranoia is getting so out of hand. For 200 dollars you can get peace of mind. I contacted Hairdx and they said any doctor can administer the test. I am going to get my doctor to do it for me. I wish it was available before I started Propecia. I know about your obsession with your hair because I have the same problem. As Cassin pointed out and I have before, you have BDD. I wonder if your parents are aware that you have such paranoia. I openly admit I have BDD to co-workers and family. Just because you have no family members that are bald is no guarantee you will keep all your hair. I come from a family of alot of bald people yet I pretty much have a full head of hair and my hairline looks as good as yours and I am WAY WAY older than you. You could be the opposite of me. You come from a family with no baldness and yet you unfortunately will be the exception. Take the test. Its worth it.


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...200 dollars for a gene test?

Yeah no thnx. I mean, I already know I'm thinning so, such a thing would be stupid for me. THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED KERZ, you will have even better knowledge with this (assuming this test isn't a bullshit one) than seeing what your maternal grandad was like at 60.


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well ill look into it, oh well, least i think i can pull of a bald head


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kerzyguy + GGXX = BFF *evil laugh* (almost same amount of post)

your not f*****g balding and even if you were no one will notice till your like 35

nice my space pictures by the way

bet youll have same hairline for years to come

you want to see someone young blading go look at youngtraveller

and PS sorry to be so blunt but its not like keeping your hair will help your face lol sorry guys just that it annoys the f*** out of me how many post he puts up....this is a male pattern baldness forum...wana read real male pattern baldness topics and hear from people who are really going bald...any one else think just a tiny bit he's wasteing our and his time?

was i too mean? sorry = \ i know iam an *** blah blah blah


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lol little harsh, i already know im an ugly bastard, dont need that pointed jerk


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Kerzguy being ugly and hair having no impact on overall appearance (even if you meant just on him) are dumb statement. I do not need to elaborate on that.


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kerzyguy i was was an see if GGXX would come back you up all quick like.....he is her forum bff....cute

kerzyguy idk if ur ugly....iam a dude...dont really see other you look like a freind of mine with same hairline (scary) and this guy gets like laid every week...different girl

what iam try to say is....your fine dude hair and all....GO LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!!

its still annoy your not balding and here posting it up...other then that have no problem with ya


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kerzyguy said:
clearly can tell im not a nw1, but a nw2, also mind the goofy hair, i gelled it so u could see the hairline

why are there so many people on this forum that do not have hair loss? you kids are crazy.


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Death said:
kerzyguy i was was an see if GGXX would come back you up all quick like.....he is her forum bff....cute
Being a man's boyfriend =/= being honest on a community forum, and I guess you somehow expect people to know when you are joking and not, all while you're trolling. :/

Finally I'm not saying the following is true, but if you're not getting laid so much (if at all) like your friend is, and you're upset about it, I don't know where you get the nerve to talk sh1t about other people suffering from similar issues. Maybe you need to realize what kind of forum this is and the reason people find this place.